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Everything posted by floydraser

  1. I wonder if hire companies are going to get fed up with their boats coming back with this grit all over the boat?
  2. I had a pair of Cotton Traders summer trainers which were excellent but for the elastic laces which had one of those plastic clips which were supposed to keep them tight, but didn't. I'll also try again but tie them normally this time?
  3. Skechers are currently marketing slip ins. The TV advert seems to suggest that modern youngsters living their busy lives don't have time to bend down and put their shoes on. Nothing about old 'uns who struggle though, but then they're probably too sensible to shell out £95.
  4. Or maybe alive and well and you'll find him at a classic tractor or lorry show with boxes of old stock parts.
  5. I've just watched the article. Well there you go. If ever you wondered if the message was getting through, it is. Dr Packman was showing a very thick skin though and deflecting blame towards others is not great leadership. Duncan Baker mentioned constituents. From his point of view I would think he could do with Dr Packman going either before the local elections or just before the next general election. Well done BRAG; congratulations on achieving so much in a short space of time. A well formulated strategy at last. My guess remains though: It'll all be allowed to blow over quietly then Dr Packman will decide to retire, and try to do so with a degree of dignity.
  6. You are correct I think, that they will soon be in need of financial support. I'm sure they would be pleased to hear from you and anyone else with cash to spare for the cause and by all means mention it here but please don't suggest anyone not prepared to chip in doesn't support the movement.
  7. I respectfully disagree Vaughan. BRAG in whatever form is presently the best place to discuss tactics for the wanted reform. Discussion in other places just spreads out the information. This forum is perfect just as it is; well moderated and good content. Please let us not return to the old BA bashing days. Oh dear, I appear to have run out of ink....
  8. I've had a look around and I think the most likely next step is that BRAG will become a website with managed membership. I really hope they carry on their excellent work in one form or another. I really didn't think it would last this long before the infighting had such an effect. To their great credit the comittee members have always been fairly quick to subdue things and constructive criticism was accepted with a degree of humility. I guess they finally got overwhelmed.
  9. Dunno. Ask the bloke who sets the time for automatic lights in toilets. On second thoughts, maybe not....
  10. I think if credit rating is important to you it's possible to appeal and get it changed. Makes no odds to me but someone round here had a shock when their rating was severely downgraded. But then the neighbour next door in a rented house had been "accidentally" putting the wrong delivery address on online purchases. Soon got it changed back. People who sell you money love you if you're daft enough.
  11. This reminds me of the "Lettuce Pushers" - supermarket lorry drivers who start at 01.00hrs and deliver mostly fresh produce; light stuff. They would set these Eberspachers to come on at 00.30 and 25 degrees! Any driver running late from the afternoon was likely to get roasted as they drove along the motorway! The controls of course, out of reach when driving.
  12. I think the subject here is to do with degrees of safety; you could argue that it's not actually safe for an able bodied person to be on a boat as there is always a degree of risk getting on and off. It's far safer to stay on dry land. That said, if someone in a wheelchair has the support around them to do it then fair enough. Going back to FF's original comment though, a loose surface in a fairly remote location introduces another level of risk.
  13. We care for someone we know and love and that involves a wheelchair as they can't do steps. Ever heard an elderly relative say, "I don't like to be a bother."? If/when my time comes I would not want to burden my loved ones with having to carry my ageing *ss on to a small boat. Larger and commercial boats have ramps etc to make them accessible. I think some of you need to chill out; FF is just voicing his own opinion. I have always said from the time I bought my first boat that I'm having one now before I'm too old to climb onto it. It's also why we intend to make the most of our full mobility once Mrs Raser retires next month.
  14. Cheapest and safest, and probably best for drainage. Safest (of the cheap options that is) because it won't get slippery after a downpour. And you thought the BA didn't care.... It will however, stick to your shoes more after a downpour.
  15. I wonder if new plastic boats are any better insulated? Sadly, unless Ernie blesses me I'll never find out. My caravan is 12 years old and the advertising blurb said it is insulated to British Standard something or other so I could theoretically camp in January, hang out a string of pennons and forever after, bore everyone rigid with tales of how I went camping in 4ft of snow. I've just found the foam under the floor as I've fitted an electric mover and had to drill through it. It's feasable that new boats may have had their internal surfaces sprayed with foam too.
  16. One of the best souces of safety information are internet forums where you can get the benefit of genuine experience. When I hired a narrow dayboat for the family last year I gave them a safety briefing based on what I had read here, and mooring ropes were always stored safely. I trust my grandchildren will remember the emphasis on safety for when it's their turn to be Captain.
  17. An attempt at a bit of perspective: Aren't quay headings for boats? So why repair them if you're agenda is to get rid of boats? In the big scheme of things how long will it be before they need repairing/replacing after this? Is it really therefore, that much of an inconvenience? Anyone fancy the job in January? I was happy in the air conditioned drawing office thanks.
  18. So there's a shortage of moorings, strangers have confirmed it. So shall we provide more to benefit the area? No, because now we know they're a rare comodity we can charge for the ones we already have thank you. Brilliant. In the first example above the boatyard has clearly failed to manage the expectations of the hirers. These were probably people who would normally go abroad to be fair but even so, the opportunity to impress has now been lost. And on top of that, they have taken to social media where more damage is caused. I'm afraid some businesses around Norfolk need dragging into the 21st century.
  19. Go down St Mary's Lane to the ice cream cottage then walk alongside the river back up to the old mill. Unless you don't like ice cream of course. Or walking. Just a suggestion for a nice afternoon in "Chooksbry".
  20. I don't think the moderators are going to bother you for posting links to other reports Vaughan but as sure as eggs is eggs, past history shows that someone at some point would have been insensitive. Thanks for posting the original link.
  21. Yes it is, and to me this indicates he is rattled. Would have been better for him to keep quiet. By doing this he's made it more newsworthy and drawn attention to the fact that someone is having a go at him. Of course it could also be something to do with the "Pinnie Brigade" as we used to refer to them; secret handshakes, daggers at the breast and all that. Although after his last do with the police he may well have overstayed his welcome at the lodge too. Let's hope so.
  22. While it's great that we can comment freely on forums, I think it best that anything resembling a suggestion for action should be put to the BRAG fb page.
  23. Whatever the legal ins and outs it'll be very interesting to see what the BA do next over Griff. I've always maintained that JP is a very clever bloke, and he is, but there are signs that BRAG has finally got him rattled and I can see chinks in his armour as it were.
  24. I've just seen that via a link from the BRAG FB page. Very interesting, I didn't know that JP was selected for the job by DEFRA. I'm guessing they'll try and manage the situation so that history may record that he retired gracefully after a long career.
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