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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. Humpty Dumpty, Humpty Dumpty and Humpty Dumpty MM
  2. Well looks like the Berney Arms is being advertised for sale. http://www.twgaze.co.uk/licensed-trade/ (You need to click on search) It’s privately owned along with the Beauchamp, so one wonders if that might be next?
  3. Hi Mandy Just reading your point about the dogs. Its usually milder in December than say January or February but beware of frost as some places can freeze up, particularly a couple of places you mentioned – Loddon and Gays staithe. Ranworth freezes up very quickly as does the Ant above Barton. If sub zero temperatures are forecast it is best not to moor in these places overnight – best to stick to the main river to avoid getting frozen in! Having said all of this we have found the boat heating perfectly adequate in winter. Keep warm in the pub during the evening and under the duvet at night, snug as a bug. We have never had the heating on overnight, just switch it on in the morning and the boat soon heats through.
  4. Hi Mandy Our favoured watering point in winter is Reedham. Although they take the hoses away in winter the water is left on, you just need a short length of hose to take with you. If you are feeling very energetic you can fill up with a bucket and funnel (been there, got the T shirt). The water is left on all year at Ranworth. Also Horning Marina Services and Ludham Bridge services are open in the winter and we have found them very helpful. We have had water at Moonfleet too – again very helpful. Goodchilds should have water on all year but never used them. Oulton Broad Yacht station is open in winter (mornings only) but I can’t remember if they turn the water off or not. I have also had water from outside the pilots office in Potter Heigham in the past. It also helps to be a bit frugal with the water if you can, not too many showers!!
  5. This is real December cruising weather!
  6. There is/was but I think its closed again. Shame, shops on the Yare are sparse to say the least!
  7. Hate to contradict Peter but Bridge Inn closed last year on Christmas day although several pubs do open. We have been out mid December now for quite a few years. It's brilliant, very quiet, the main to watch for is water as availibilty is a bit limited although not a major problem. Enjoy!
  8. Looks a good publication and certainly highlights the wide range of attractions the Broads has to offer. Nice one
  9. Ha ha, Grace, yes indeed, a very clever and knowledgeable bridge
  10. Potter Heigham Bridge has started Tweeting! A very helpful daily update gives the current bridge height which looks to be a useful resource. The prospects at the moment don’t look too good however! @PotterBridge Some of the stuff on Twitter can be a bit banal but there are some informative and interesting established contributors on there including Carol’s Broadland Memories and the Museum of the Broads which are well worth following.
  11. Hi Mike I do know that Swancraft are building one - to be Swan Romance - a 5 berth based on an Alpha 35 forward drive hull. I did a post on it a couple of months ago, I'll try to find the link.
  12. I think Mark makes a good point in that for much of the year boats either do not or cannot get through the bridges so the moorings are generally very quiet. We have moored there several times but if the tide is rising I would usually play it safe and moor at Commissioners Cut and walk round. It’s all too easy to get stuck at the wrong side of the bridges. Certainly eight feet can be achieved but I would say from experience seven feet and under is more the norm. There are usually quite a few dinghies moored there as Roy says but as has been pointed out, the owners have probably disappeared into Thorpe or Norwich. I suppose it must be possible to moor in front of the Rushcutters although I’ve never actually tried it. Bit of a disappointing response from the BA though.
  13. .Moorings at Pyes Mill too. No electricity tho.
  14. Just crossed with Dave's post I'll make some further enquiries.
  15. I was always under the impression that it was owned by the Wellington Pub Co but certainly wouldn’t question the veracity of my CAMRA colleagues in Norfolk. I’ve just tried Googling Molyneux Leisure but can’t find anything, maybe I’m missing something? I think in any event it must be a free of tie lease. It will be a shame to see Bill and Ros go as they are a lovely couple. However their health has not been good, Bill in particular. In fact when I last visited in June, Bill had just come out from a spell in hospital. I did like the pub, I know there were issues with Bill’s dog, Nelson, which have been well documented elsewhere. Bill often featured beers from the smaller Norfolk brewers so the pub was something of an oasis in that respect. I would imagine that the folks at the Ship will be watching with interest and possibly a degree of trepidation as I think if the Nelson were run to its full potential it could give the Ship a run for its money, good as the Ship is I hasten to add. I’m not sure how long Bill and Ros have been there – certainly at least 5 or 6 years I would guess. Certainly Jon Collorick was a previous landlord on 2 separate occasions. It will be very interesting to see what happens. I’m sure given its location it will be taken up fairly quickly. Watch this space I think!
  16. Back to the original question, the sign says it all!
  17. Problem is pretty much everything will be out in August. If you are prepared to take a chance and take a tent as back up, you may be lucky and get a last minute cancellation. Otherwise as Peter says Waveney River Centre is a lovely spot with all the facilities you need on site. If you are prepared to rough it a bit more the Dog Inn at Ludham have a camping field. Less facilities but a brilliant pub
  18. As I mentioned on another thread I am very reluctant to be critical of pubs but I do wonder about the Berney. It’s probably the remotest pub on the Broads together with a landowner who wants to squeeze every last drop of rent out of the place. The licence doesn’t allow them to open in winter even if there were any customers to justify it. So in season it should be open all day, every day. Suppose slack water at GY is mid afternoon? There will be a stream of boats coming through and the pub will be closed. Madness. In addition people will get fed up with the arbitrary opening hours and take their custom elsewhere. On top of that they only sell one beer, Wherry, so it’s hardly worth rushing in for anyway. Sorry, but I’m not very impressed.
  19. Ah, there are a few Neil but as my old Mum used to say, if you can’t say anything good about something, don’t say it. So I don’t
  20. Geoff you are too kind! I think Trevor summed the pub up very well and I also know that Carol rates it highly too
  21. I would endorse Trevor’s comments. I can think of pubs I would rather go in but it’s pleasant enough and well worth a visit. Very pretty stretch of river too. I’ve usually been over lunch time and not had any problems mooring.
  22. Hi Marina I was in the Shed about a month ago. As you say it’s on the Peninsula between Faircraft Loynes yard and what was I believe, the old Moores yard, now a private marina. It was set up a few years ago now by a guy who developed a patent system for storing real ale. This made it possible for up to around 50 real ales to be on sale at the same time and created something of a beer haven. The Shed was closed for a while and has now changed hands offering a much reduced number of real ales including, for some inexplicable reason, Bankss bitter as a regular offering. There is a pool table and Sky TV. The Shed has created a degree of controversy in the past not least for the beer storage system and the somewhat tolerant policies of the previous operator which led to some friction with nearby residents and boat owners. However this seems to have settled down somewhat recently. There have also been issues with the licence and planning permission. Decent beer is a bit thin on the ground in Wroxham and Hoveton and with the demise of the excellent Castle the Shed remains the only outlet in Wroxham. It’s a pleasant enough place and worth a visit. Just keep the noise down if you go at night!
  23. One of the hire yards may help if you ask as they should have plenty of space midweek. We have used Blofield Cars in the past and been very pleased with the service.
  24. Yep!! Quote from Twitter "The only flames at Coldham Hall this weekend will be on our BBQ. Re-opening Friday 4th July 6pm with a BBQ, also Saturday & Sunday lunch" Good news indeed
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