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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. I'll be heading for the boat tomorrow afternoon for a weekend at the ferryhouse, not seen it since mid october so batteries will need a plugin and charge, need to put pipe lagging in the main engine bay air intakes to keep temperature in their better, I'll check the forecast to decide if it gets any antifreeze when I leave it but will definately be leaving taps open. No point staying at home when the only I'd use doesn't do food so shut. I'm hoping I can use it over Christmas.
  2. If they leave reedham open the operators can't get off or back on...
  3. Boat ovens are simple to use, chuck the bread in there and go to the pub for main food, the oven makes a good storage cupboard and the pubs are still there for next time.
  4. Surely the fact he walked away with relatively minor injuries says there's no need for any changes, all the safety features worked, hurtling round at high speed with hot engines and fuel will never be fully safe, nothing in life is.
  5. Of course they will, how silly of me..... I have a spare bottle in the garden so will see if I can get an old size bottle from the local tool hire place tomorrow as a spare, with my spare bottle on board that will give me 18 months to worry about it at least. You can't rush a good job, so there's certainly no point rushing a crap job!
  6. I suppose the propane bottles will be changing as well just to really stuff things up......
  7. Probably going to have to, I can never remember which is the better option and what is involved, I assume regulator and jets.
  8. Not a hope in my gas locker! The base is moulded to fit so that alone makes it another inch higher and means they will move around at sea, my spare has to shuffle under an edge and won't do it with handle up now, how many gas lockers on boats use the same system, lots I would have thought. Well done calor, to keep it nautical "bunch of anchors". (sounds like)
  9. Wicken lode is always worth a trip as you feel you are winding your way up a hill and back down on the return run, all on a flat waterway, very strange.
  10. I would suggest live with it as is for a season as once you are using it you will probably change plans as to the best options, if you jump straight in to changes it's not as easy to go back.
  11. Oh crap, my gas locker is tight enough as it is, what are the equivalent options? Flogas any good?
  12. Not any more, the kinks squished him. You git it'll take all day to get that tune out of my head now.
  13. Why marine ply? Is it outside? There's far cheaper options plenty good enough for inside a river boat.
  14. That is a reason to avoid the Ely section, the rowers are a right PITA on the cam above baits bite lock, not so much PITA more downright militant in their full ownership of the river (as they seem to think), I guess there will be lots of that around Ely next summer. If you go for it and stop around St.Neots I highly recommend a visit to the Ale Taster if you like a good choice of real ales.
  15. All non tidal locks unmanned on gt.ouse, hermitage lock to denver sluice including river lark,river wissey,little ouse has no locks, a couple on the cam into cambridge. Ely end is very straight and uninspiring but earith to bedford is absolutely lovely, st.ives bridge beats PH hands down for looks and you can get most boats under it. As mentioned goba is worth joining for use of their moorings, great chandlery/marina at st.ives. Pumpout facilities few and far between so quite a few sea toilets still in use, river vastly quieter than the broads so sea toilet use not such a problem, no electric points at public moorings that I know of unless they have appeared in last 8 years. Nav authority is EA who make the BA looks like gods in their complete ineptitude to operate a navigation, annual licence also dearer than broads not that there's any regular checks or rangers.
  16. Smoggy


    I don't get the blue/white led Christmas light thing, they just make it feel colder than it is, red, green, and yellow at least lift your mood and make it feel warmer.
  17. You missed out your closest one Andy, Sheerline are still building at Thorpe.
  18. Smoggy


    What is the expiry date on medical grade ppe? Would it still be useable.
  19. But st.bennetts moorings are an open public space and being on a boat is recreation, definately not my business.
  20. I'm still not sure why anyone has taken any notice whatsoever of what the BA or real NP's issue as guidance over what the gov have announced as law. If I was close to my boat I would have been using it within gov rules, as I'm 100 miles away I've stayed away by choice as I can't justify the trip to myself without an overnight stay, if needed I will be doing the trip in december to check it over and make sure it's ok for jan/feb as I can see that all going to crap yet once the morons start the Christmas parties.
  21. Eberspacher call it hydronic IIRC. Basically a regular eber burner with water heat exchanger instead of blown air, yes they can do hot water to run through a calorifier or radiators but wether they would be up to both I don't know. You would need a separate circulation pump I would imagine which would all eat into your available amps.
  22. It is plumbed into the coolant circuit (closed side not raw side), exhaust should be fairly cold after the first elbow as that is where the raw water is injected on it's way out.
  23. A standard hot water tank IS a calorifier. Mine has a fair trail to the engine and works fine, only thing is you can thermosyphon heat back to the engine when stopped causing it to cool faster, my starboard engine alway warms up quicker after a night plugged in as it's warmer to start with, not sure how to get round this without having to shut valves each time.
  24. The lebara deal is 1000mins/texts without going through MSE, still a fiver though, I'm happy with it for the 2gb data.
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