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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. I got that impression too.
  2. Hope it will be quiet this week!
  3. Sorry you weren’t able to make it Malcolm. The weather forecast for tomorrow morning looks atrocious though. Hope our paths will cross during another trip.
  4. At our recent AGM there was some chat about the interior woodwork getting a bit tatty and getting a quote from someone to do it, so Graham suggested that he have a go at one area to see if other members think it’s up to standard before doing any more. He used to do quite a bit of woodwork when he was younger. It would cost us an arm and a leg to get Brooms to do it. It’s not the sort of thing they cover within our contract.
  5. Yay! We are back on Moonlight Shadow for the next fortnight. Harry is with us this time, and Seren of course. We haven’t done any cruising as yet as we weren’t very quick getting away this morning, and we stopped off for brunch at La Hogue farm shop. Got to the boat before 1, dumped our stuff on the boat and then drove off to Hoveton. Graham wanted to go to a chandlery to get some yacht varnish, and unfortunately Brian Wards in Brundall is closed Saturday. I thought it would be a nice change to do our food shop in Roy’s. The sun has just gone down a few moments ago and we had a lovely sunset, or would have done had we been on our old mooring.
  6. What’s the chance of us getting in at Horning the beginning of November? We did it once before years ago (in March, possibly?) but only stayed for lunch.
  7. If it doesn’t look too busy we might try Ranworth next week, or the week after. I’m not generally keen on being stern moored like sardines, but we’ve done that several times out of season at Loddon without problems.
  8. Lovely to hear from you again! Hope you have a good week in December. I’ve been looking at the weather forecast for the weekend (we are arriving Saturday) and it’s looking a bit soggy for Saturday and windy for Sunday! Great, just what we need. I shouldn’t moan though, when I think of people affected by the recent rain and floods.
  9. I don't mind the people noise, kids having fun on the beach is a lovely noise, it's the noise of the engines from ribs and jet skis that I dislike.
  10. Tacking up or down the Ant in a rag 'n stick is a bit challenging. We once got well and truly stuck in a tree a bend or two above How Hill and had to be towed off. Those were the days before Hunter's Yard installed Torqeedos on some of their boats.
  11. When we go to stay with my father in law in the summer, Trearddur Bay is rammed with them. His house is part way up the hill and not directly overlooking the bay, but the noise from them is ridiculous.
  12. Thanks for posting. I see that the deadline for responses to this is 1st November.
  13. Good to hear a recommendation. I noticed the Falgate had changed hands recently, so likely to be one of those places judged by not such good reviews from previous ownership. One of the things that annoys me about review sites is not wiping the slate clean when the ownership/management changes. It’s unfair! That’s why I never judge a place just by the ‘score’.
  14. Does that mean we should book a mooring if we want to go to Beccles next week? I wouldn't normally bother in November. I've heard that it's super busy this week, but then it is half term. I was expecting it to be very quiet next week.
  15. Glad to hear you’ve made the move. Some busy days ahead whilst you sort yourselves out. Don’t overdo it, get out now and again and start enjoying your new neighbourhood.
  16. Good to hear the town are investing in the yacht station.
  17. Hope you are all recovering well. Don't fall over the dogs Vanessa! Helen
  18. Yes, I remember kids going around begging for ‘penny for the guy’ around 5th November. It’s a shame that our older traditions seem to have been overtaken. I’m sure the younger generation haven’t a clue that trick or treat is just an import.
  19. We’ve been advised that the BCBM managed syndicate boats can use the Wroxham pilot.
  20. We’ll be on Moonlight Shadow from Saturday. Never done trick or treat, not even when the kids were little. In the late 80s it felt like a very new import from the US and not a concept we wanted to support. In fact, Graham goes so far as to put a no trick or treat notice on our front door each year. Party poopers? Maybe. The whole idea of it seems weird to us.
  21. How can we tell by this vessel's appearance whether its a leisurely cruise or someone who has a specific destination?
  22. Well, it's possible that he might have arranged a winter mooring somewhere on the Ant. A lot of canal based boaters do that: continuously cruise spring, summer and autumn and then hunker down on electric in a yard mooring for winter.
  23. Nooooo! Don't wish for another storm, not when we are about to come up to the Broads! It was windy enough that day when you came to say hello at Irstead.
  24. Hmm, I'm wondering if we should revise our plans to go up north when we are next on Moonlight Shadow (from Sat 30th Oct to 12th Nov). We were thinking of going north on Tuesday or Wednesday the first week, as after that slack water is too close to or after sunset. Unless we are prepared to do our first ever night nav (possibly not a good idea given there's a new moon on the 4th), we won't be able to return south until Tuesday or Wednesday the following week. We need to get back to Brundall by Friday morning, so we would have a few days to make the passage back south. What do people think? Should we be fine?
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