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Everything posted by marshman

  1. Not far either to Salhouse Garden Centre - must admit I would not waste my time going to many of those mentioned (!) but at Salhouse they do actually know the difference between a looked after plant and a dead one!! IMHO thats pretty rare!!! South Moulton on the Reedham Road out of Acle is not quite so good but people like the tearooms. To be honest if places cannot look after the plants and water them regularly and tend to them, you just might as well not bother with them!! Too many places put the pot out, water occasionally and generally ignore - and then expect you to part with hard earned cash for half dead rubbish!!
  2. But Pete, thats in Norfolk???????
  3. Well - thats as maybe but I have never been asked !!!!!!
  4. Careful Addicted - you could infer the BA were doing better!!!!!
  5. Hey up Vaughan - good stuff and I agree totally with what you say especially about the lilies and the reed banks and the meadows rather than oil seed rape! I too remember the Broads as you did - in those days me and my sister used to have a game of " Count the condoms!!" and now I cannot remember the last one I saw!! OK times have changed a bit for many reasons but the ecology is hugely improved. Short term the danger is the the prevention of phosphates from boats going into the rivers - getting somewhere with the farmers and the sewage works finally sorted a bit, only for virtually EVERYONE to decide they need at least one shower a day using that stuff! Some new boats e.g. at Ferry Marina, now have grey tanks and that I hope will be a growing trend The real thing I still worry about is the lack of effort in keeping the trees in check, especially as the BA have fewer and fewer resources - trees by the river I can cope with in limited numbers but you will know as well as I how quickly trees grow in marshland especially willow, birch and alder and there is a real danger that manpower even from the NWT and RSPB, to keep those wonderfully iconic reedbeds. I am just pleased that you found it better than your expectations - it helps going south but even up North you can still get all of that in the places I go too - perhaps not the splendid isolation but it is available if you look and get out of bed before the shower brigade run their engines for hot water!! Batra bill - I thoroughly endorse your comments!!!!!!
  6. Sadly the EA are ducking out of all of their responsibilities for old piling, which is why so much has had to be pulled. Whilst not wishing to empathise with the BA, it is a real issue and something which i guess, caught them a little on the back foot. Any piling is a major headache as any private owners with any will testify to. Even the wooden stuff is expensive so cannot imagine what cost steel piling would be although i guess it does not now have to go down quite as far as it used to as it is no longer a flood protection issue.
  7. Thanks guys - I had hoped I had prodded enough in the appropriate areas - obviously worked!!!!!
  8. Although I have reminded several BA employees, including Broads Control to look out the key, can anyone confirm that my favourite broad is actually now open???
  9. Although there is a charge, the Wayford moorings are well worth the cost - especially the top end away from the road!!!
  10. So no it doesnt make a lot of difference, but if he is moored to private land he clearly needs permission!! Bit like the one using that nice "wild mooring" just after Horning Waterworks - he has been there for some time now. Wildlife Trust land but I would guess he has not asked them.....!! And Chris, I hope thats not going to be permanent - one of my favourite moorings!!
  11. Evening Pete - couple of good pictures there - I will let you sort out the staithe issue! Particularly like the Lowestoft picture, more particularly as I cannot quite see what he is doing with the sail! What looks a little odd is that the tack seems to be a long way off the deck and whilst he clearly has the peak lowered, it still seems as though the gaff jaws are almost up to the top of the mast!! The main sheet is obviously right out which is OK according to the smoke from the steamer but perhaps the tack really isn't off the deck and its an optical illusion. The other odd thing is that there are so few people about - must be early in the morning - or late!! Come on Vaughan - what do you think???
  12. Aquafax - on the little industrial estate on the right as you go out towards Stalham!!
  13. Thanks MM!! I was trying to get details of where navigation was being curtailed and the reason behind it! Your comments are appreciated!!
  14. Don't get me started on public service pensions!!!!!!!!
  15. Remind me on which Lake that was and was it Sandford being used as the reason??
  16. Should it not be the Suffolk Broad? Seems to me leaving it in the plural leads me to think there may be more than one available to cruise on - is this merely a matter of poor marketing or a deliberate attempt to mislead???
  17. Is boating not banned because of Sandford?? And there was me thinking it was an issue.....!!!!
  18. Glad someone brought up Windermere as if you research this thoroughly you will see that the speedboat ban came about ,I believe, as a result primarily of NOISE issues and nothing to do with Sandford as some might feel. I remember , several years ago, walking around the hills above and surrounding Windermere, and the noise level was appalling, not helped in that it sits, obviously ,in a natural basin. And all the transfer of those boats to Loch Lomond has done, is increase the pressure on THAT NP to consider the same ban because of it attracting anti social idiots! Not sure Sandford is to blame there either! I believe also, as many boats were trailed to the area, policing was difficult and as the Broads know to their cost, incidents of high powered craft belting around like projectiles, was something causing issues. My guess is that the Lake is rather the better for it and would suggest the economy, whilst different, is not as badly affected as some might suggest. On a recent visit, I did not see much evidence of a ghost town, but I will bow to those who clearly know better!!
  19. Has someone missed part of my post? Is boating banned in any of the NP's let alone in any where "navigation" is enshrined in legislation? I am just too lazy to check it out but it may be an interesting exercise - having said that i am absolutely certain that all NP's have pressure groups on many aspects of their work, including the funding that comes down to them, especially those that are not NP's , but pretend they are!
  20. Why do I get a sense of deja vu yet again? When, and if, the shadows become reality, then I agree you will have been justified in continually banging on , as they say, but I do not see that as a real concern as yet. I think there are better things to worry about, or not as the case may be. Just two observations. Am I right therefore in assuming that navigation has been banned in other National parks and secondly whilst you make a great deal of the association between the RSPB and the BA, I think that is based on assumption , rather than fact! In my experience the BA work closely with the NWT, but much much less so, if at all, with the RSPB. The NWT seem have a much more relaxed attitude to boating it seems as is evidenced by, to my knowledge, been little or no pressure by them to ban boating on the parts of Hickling they already control? Or have they?
  21. I have to agree with PW on this and in any case why did it have to take Court action to get him to clean up in the interests of his customers ? He had had a poor rating for sometime remember? You will also recall that the incident with the bouncy castle - he only narrowly escaped a custodial sentence with that one and in addition, Mr Chinn continues to be at odds with the BA over the stern on mooring issue. You will all recall how this was banned after an unsuccessful trial because of the dangers and incidents of damage and yet, over the Easter weekend there was more stern on mooring in contravention of the ban. As Pete says, no smoke without fire or perhaps he is just unlucky!!.
  22. I think these days and particularly in this area, I would chose a decent bed and breakfast rather than a budget hotel! Probably better everything!!
  23. Delighted to m8!!
  24. Please PW, can we drop these silly games/? Do you really think Countryfile is going to bother to try and explain the difference to its viewers? It is what is and who really cares, other than a tiny handful what its called, especially when it cannot be a full NP without primary legislation. Surely its primarily about what the Broads offer? But if it encourages others here and even the Courts do not disagree with the title, that must be a bonus. I have no objection to sharing the Broads I love, with those who may come here believing it to be a fully functioning NP - despite the fact I know it is not!
  25. So so pleased this mooring is now what it was. Well done to ALL involved!
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