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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Thank you for the attached piccy for those who do not know the area well. Honestly I have just looked at the so called 'directions' on the web and they are pitifully incorrect. I doubt the person who placed these directions on there had a blasted clue as to what they were talking about. Hope they never take a group on a walk, god only knows where you would end up. So pleased to see everyone with a positive note. Again this morning another bad report on TA. I am waiting for my review to be posted.
  2. were using between 61-76 litres per hour! Blimey what were in a jet engine. That is nearly £80 a hour. Surely not.
  3. I can tell you after reading some of the reviews on Trip Advisor we nearly didnt go, but take it from me it was really excellent. It was good to see everyone dressed in what I call smart casual all bar one that is who had shorts on and pumps, which was a shame but then he could have been off of the boats and his only pair of trews could have been spoilt for some reason. You just never know. All the ladies were dressed in smart clothes, and the guys had either very smart shirts on or a jacket , yes and trousers. I draw the line on anyone eating in a vest. That would be a no no for me personally. Plenty of car parking spaces if you have arrived by car. Not far from the St Olaves moorings. Glad you also enjoyed your meal. We have to promote and support our local business' where we can.
  4. We have just had lunch at the above establishment. Can I recommend the fresh Halibut and Prawns in a creamy cheese sauce. The plate was massive and red hot. Lovely fresly cooked proper food. If anyone is considering lunch in St Olaves , I would recommend.
  5. Brammerton - you managed to moor at Brammerton - well done Ryadhcrew. We have yet to achieve that one. Just enjoy your time and dont be like us who start off by saying we are going moor , here or there and when you get there you cant, just be a bit flexible.
  6. Take plenty of 5ltr bottles of Spring Water and when that runs out well there is always the Gin. Sounds lovely if you have a boat that is nice and toasty.
  7. I am going to telephone (there is an old fashioned word a bit like me) Judith this afternoon. Thank you. Mon
  8. Thank you Alan. That is kind of you.
  9. I would appreciate any information about someone in the Southern Broads area (we are based at St Olaves) who can make up a set of curtains for our Bounty 30.
  10. We popped into Asda this morning and the bridge really has improved. I did wonder why it appeared to be half done. What we need is a Royal visit , it will be finished alright. So far what has been achieved is really smart.
  11. It is my understanding that they are completing breaking the rulse of 24 hr moorings. To stay behond the 24 hrs IS NOT ALLOWED. To return within the 24hrs is NOT ALLOWED. Why do these people think that the rules are for everyone else and not them. The times my other half has said to me, lets stay another night because it is so good here, but I always try and think of other people who may wish to moor. When you have a private boat, you can visit these moorings any time of the year at your will, try and think of holiday makers for whom the holiday may be their only time to enjoy the Broads. Where are the Rangers in all of this, surely they notice that these people are permanently moored where they should not be. Really makes my blood boil this.
  12. Brundall Navy having 15ft gaps between boats at Brammerton Funny someone should say this as the other week we motored for what seemed hours to visit Brammeton Woods End and could not for the life us get moored for this very reason. This was not in the busy season or at a weekend. Boats were moored in a way , both Brundall Navy and others so far apart that you could have fitted in another 6 boats but no one would move up. We own our boat and are two old fogeys who just wanted to moor quietly and go for a walk. They would not move. We went back down river and vowed never to bother again. And so as to not to completely go off topic , the moorings at Thorpe look good to me.
  13. Talking a load of old rubbish as usual. (sorry) It was probably the day before it was emptied the reason why it was so full.
  14. Just had a look at Oulton Broad and it is packed. One space at the pub left and not a space at the Station.
  15. We have just had an almight thunder storm here near Beccles. Brightening up a bit but dont think that is it. I think Summer is over.
  16. Roll on Friday for the start of the next Test. Mon
  17. Did you notice how it 'leans'. Apparently it was built that way, yes I have often had a chat with Wally , (there are two chaps who are a wealth of infornation but cannot recall the other chaps name) hubby went up to the top , being braver than me. It is a really good stop off and as you say the pub moorings are relatively round the corner.
  18. Travel lodge at Acle definitely. I find if you say there are 3 of you (even if you are 2) , you get the offer of a family room which usually consists of a King size bed and a sofa put you up. We just use the sofa as somewhere to sit while watching the TV. Plus the rooms are larger. Saying that when we stayed at a TL in Kent at the M2 Services a couple of weeks back we had what I thought was going to be a family room with the before mentioned set up, but it was a King sized bed and two single beds, it looked like a dormatory. We had to put the two singles on top of each other otherwise you could not move. It wasnt that good. I would not have minded but we had two nights at full price, we have had better rooms when they have been on offer.
  19. How interesting, hope someone can tell us more.
  20. Strowager , can I have a link to your gadget as well. I looked up a similar version at it was over £4,000. Need to go and lie down if it that expensive.
  21. John , you have given me an idea for Christmas. Can I ask for a link to the App please?
  22. There is always one...
  23. It was good to see Richardsons this morning on Sky News. The topic of conversation was the proposed VAT change for businesses in the country to promote tourism in the UK. Chris was on Broadsman (I think it was Broadsman) and lovely shots of the yard in the summer sun.
  24. Dajen you sound just like us. We topped up with £60 worth of fuel not so long ago and it should have taken us up about 176 ltrs. Checked the fuel a few days ago and blow me 110 ltrs. Yep we will now be a little bit more careful about going with the tide if we can, the trouble with the Southern rivers is it is quite a stretch before you get anywhere. Like you we make our minds where we are going before we even look at the tides and just go with the flow, or rather we not as the case may be. I felt like saying 'ouch' when we saw how much we had used. A lesson learned the hard way, but there again life is too short not to do what you want to , when you want to, within reason. Hubby never tears around the rivers anyway and we often get over taken.
  25. You have reminded me of when I lived in Bahrain with Mum and Dad , Dad was in the RAF , I had bounced in from school for lunch , sat down and spouted quite without any hesitation that it was good to see the Vulcan Bomber this morning and was he aware it did have a (cannot remember which ) an A bomb or an H bomb on it. My father , who was extremely straight laced and never spoke of anything about work at home, nearly fell off of his chair and demanded to know where I had got such information from. I just said it was something we had all discussed as kids in the playground. We did go to school at the base. Out of the mouths of babes and all that. I never did find out if it was true or not. However, from time to time Dad did go to Christmas Island and I never knew why he went there either. Mo
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