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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. If you'd called in "wine bar" you'd have her as a lodger.
  2. Must of been a tight squeeze.
  3. Enjoy! But hold your breath past the sugar beet factory on the wissey. The ends of the smaller rivers are lovely but can be a bit like a ditch on the lower stretches as much of them were man made, there's roman and monastic bits so everyone in the last 2000 years has played with them. If you can get under the bridge at Brandon creek the guy just up there always used to be cheap for diesel.
  4. As a wee bratling we had a mature apple tree that always fruited well, then we got a goat... The goat could climb the tree better than me or my sister and had a taste for apple tree bark, when we moved the tree was long dead, the goat also ate a shed and an 8x4 sheet of polythene... One time my old man came back from the pub Sunday lunchtime and threatened to cut the grass shortly after he flipped the wheelbarrow around and sat in it while he had a cup of tea and rolled a fag, when he woke up the dog had drunk his tea and the goat had ate his baccy..... If you need a plant dispatching get a goat, nothing survives.
  5. What did the family do to deserve shooting? Short list will do.
  6. I've hacked a Budleigh down to ground level and had a bonfire on the spot a good few times, it's still doing fine.
  7. That was my plan but beer and rum made me do it, honesht occifer.
  8. So when do we get to see the piccies of you in your new school uniform then?
  9. You gotta love chinglish descriptions.
  10. At the start of the first lockdown the last thing I discovered on closing the boat up was a knackered bilge pump, just what was needed! I nipped the stern glands up a bit till drips stopped and got a replacement ordered and told my boss any van jobs in Norfolk were mine, luckily it wasn't that long before I had a genuine reason to be driving very close to the marina and there was no way I wasn't dropping in to sort it.
  11. The angel does a breakfast and they only use locally sourced stuff (so you won't get beans), they also do albion stout.
  12. The paddle wheel speed logs are notoriously unreliable and often inaccurate, I took mine out when I did my dash upgrade and just use chart plotter or tablet for gps speed (sog).
  13. You send a woman to do a man's job..... Well done anyway for getting that far girls, for me to look up a footy score on the way down the river is some achievement, it will never happen for the blokes game. Right now off to hide.....
  14. Having just met a crew of HW hirers in the nelly at reedham that crossed breydon today and got to go back oop norf tomorrow I can see the appeal of a one way hire, they only did it to tick the box. I had to break the bad news of the early start required to best do the trip.
  15. You'd be OK at floating pontoon moorings but that would be very limiting, I'm thinking dutch tea gardens, oulton broad, hardly mill, white heron, beccles lido, can't think of any others except private marinas, even the upper reaches have a good rise and fall.
  16. In fairness to batrabill the broads are pretty crap, especially the southern broads with its huge tides and currents and the sea monsters in breydon water, stay away is the best advice.....
  17. The knee could be an issue on the southern rivers, tidal range makes getting on and off much more variable height wise.
  18. Lh Jones on great ouse has always had a busy sale line.
  19. I'll be coming past this afternoon or tomorrow, what speed do I have to beat?
  20. One of the things we did did when we first started leaving Tina at home on her own for any length of time was wear and old t-shirt under everything for a couple of days to get them proper mum and dad stinky and put them over some old cushions on her bed so as well as her own smell she also had our smell, when we first adopted her we took a blanket to put on her bed for a week at the rescue centre so when we took her home it was already her bed.
  21. Do you take her home bed with you?
  22. As someone that really couldn't give a flying fig (I think that's the word) about football I have to say a big well done to the girls and genuinely hope they go on to take the trophy home. As for the mens world cup, I have paint drying to watch......
  23. For woodie resto's the horror pics are just as good as the pretty pics, they show just what you have taken on and how much determination must be involved. They also remind lazy gits like me the value of grp.
  24. That's looking good, it should fly with 20hp on the back.
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