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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Thank you, didn't know if I needed to pack the wellies.
  2. Deviating from the OP , has anyone been up to Brooms lately, do you need wellies or is it getting back to normal now.
  3. Oh the good old days, the summers were hotter the winters were warmer and boats were a darn sight prettier and there was more adventure, unlike today with floating hotels. What a lovely photo.
  4. Unfortunately the Brundall web cam seems to be down at the moment. I wonder if Simondo can have a look see for us. I do miss the web cam.
  5. Hylander

    Hardly Cross..

    Half term should be fun, we need all of the moorings.
  6. Hylander

    Hardly Cross..

    Now that is not good news. We need all of the moorings. Think this should have been repaired long before it got so bad no one could moor there. These are excellent moorings and a safe haven for many. What do they say a stitch in time saves nine.
  7. I had not realised you could have answered my query as I have always spoken to them by email over many many years. I know where to come now for information on the web cam at Horning. Thank you.
  8. I have noticed that this has gone AWOL recently and thought I would email and enquire if it was to return. This was my reply received today. So all is not lost. Thank you for your email. Until we changed the website we had no idea how popular our webcams are! Our new webmaster has put this on the top of his 'to do' list, but he works full time and is a volunteer, so not sure when it is going to happen. But they will be back at some point, soon I hope. Kind Regards Anne Wagstaff H.S.C. Hon. Secretary 01692 630507 secretary@horning-sailing.club
  9. To add to the mix there are a lot of Swallows nest there. They make a lot of mess on the boats. Could they be height boards?
  10. I have looked on You Tube but cannot see it.
  11. Putting the Cat Amongst the Pigeons. I am with Staysure and have been with them for a few years now. As long as you are honest about all of your pre-existing complaints you will be fine but dont hide anything as that is an excuse not to pay out. Better to pay a higher premium (and they are not cheap) than find out you are not insured.
  12. So they can let that boat out for the same price (gain) sell matches at 4 x their price (gain) no wonder they are doing well. Good to hear you have insurance, we have 15 months of insurance to hopefully cover this awful time. I do feel for you as have had holidays cancelled time and time again. Roll on New Years Eve and we will all drink a toast to a happy healthy new year.
  13. Hylander

    Thank You

    How lovely to hear a happy story. Glad the fishing was good while you were there. We had the first Monday afternoon till Thursday which was reasonable but Friday Saturday and Sunday were wash outs. Never seen trees bend quite like it and so many branches down. The River Waveney where were were , right at the top end was in full flood on the Friday and the owner of Mendham Mill expected it to overtop at any time. Not been like that for years. As you say biblical.
  14. Dont forget matches and a sharp knife and a cheapo frypan.
  15. Hylander

    Hit And Run..

    Well M M , I have watched the video on Youtube and after the white boat leaves the scene that is the end of the video, may be you are viewing an entirely different version.
  16. Hylander

    Hit And Run..

    They guy in the helm is an absolute ......... rhymes with banker. He should be never allowed to have a boat out again. If this had been a very windy day and he had accidentally tapped the boat in front and then apologised it would be a different scenario but looking at him grinning from ear to ear says it all. Tos or not in fact add the letters ser on the end that sums it up.
  17. Not the River Yare but the head of The Waveney at Mendham Mill the river is very high. Also was looking at the web cam at Potter. The river looks very full there and does that boat look as if it is moored under the bridge? Remember my eyes are not all they were.
  18. You should be so lucky.....
  19. Being irresponsible in the first place and then add alcohol in the mix and you have a potential for holidays to be ruined if not lives destroyed. The message I feel is directed at people just like that. Most of us old timers either dont drink or have more sense than to get sozzled. Most of us olduns for a start cannot afford it.
  20. What gets me is, why 10 oclock, does the virus come out at 10.05? It is like your mother yelling at you, I want you home by 9.30 , what did she think went on before 9.30. No it all happened after 9.30. (I am going back to the late 50s). To my mind there should no pubs open or all of them open as usual. If only 6 people can gather than the pubs should be shut and any other venue that encourages more than 6 people also shut. None of it makes sense.
  21. Agree MM, the whole pleasure is to be able to have a glass of your choice while going along. Not to get blathered. Take that away and most of us would not be best pleased. And quite to the contrary to what is said - people up here do like a tipple or two. You try and purchase any spirit when it is on offer in Beccles. The shelves are empty, but no one drinks up here. !!
  22. Can I just add my 2 pennuth. Footwear , the times that I have seen men and women wearing flipflops or similar on a boat it is as ridiculous as sporting a pair of high heels (sorry Gracie , time and a place and all that). A pair of boating shoes (or similar) with good grip on the soles is what is required. They might not look fashionable but they save your life along with your life jacket and being sensible. The Norfolk Broads is not Marbella and never will be. Slight concern this morning with the talk of a 2 week lockddown at half term. That will scupper a hell of a lot of our holidays now all booked and really being looked forward to. Let us hope not.
  23. Sounds a bit more than a 'man overboard incident'. For Forensics to be there and the place taped off. As you say Jean, wish all involved well and sad to see another holiday curtailed which is so terrible when people have waited so long to get away.
  24. Never a dull moment , and all that.
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