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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. I always hate to be negative about any pub but the Ferry is certainly one I don't rush to go in. Sorry to hear about Dave's experience.
  2. No worries Peter. I like the sentiments expressed in this thread too!
  3. I would agree with the comments already made. I imagine they will have quite a few temporary staff and it just depends who they have doing the cooking and serving on the day. It should be OK later on in the season as it will be a bit quieter I would imagine. Same for the beer – it’s OK but I wouldn’t go turning cartwheels in the car park. Do let us know how you get on though!
  4. I think if you are looking for specific boat for next year, probably best to book now!
  5. Well done Richardsons, that is good news indeed. That should have a knock on effect and hopefully boost other Broads businesses too. Incidentaly Swancraft have boosted bookings for next year too so the outlook looks rosy, long may it continue
  6. Hmmm…… definitely a bit harder Hmmmm......
  7. They certainly did! Birthplace of Humpty Dumpty I do believe
  8. is this any good Griff? Just click on the "Show All" under the smilies and you get some more - even Crimble ones!
  9. Hi Keith I would hazard a guess that it’s the greatly lamented Railway Tavern at Reedham, sadly now turned into flats!
  10. Hi Carol Many thanks for the Flickr link - some fascinating photos there. Trevor - this is a photo of yours truly outside the Loaves and Fishes - probably in the late 70's. It was something of an oasis as not many pubs on the Broads sold real ale back then.
  11. Yep, sorry forgot about them. Be a lot cheaper than FL! Herbert Woods don't hire in Dec or Jan. Barnes Brinkcraft might but I'm not sure. Royalls stopped Christmas hire a few years ago now.
  12. Good quiz Keith. Any more?
  13. Fascinatng stuff as always Carol, please keep 'em coming! Do you have any more of the old railway? I assume that it carried on over the bridge which you can still see at Geldeston?
  14. Faircraft Loynes do, but be prepared to dig fairly deep! December is fantastic time to be out though.
  15. Hmmmmm...Moonraker was in the fleet up to and including the 2010 brochure but not the 2011 so I'm guessing it was pre 2011? Location, guessing again could it be Stalham? I'm wondering if it was Griff's launching bash?????
  16. Fair point Spider, can I just say I've been a member here for quite a while and find it a very friendly place. We also have quite a few businesses on here including the biggest boatyard on the Broads )
  17. Good advice Mark. I ventured up Geldeston Dyke a couple of years ago and had difficulty turning even with bow thrusters. It seems to have become more overgrown in recent years. The Locks arm is fine.
  18. The Locks is one of the best pubs on the system IMHO The rise and fall of tide is quite bit at Beccles, so at high tide you might have only about 6' 6' but this will increase to around 8' 6' at low tide. As others have said be careful not to get stuck on a rising tide!
  19. I must say that I tend to favour Haddiscoe – as Peter says the river looks too wide to be Aldeby. The viaduct piers look more like Haddiscoe although the signal box appears to be on the outside of the bend in the river in Carol’s photo although it seems to be on the inside on these recent ones. Most intriguing.
  20. Lovely pub, pretty much unspoilt and dates back several centuries I believe. Hope it can reopen soon.
  21. I'm very much afraid Dave may well be right
  22. Keith's comments are spot on - the longer term prospects for both establishments are directed down the residential route I'm afraid, unless a white knight can come forward.
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