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MBA Marine

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Everything posted by MBA Marine

  1. I have been considering training and buying the equipment to add a mobile tank cleaning service to the list of things MBA Marine can do. Trouble is there are filtration systems and there are the dogs dooda's of filtration, polishing and tank cleaning equipment. If I am to do it I want the dogs dooda's set up, but right now I sunk everything into dayboats (money and all spare time), Im looking quite a few thousand pound of investment.
  2. Easter being early just means I have less time to get boats ready for it! I had all winter, where has time gone!!
  3. As a wise senior boat builder once said to me "Let your eye be your guide" and that's what i say to this day every time i can't find a tape measure!
  4. Did the BA not start implementing two visitor births in the terms when granting permission for large developments? Or did i dream it? i'm none too sure!
  5. I am not certain, but I thought that a boat just needed to be up for sale displaying a for sale sign and not necessarily with a broker to avoid a toll whilst for sale. Personally i do not have a trade plate, I have borrowed some at times to move untolled boats, however I cannot sit all high and mighty, I have moved one or two without a toll in the past.
  6. Happy new year to one and all. I would like to take the opportunity to not only wish you a happy healthy new year but also to say thank you to all those who have supported MBA Marine over not just 2017 but for the 9 before, yes this new year takes me past the big milestone of 10 years self employed. 2017 has been mentally one of the most draining but I feel up for the challenge of 2018. Bring it on, now raise those glasses, have a good'un peeps.
  7. Gas propex is cheaper but does eat gas. Diesel water circulating systems are on of the best but Chaaaaching! Most opt for blown air diesel heaters, still very expensive but one of the better options, however starting from scratch you will find the ducting/insulation crazy expensive.
  8. It is so easy to take things the wrong way, and it's also very difficult to know if one is taking things the wrong way or if you have it the right way. I have fallen foul of this myself although I did not raise it as an issue I found the need to distance from posting much a year or two back as with some regularity when I posted something I was getting a reply from one member, usually offering their viewpoint differing from mine. Did we just have clashing personalities? had i offended this person leading them to find an argument with anything I had to say? or was I just being paranoid? I dunno. The member in my case does not seem to post on here now although I do still see their avatar on FB pages. As with real life the cyber world can be hard for all to socialise together in harmony. I would however say that phrases like 'play nicely people' (not used in this thread) are likely to do as much to calm people's tempers as a liverpudlian with a full scouse accent saying 'calm it down, calm it down'!
  9. There be a boat that has had a lifetime's worth of work for a long lifetime, just look at the equipment and hoses in the engine bay, inc what looked like an Onan generator all I would say under 20yrs old, the condition if those internal timers all look like new, and the man power at their disposal combined with the facilities (lifting gantry ect) this is stuff off dreams, clean tidy and light working environment I am truly envious. Nice boat.
  10. Hopefully nothing serious and worth checking out. But also worth a reminder that there are many boats sitting at odd angles this time of year, full of fuel and empty of water and whatever the owner has removed for winter can leave boats looking a bit lopsided, also keel v's no keel, no keel planing hulls out of trim can look very odd.
  11. How many of your 17 are Stranger? Dave appears in the list thrice.
  12. Lets start putting the heads back up at the head end, attach a dump through throne on the bowthruster tunnel, bombs away, thrust to port and discharge turbert puree to starboard whist keeping two cheeks firmly to the seat for the high speed botty wash!
  13. I took my first hurrah down this new eradication of our countryside, I drove the new section from Aylsham road to Taverham. I felt a bit dirty using it but the old road was no longer accessible to use. Fairly safe to assume all the old roads rather than being ripped up and returned to nature will slowly all get new housing built around them. Does it show i'm not a fan!
  14. Toby is a top bloke, I often give him referrals he has helped me out a number of times.
  15. Possibly Brian Greenwood, Toby Cox bought his business when Brian retired.
  16. Trevor Preece, all things window, refurbs, leaks, and new 07850250811 Toby Cox, Mobile with Workshop in Stalham, Gearbox/outdrive specialist, engines outboards and diesel heater service/repair 07788598789 Ignition Marine http://www.ignitionmarine.co.uk/ MBA Marine, Jack of all master of none! http://www.mbamarine.co.uk/ 07810547779 or 01263834742 Not sure what numbers and websites are valid for Jon, it may still be all as it was before with Wayford marine services just without the big ol' boot yud! That's a start.
  17. There are also loads or yards missing, Phoenix, Whispering reeds, maycraft, Cox's did you have Sutton Staithe on there?
  18. Hi guys, Just a thought and not for solely unselfish reasons. The handy info tab has a section for boatyards North and South but it would also be nice if there was a section either in boatyards or kept as a separate entity for all the mobile people and there are quite a few of us, some I know and some I don't. Maybe this section exists and I missed it. Myself. Toby Cox Wayford marine services (aka Mr Heward) Ignition marine Trevor preece (windows) Alex (I forget his surname, sparky in Brundall) Also: Boat transport- GMR, Abbey, Jon Heward, Ian stuart, Tony Tugboat Canopy makers. You guys pooling experiences can put more names together than I.
  19. I am very happy to see the place re-open but it's bittersweet, My friends lost their jobs with a weeks notice, a great team were torn apart and have sort employment elsewhere. Good luck to the new management, the past is not your doing and I wish you success.
  20. Until the oil covered float switch fails, pesky things dont like oil. The water sensor switches also do not like a dirty bilge (who does?!!), when covered in oil/bilge slime the sensor is unable to detect the dry bilge and continues to run the pump.
  21. The filter makes an automatic bilge pump that is potentially able to discharge oil BSS compliant. It's great in theory and i have fitted them to satisfy the requirement, however depending on just how oily/grimey the bilge the filter can soon be blocked making the auto pump useless. I have seen a bilge pump fail due to running for a unknown period of time with the batteries sustained with a battery charger, thankfully only a failed pump and not a sunk boat. I shall not name and shame but I have also found (twice) empty filter bodies in the pipeline, looks like a filter but does not block up so fast!
  22. With the cost of repairing volvo penta, I should wrap them in numerous layers of bubble wrap and some cotton wool for good measure.
  23. As someone who struggles with the written word and can't read a book without yawning after one page, I have no problem with the Americanisation of English, there is so much that to myself makes no sense with English, you cannot learn it by rules as for every rule there is many an exception. Why do we insist on putting a 'U' in the word colour when color works just fine? Why do we need so many spellings for 'there' when it's the context of the sentence that defines its meaning one spelling would have done for all. Sorry I know i'm a heathen.
  24. I have a gripe. It's become the Norm on forums, live text commentary and comments pages to abbreviate all names down to initials, this may save the poster time when typing but I then spend an age trying to translate this code, it is really annoying at times where there are multiple people/organisations with matching initials, does my head in, is it so hard to write the full name? Guilty I do use BA for Broads Authority, oh hang on did I meen Broad Ambition?
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