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Everything posted by Ray

  1. Difficulty with clear navigation seems to be a bit of a blind spot with the BA at times.....
  2. Very high tide this morning, another tank trap gone and the last one won't be far behind it. Bits of the carpark falling into the sea as you watch and I believe the next fisherman's hut is in danger. Meanwhile the lifeboat was out just of shore, looked like a search pattern but of course an exercise would look the same.
  3. I see what you mean, it does sound possible!
  4. Interesting point, as far as I know any sediment deposits are only what have washed downstream, sand from the sea isn't deposited upstream. That's my understanding anyway, happy to be corrected.
  5. The Dog Inn, of course 😁, were also fantastic with dogs, they even had dog beds you could put down by your table... Danni appreciated this very much 🐾
  6. The 2nd half of the base to the fisherman's hut that was moved went last night Chris... that's about 8 feet gone in 6 weeks and it's not even winter yet! The rate of loss here seems to be accelerating as the Bacton sand is accumulating on the spit causing the tide to cut in behind it which is what is taking out the carpark rapidly.
  7. Loved that, thanks for posting, it's fascinating 👍
  8. That was bad luck, at least the third party and the marina both acted well and responsibly. Hope it's soon fixed.
  9. Ray

    Scamming Page

    Not seeing it on android mobile
  10. You've probably already checked this out... but just in case, the Broom Owners Club I believe have details and manuals on most variations. https://www.broomowners.com/
  11. White, no sugar... many thanks 👍
  12. Burgh Castle = Borough or Burr? Who makes the next coffee is at stake here... so it's serious! 😁
  13. ... and devolved powers I believe.
  14. Another vote here for having a survey ✓
  15. Beautiful image, stunning! 👍
  16. This year was the first time I can remember turning up to find no mooring left at all, although for obvious reasons it was far from an ordinary year! One thing about Stokesby is that it's a good spot to moor if crossing Breydon the next day and also a good place to stop if you've just crossed South to North If slack at Yarmouth is 1pm for example, then those traveling South have left and those traveling North haven't arrived giving you a better chance from midday until 2pm. It's not an exact science lol but you probably will find a spot on most days anyway 👍
  17. Thank you, they are on my must visit list now 👍
  18. Is the Fur and Feathers dog friendly do you know please?
  19. Gauges lie lol I guess there are certain circumstances where individual 'requirements' vary.. we mostly work on the "better safe than sorry" principle. I admire the.. um, constitution, of those able to manage a fortnight between pump outs, delicacy forbids further enquiry lol
  20. Sounds like you had a wonderful time, great photos and a lovely way to tell your holiday tale 🥂
  21. Best wishes, good to hear they are looking after you 👍
  22. As the previous owner of a boat with varnished topsides, UV is an expensive and constant enemy!
  23. It's a good job they invented blinds... otherwise it would be curtains for everyone.
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