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Everything posted by marshman

  1. As speed is almost certainly the issue for many incidents on the NDR, thats perhaps a good idea!!!!!
  2. To be honest, I doubt it is as precise as the OP would like!! This is Norfolk after all!! My guess is it depends on whether a Ranger is about, or in the area on the day in question!! Lets not get too precise about these things but it is the Rangers who do it.
  3. Sorry Vaughan - "good" slipped in by mistake!!!!!
  4. That of course is the new Beluga XL - bigger I think than the original Guppies in their existing fleet? Certainly the first of the new breed!
  5. Fred - you are being pedantic!! Is the BBC really regarded still as an accurate public information service anymore than say, a newspaper? Why should the BBC be more accurate than any other news, or information, provider? In fact I find them a very biased, especially their news programmes, and I am afraid I expect them to be no more accurate than the Daily Mail - and that about says it all! Countryfile is prepared by humans and as it goes out at peak viewing times on a weekly basis, I would take all they say as being unverified - my guess is that they are more interested in providing good television rather than facts you can stake your life on! However thats only my view....
  6. My guess is that with Easter late, they are keen to start the season before then - a late start will never be recovered I guess. And no doubt Vaughan will confirm that!!!!!
  7. What they did not say it is in part being funded by Europe and is a CANAPE project - Creating a New Approach to Peatland Ecosystems! Hows that for an acronym??. And new reedbeds will benefit wildlife and will help get rid of those very shallow stagnant bays that surround Hickling and which are caused by the geese eating the reeds and leaving it open to wave action. What they have managed over the last few years has made a measurable improvement to the surrounds in some areas around Hickling and this is an extension of that. And doesn't everyone, including individuals, blow their own trumpet if they are achieving something - and why not??? And Fred of course you are right about the rivers - there must be several hundred as indeed there are forming every single river in the world! Naming all the tributaries would have taken all the programme - there has to be some editing methinks!!!
  8. So where else do you think they should dump it then????
  9. I wasn't particularly bemoaning the fact that you have to pay, other than £1 per hour in Horning is a little steep, but the fact that they have gone this way in a village where even the yellow lines are seasonable!! And yes you can do it by phone and yes it is one of those pesky parking companies. All a bit unnecessary IMHO as it is basically designed to catch the unwary!! I was merely drawing your attention to it so none of you do have to practise your appeal letters!! I fact the cost of it all will probably outweigh the benefits as there is still plenty of on road parking around the back, if you know, less than 100m away!!
  10. Just a quick heads up that this car park has now gone hi tech ( - with a corresponding increase in charges!) Now has loads of smart new signs and an obligatory camera so be warned that if you outstay your time you will have an automatic fine. Swan users can input their details in the pub but for other mere mortals its now a £1 an hour!!! Seems a bit OTT for Horning but it will put pressure on the rest of the village, particularly in the road just up the hill!!
  11. Probably more important do you have a accumulator cylinder? My guess is not but just replacing the pump may help but to guarantee a constant and realistic pressure you probably need an accumulator tank! I guess someone else will come along with possibly the same conclusion and will be able to tell you more about them
  12. Griff - what can I say? You are a right proper gentleman!!!!!
  13. And all of you keep clear if it has a big black sail, whoever is right or think they are!!
  14. Not having a hood on an outboard would make it more difficult to sell certainly - do not the stickers come off with adhesive removal?? Certainly on the Broads those Police hoods seem to be a deterrent - who wants to go through the pfaff of getting a new hood, or not if its fairly old, before selling stolen property on?
  15. They certainly act as a discouragement! I believe that the Police have yet to have an outboard reported stolen with one of those attached, although it would not be a deterrent if they really wanted your outboard!!
  16. I don't mean officially - the Broads is a very small area and there are lots of other individuals who are pretty close to some who might have known of these "principles" Seems to be a lot of wishful and fanciful thinking being aired - again!!! AKA probable squit!!
  17. "Cheesing" ropes is too poncy for me - also doing that can all too easily put in unnecessary kinks. I went them ready to use when I want them, and not to spend time coiling them properly!! Fenders - on the Broads leave them down but I do agree on sailing boats they can look a bit naff down. Trouble is when sailing they just roll in when heeled and when mooring, I have enough to do without playing with bits of string! Now Albion has a decent system - 3/4" galvanised steel binn iron all round!!!!
  18. Methinks it has been going downhill for some 18mths - and it is now expensive as well at the F and F. Almost my nearest pub which I always popped into - now I never go! Don't even take visitors and given up on the shop too!
  19. Vaughan - I would join in but I know I would be "shouted" down!! After all there is little or no support for any opposing view. There are at least 3 major issues, probably more, where James knows he is wrong and that things are never as easy as he purports to suggest. I suspect you know that too! As I said I do agree with some of the points but not others - lets leave it at that for the purposes of this discussion
  20. Even I agree with some of it - but equally disagree with other bits too. Neither do I think this Forum should offer formal support, or otherwise - you all know his address if you want to bung him a bob or two. I merely wish James would concentrate on WRC simply because I think he would get more satisfaction - and reduce his stress levels!!! And be more successful! It looks as though any discussion on this topic here might be a bit one sided and pointless - I will just read it and not join in if I may!!
  21. At Ranworth today there were a few ducks walking around close to the quay but I would think that 70 % was icefree and melting further.
  22. What there was cleared overnight Monday or mostly - Hickling was virtually free of ice yesterday. Not sure we are actually going to get the penetrating easterly (yet?) - the weather systems most likely to be from N and NW which is not quite so bad!!
  23. As it may struggle to get under the Yarmouth bridges too, why not look on the S Rivers?? At least you will be able to go somewhere!!! I must admit I am generally in favour of Broads boats for Broadland rivers (although Robin may feel differently! ) Womack staithe - the parishioners bit - probably has a waiting list and you of course may well not be eligible living in Stalham
  24. For what its worth, I still think James could be better employed full time at WRC rather than as a activist! If it is JP's downfall he is after, then it will take someone higher up the food chain I am afraid! And he will exist even if you all doubt it!!
  25. Diamond 35's do hold their value well and oldregg is right - they just seem about right and their appearance does not seem to date much either. The cheapest recently went for just under £50k I believe but that was a poor example and they seem to fetch from around £55k upwards, rarely less, I am afraid.
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