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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Jean I had to order mine from Amazon , I have been putting it on my on line shopping for about 3 weeks now. Why Rinse aid for God's sakes. Do you think someone is drinking it.
  2. Shame that does not happen in Kent where my sister lives. Apparently Asda there you do click and collect but have to go and rescue your trolley and then pack everything yourself into the car.
  3. Can exes be included in the list please?
  4. Just for completeness , we received an email from Richardsons confirming our new holiday date in 2021. You cannot say fairer than that with a nil balance due.
  5. Dont read anything at the moment - not allowed to go and get the paper from the papershop.
  6. I went to the pharmacy yesterday and I have to say I was more than impressed. I arrived at an open door, popped my head just inside and yelled - can I come in - a voice yelled back - not yet got two in here already, so I waited back a bit and one lady came out , so I popped my head just inside the main door and yelled again, this time it was yes come in. My prescription was retrieved immediately and I paid for the next two to be delivered for me, as in ' that' group. I would clearly have paid double what she asked for but she was insistent. I found the pharmacy was more efficient than it usual is, they seem to be getting on better with not so many people at once. So a good thing. A very Happy Birthday VictoryV , I have an excuse for a few wines tonight. I will also raise a glass to the back end of this virus.
  7. We have chosen a date well into 2021, pray to God this horrible Virus has a vaccine by then.
  8. Managed to email Richardsons who have replied to me and offered an alternative date, so all is fine.
  9. I tried to push 1 to get them to ring back but no luck, really upset that we could not get through. Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  10. Had an email from Richardsons this afternoon. Telephoned the number immediately and hung on for over an hour, apparently we were 17 in the queue. Then the phone went dead , battery ran out on the land line phone, so will try again on Monday, so frustrating. The old type phone would have been fine. The battery phones are useless. Wish they had an email address.
  11. Reasons to be cheerful - no , according to the boys in blue , these are reasons to be out and about.. https://www.northnorfolknews.co.uk/news/police-guidelines-for-going-out-during-coronavirus-lockdown-1-6610945?utm_medium=Email&utm_source=Newsletter&utm_campaign=DM24687
  12. Well my on line order from Sainsburys this morning is full of items that have not been substituted , apparently nothing else on shelf. Silly things like coffee (you telling me there is no coffee in Sainsburys). Mostly I get the newspaper in my delivery, not there, nor a lot of what I call mundane items. Usually and for the past weeks ( I always shop on line with Sainsburys anyway) most items have been there. Well got to be thankful for any delivery really. I am one of the lucky ones. My sister who is 81 and lives in Kent is having to go shopping as cannot get an on line shop. I do worry for her.
  13. Good to see someone else has their priorities set up correctly.
  14. We olduns are going nowhere. We may not have as long to go as some but we are still sticking in there. Far too many people to upset in the future to let go yet.. I just loved the Pam Ayers poem, although directed at us ladies it applied just as much to our chaps.
  15. 50 miles, I thought you had to stay 2 km from your home only. Sorry but that is how I understand it. 50 miles and we can all go off for the day. Or are you on one of these bikes that go nowhere and is sited in the garage or similar.
  16. I do recall some years ago going through France and seeing the older generation of men sitting outside a cafe and when they saw our British plates on the car removed their berets to greet us. Some people obviously have long memories of the good we did. As you say we have always been made more than welcome.
  17. Huh!! it wasnt only some of the French , lots of people from lots of countries did just that too. As usual there is always a peculiar mix but generally speaking good usually wins over evil, thank goodness.
  18. I second your last comment Peter.
  19. When this is over - can you organise a coach. It looks like paradise.
  20. Looked at this web cam a moment ago. I see the boats have gone from the opposite mooring to the boat yard now. Someone has been about.
  21. Peter posted: I would love to visit the Tate & National Gallery but I am not allowed to make the journey to London. That journey restriction works both ways. All the folk preaching 'stay away' are asking is that the virus is not brought into their/our community, I don't see a problem with that, sorry. What is so difficult about the phrase - stay indoors - stay in your home - dont have visitors - no unnecessary journeys . It aint rocket science is it. I have a daughter in law who has just emailed me to say she walked to her local fruit and veg place in the village and bought everything she needed including the precious toilet rolls. Fine also said that it is 25 degrees down there. Hearing that I am not about to get in the car and travel there, no I stay at home in Norfolk/Suffolk border. As for the police and said to be checking your groceries - er hum!! this is not a communist state yet.
  22. https://www.northnorfolknews.co.uk/news/caravan-park-manager-closes-part-of-norfolk-coastal-path-1-6601836?utm_medium=Email&utm_source=Newsletter&utm_campaign=DM24360
  23. Jean have sent a pm as a bit involved to put on here.
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