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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Hylander


    Obviously the wife has summoned him home for his tea.
  2. Yes and a warm welcome from me too.
  3. Unfortunately, a modern day necessity. Sorry posted before I had seen the post from Cambridge etc. I was referring to the CCTV.
  4. Tell you what Dylan - you and me both. If had been there I would have been under the duvet with him. Wise dog.
  5. I am absolutely hooked and look forward to Fridays. Their presentation of the videos is excellent and you could practically be there with them. Must them a lot of time but worth it. Just love Dillon the dog.
  6. Watched this yesterday. Quite a trip. This is the return trip.
  7. Well done to The Butchers Arms and the good people of Beccles. https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/chernobyl-children-visit-hailed-outstanding-success-1-6154453
  8. Welcome from me. Loved the photos, especially of the lads when they were a bit younger in their life jackets. You look a happy bunch, good to see.
  9. Well - deep breath - Morrisons in Beccles have now decided to have a whole bay dedicated to mother and child (what happened to Dad) parking area. 99% of the time when I go to Morrisons this is completely empty. I like Speedtriple have a disability which cannot be seen and yet I park the furthest away from the shop that I possibly can to avoid getting my car dinged (or whatever you call it). Only go to Tescos first thing in the morning before they (you know who) have got out of their beds. Now here I go - stop reading now - when I was first married and had two children I walked everywhere, there was no such thing as having a ruddy car. No home deliveries, one Tesco in the town and you walked to it and back from it with all of your shopping. All that has happened in this country is we have mimicked America, yet it is forgotten that USA has a lot more room than us. Finally, you will be pleased to hear, guys or gals like the owner of the car in the OP photo are a breed that think the whole world is there for their convenience. No consideration for anyone else, it is me , me, me.
  10. I think that is a perfectly respectable offer myself. Your hand should be snapped off. Just hope for your sake that it included in the sale is not the crew that we once met on her. A more miserable , less communicative bunch of whatsits I have never met until that day. So far up their own ......... (work that one out for yourselves) you could not wish to meet.
  11. Ditto which was such a shame.
  12. Thank you Simon will look out next July for info when the festival is on. Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  13. We live here and did not know about it, which is blooming annoying. Would have been a wonderful sight to see.
  14. https://www.becclesandbungayjournal.co.uk/news/beccles-river-festival-1-6146854
  15. I think the camera has somehow slipped down a bit as not such a good view of the river at the moment. May be Simondo will have a look at it when he can. Please ????
  16. If you are really concerned then this may be your answer. No electric or gas for this one once you have got it on the go. https://theboatgalley.com/thermal-cooker/
  17. Well it shows he only had half a brain in the first place to waste his maggots by throwing them at you. Can you imagine what a delight he is as a father indoors. Miserable devil.
  18. Ruddy trouble makers (Extinct whatever) they want to get themselves a job or something useful to do. We need improved to our road system.
  19. One for the photo competition!!!!! Just sums the Broads up. Perfect evenings.
  20. Like a breath of fresh air this post - thank you Gracie. If we all sat and counted our blessings occasionally what a better world it would be. The Broads are infectious. The first time we were on a boat on the Broads I vowed and declared that I was never ever going back again. Huh 30 years later and we not only hired from then on, but then bought our own boat, and even now live on the Broads. Fabulous, especially in this weather.
  21. Would any company like buyspares com be of any help. Seems a bummer to have to replace the whole thing. Should be. com. Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  22. MM - can you show this on map to make it clearer please?
  23. I guess working after a fashion. Saw these two specimens. I wonder if they realise they are being watched.
  24. Knowing us , probably before and after.
  25. https://www.norfolkmag.co.uk/people/interview-broads-authority-chief-executive-dr-john-packman-1-6124717
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