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Everything posted by Cheesey69

  1. I use an old smart phone with no sim card in running an app for speed and distance, attached to the windscreen by a cheap holder.
  2. We will. Especially now we got a paraffin heater that works well and is clean. Apart from lockdown last year it was battery usage that knocked us back. Fine if we could get a hook up but you lose that little bit of freedom if you’re looking for power.
  3. It appears that now we have left the EU, there was a law stopping credit card companies passing on credit card usage fees at point of sale. Visa decided to take advantage of us leaving. Amazon said no. That’s why you can still use debit card using visa network The ban isn’t on in Europe. According to money expert on LBC
  4. There's been as hot summers since then. 1995 drier than '76, 2003,2006 and 2018 as hot as. see the pattern? 350 years to wait for 1976.
  5. the oil may have moved on but your engine has not. Modern stuff is just too thin, too clean and full of other magic not even thought of in the 70's. I don't know the exact oil you need but I use what was around at the time of production for my BMC 1.5 , I use Morris 20w50.
  6. Also looking at old films, people seemed more willing to double moor.
  7. Not the answer your looking for but I just fill watering can with anti freeze and undo top of raw water filter and pour while engine running.
  8. Hey, if someone is overtaken me, then it’s down to them to do it right! seriously, got a hgv set I’m thinking of sticking on but until then I’ve got the mrs to yell at me!
  9. Or how does providing private moorings compare to profits made from a hire fleet? After seeing the number of boatyards converted, I was just wondering if the margins are higher?
  10. Only when switched off but then I don’t mind the smell!
  11. It’s a square thing with all the safety features. Auto shut off when tilted, flame behind glass, metal gauze heating and battery start. It has a detachable fuel tank that allows remote refuelling. coupled with the boats own carbon monoxide alarm and in built vents. we use the boats own heater when moving and the paraffin when moored because it’s cheaper to run and of course, power free.
  12. We did it but with lots of precautions. safety factor. Ice on the decks. we’ve got a flattie which is ideal because moving about and getting out for mooring is easy. Quay headings are a nightmare for slips. saving water is easy because no one is having showers! Water is harder to come by. Those public taps are in hibernation. we’ve got a paraffin heater now so that we drain less from batteries. mains hook ups help but you can’t rely on getting one.
  13. Can only be salty water. the water circuit enough in a hot marina. just a guess
  14. Used to keep our boat in one of their marinas on the Medway. Expensive. Very expensive.
  15. I upset a boat owner once by going straight in when someone left. got furious shouting, horn action and gestures by some boat that I thought was about to mud weight. Did not know there was a ticket system in operation. my bad.
  16. I suppose the idea of burning someone alive just because they were going to blow up parliament too much in this day and age! so now it’s demanding money with menaces! Blame the film ET for introducing the idea to the Uk big time. Now we’ve got a paraffin heater to keep us warmer we will be out and about
  17. Just heard on the radio record numbers booking foreign travel with Spain in the lead. A bad summer let old Blighty down with the more traditional weather.
  18. Take it from me, the term “rights” is a flexible thing with a government with the size of this majority. not being political but only yesterday this government had its emergency powers nodded through for another 6 months. As parliament is sovereign, any rights can really be changed if there is a will. Just a thought
  19. Oh and not the vaccine. No matter what they say, we was still in the EU when it was invented. Members states could op out of the EU shared purchase scheme. What we did.
  20. Well, we go this angle then. Name the rules imposed on us that damaged our country. I’ll get a few of the easy ones off the table. Freedom of movement. Nope. We had control over that by limiting time but we chose not to. Metric system. Nope our choice to impose that. Blue passports. Nope. Countries could choose any colour. We chose red. European army. Nope. Just a discussion point. Needed 100% member agreement at least. over to you.
  21. It must be remembered that pure diesel has water naturally present in it. given time and enough fill ups every tank will develop a layer of water. All our back up generator packs have a drain plug in. you would be surprised at what comes out.
  22. Being policed is great; until it’s you being policed.
  23. So after spending a second day at the yacht station the wind really picked up making stern on mooring a bloody nightmare. So I did notice an over reliance on the bow thrusters that to be frank, weren’t man enough for the job resulting in frantic whining, jets of water and not much else as the boats just went with the wind. Still maintain that a short powerful burst of the main can work wonders.
  24. Voice of reason there. But if the Bloomberg article is correct, wind power failed to fill in the shortages some days in august . So if an all electric future is on the cards, I’d rather build nuclear
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