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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. I have always purchased the 'basic' white (got to be white) Andrex. Dont like these quilts or other funny stuff, even for indoors. Never ever had any problems. Order of the day is , dont use too much, you are not at home. Well if I tell you there is only hubby and myself, you can imagine who that is directed at. We have a Mansfield loo which is basic but good. I agree about the coke bottles. They use to be 2ltr and now are 1.75ltr for £1.98 a swing.
  2. Any advance on 780gm. Reminds me of that saying " before your very eyes". yes things are definitely getting reduced in size. Mars bars , half the size for twice as much.
  3. Having decided this year at the end of the season to completely clear out all cupboards on the boat in readiness to start afresh in the Spring, one of the items I found at the back of the shower/loo room cupboard was a 4 pack of Andrex Toilet Rolls. All ok , still in the waterproof packaging but I thought oh well we will still bring them home and use them and get fresh as has been said. To my astonishment when you got to the internal roll part, the empty toilet roll was so much smaller than the fat old devils you get today. So you obviously get less for your money these days. They are expensive enough as it is.
  4. We live near Beccles and no I would not get on a plane if you paid me. Why go elsewhere when you have such beauty on your own doostep.
  5. Sounds lovely - I am going to try this one as well.
  6. one must assume that Robin is "Ever Ready" at all times on that boat Broad Scot - tutt tutt - but I like it.....
  7. Robin - have you had your Christmas bonus early to be hiring this beauty? Has it got a can opener. Remember the hot dogs? Assuming they are screw topped bottles or pull cans, no need for a bottle opener, however, what is the cooler filled with? (Ever Hopeful). I assumed that this was all electric until hubby put me right, does it run on diesel and leccy? and finally, NO you cannot phone a friend....
  8. Wonderful and lovely to view. Only one boat where life jackets were being worn. They certainly packed a lot in for a week's holiday. Good for them. Lovely memories.
  9. From a convenience point of view, not a recipe but, I have found that this Non Stick Foil is marvellous. As you say the washing up side of things is not enjoyable and if you line , when you can , oven pans with this foil it is just a case of disposing of the foil and the dish should stay clean. Also for lining baking trays. Foil trays are very handy as well. To prevent sugar and flour from going lumpy or worse I use these Ziploc bags , they hold up to a gallon of liquid and are very roomy for storing things in. Just squose (my word) out the air seal and Bobs your Uncle. No creature or damp is going to get in. Will try and come up with a recipe shortly. Mo
  10. Well I was on a diet when I started to read this post.. Now I am postively starving and next trip to the shops I will buy the incredients shown. All of the suggestions here sound fantastic. just about to print them out.
  11. Do tell how did you walk from the Staithe to the Beauchamp Arms and then from there to the Dyke. Do hope your wife wasnt wearing her Jimmy Choos. What were the paths like, if you could cal them that.
  12. I reckon you never get back the money you have paid out over the years having improvements done etc. The way to look at it is , you really cannot put a price on all of the enjoyment that those improvements have brought. I am sure if you totted it up we would find we have paid out more than the boat cost in the first place. Although you never get that back at least you should sell for what you paid for it, unlike when you buy a new car and sell a few years later , you think blimey where did all those thousands go. Hope that lot makes sense - it is early. Good luck with the sale.
  13. If you look at the side where the track is, from a distance it certainly looks in better nick that this side. Someone on the radio said Brundall and Cantley were flooded.
  14. Thank God we are on floating pontoons at St Olaves. I feel sorry for the poor people on the boats on the Cut.
  15. Well done Mowjo. The OP was having a moan that he had posted on the NBF about an enquiry which he headed 'Contessa'. Apparently at the time he had had no responses to his questions. This is the first time I have seen Contessa - hence my photo.
  16. Guess what I have just spotted.
  17. I'm with you here Dajen, boating to me is primitive enough without having a bin for your soiled loo paper. Cannot imagine what it would smell like, turns my stomach , sorry but it does. If that is what staying on a Greek Island entails, no wonder I have never wanted to go there.
  18. Well at least it would liven the place up a bit - only joking. Black as night here , wonder if we will all blow away in the night. Hope not.
  19. This was the reply from the Company who sold me the life jacket.. Thanks for your enquiry. The co2 canister can be disposed with general waste. Please email with any further questions you may have.
  20. This was the reply. Regarding the disposal, again we do not take these as they are regarded as hazardous so they have to be disposed of by a specialist, again the supplier should have these details or you could try a gas/heating company that supply cylinders.
  21. Good question M M. Here in Suffolk things like that would go in the black bin I would have thought but i will email the local council and ask the question.
  22. Alan wrote:- We also take a large fleece for those cold nights out of season, this also collects any condensation rather than it being on any of the other bedding. For the uniformed of us, what type of fleece is this please? Sounds very useful. Mo
  23. My understanding is that you can fish (and we do also at Langley Dyke not alone there by any means) from the boat. Other 24hr moorings restrict you, no fishing until the end of October and then you can fish from the bank at the moorings. This seems fair to me. What you dont want is a gang of fishermen pitching up and taking up the whole of the 24hr mooring for them to fish. We as the boat owners and also hirers in their hire fees have paid towards the BA Toll which provides us with the moorings. Worlingham has some really good bespoke fishing spots. You can easily get there by road, so no lugging heavy tackly from A - B as in a lot of spots.
  24. Hylander


    he starts it off in as frying pan, Maple Bacon, loads of butter Yes - good isnt it. Nowt wrong with Butter.
  25. Hylander


    I have just been watching on Food Network a programme titled The Night Before Dinner. It is a load of Christmassy nonsense where well known Chefs in Canada come together in a log cabin , middle of nowhere, snow up to your armpits (you know the scene). On arrival , nowt in cupboards or fridge, but by some Chrstmas magic , you look again and the fridge is bulging , fire lights by itself and you would think that the Pub's Dray had been around delivering by the drink available. Anyway this chaps cooks a Fresh Turkey Breast (large one) he starts it off in as frying pan, Maple Bacon, loads of butter , herbs etc and then finished off in the oven. My thoughts are that with the restricted size of a boat oven, this could be the answer to cooking a Turkey on Christmas Day if that is someones desire. Just a thought. - yes I know get a life , well it passed the time whilst I was doing the ironing. M
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