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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. Good grief! It looks very narrow. Do you have to have a very steady hand on the tiller or do you just scrape along? Never done the canals, will have to try it one day.
  2. Yes, he was the man who started it all, very sad. We used to listen to Radio 270 which was anchored off the Yorkshire coast. Happy days.
  3. A very interesting thread. I suppose in most cases the damage waiver gets paid and thankfully there is no damage. But as we have seen, there is the odd exception. These are a couple that Swancraft had to deal with. I seem to recall the damage to Swan Ranger was sustained hitting Breydon bridge, how they managed that I'm not sure.
  4. And me!!! Is that a black pudding I see there as well Fruit juice looks healthy though You always seem to hear good reports about the place - I've never been in, probably because its not a pub per se Don't get me going about pubs..............
  5. That's incredible. I wonder when they started to decline, probably in the 70's I suppose. My dad was a very keen sailor, that's how I got my Broads baptism. Never followed in his footsteps though, my first hire was Crystal Light, a petrol Elysyan. Apparently Swancraft had a yacht for hire - mid to late 80's - might be in an old Blakes brochure if anyone has one around that period
  6. Just browsing the 2003 Blakes brochure (as you do) and noticed that they had a whole section devoted to saily stuff. I know that Eastwood Whelpton and Martham still hire independently but I was surprised to see Herbert Woods and Barnes Brinkcraft hiring yachts. Wonder what happened to them? I'm sure that there was just one yacht on hire on the Southern Rivers at one time but can't find any reference to it
  7. Sorry cos we're wrong or sorry it's not a pub?
  8. Just seen this, don't recognise a pub, could be the Old Saddlery but more of a restaurant so never been in. However Fireman Sam may know different
  9. I suppose one argument could be that any casual onlooker may not be aware that JM is a riparian resident and might think he is breaking the rules or if he can do it why can't I? Great sympathy with JM of course but just playing devils advocate.
  10. Not sure if Adnams do online but they are certainly the good guys - cancelled rent for all their tenants while the pubs have closed. Greedy Greene King still charging rent even though the pubs have no customers. Lacons are actually giving beer away rather than pouring it down the drain. Encourages folk to stay at home too. Cracking beer.
  11. Slightly off topic (apologies) saw this for a musical event...
  12. Yes, round here when the gin runs out
  13. In spite of the lock down I think I can safely say Mrs Nog is in her element today with these deliveries. No prizes for guessing where Mrs N's priorities are. I may have to change our aviator now
  14. Here yer go. Going by the sketch on the advert its the same building as Chris posted.
  15. Not anywhere I recognise. Called the Old Court House according to the video. Be interesting to find out.
  16. It's roughly mid way between Horning and Neatishead Simon. The Trowel and Hammer pub has long closed but the building still remains I understand.
  17. The Cringles was in Potter Heigham. I think from memory it was on the road next to the post Office towards where the station was. Not sure if the building is still there. I remember Ranworth Hall. They used to drop flyers on the boats moored at the Staithe. I seem to think they did meals, sort of Bernie Inn style and also bit of a pub cum nightclub. Very 70's. Carol would probably know more about the history.
  18. As promised I've found the pic of the Coldham Hall parrot. This was taken in 2007. The landlord was a star, I seem to think he was called Colin but I could be wrong. Mrs Nog and I were in there once, last in as usual. He didn't try to kick us out and even offered us another drink which we gratefully accepted of course. Very nice chap. I think the pub was sold not soon after and became the more gastro place it is today.
  19. ....yes, just amended post. Maybe a job for a friendly farmer
  20. They do indeed, seen them at Woods. There's Boat Shift as well but will not be a budget solution I suspect. But they are specialists in lifting and moving boats and fully insured. That's what you pay for. Just looking again, if it's in a field that might be more of a problem. The above usually rely on a lift out at a boat yard. Probably a hi ab might be the only way assuming it can get in the field and the ground's not too soft!
  21. It did. 75 I believe White Horse The Coldham Hall parrot was there as late as 2007. I've got a photo, I'll post it later.
  22. No, on the contrary, don't apologise GJ No, once you achieve the magical 50 post mark you (hopefully) undergo the amazing NBN induction ceremony You'll love it. Also a very fine brewery
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