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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Thats brilliant if you can have it set on 1 or 2, frozen beer, oh dear, you could start a new trend in ice lollies. Bet the freezer section is fantastic. As someone who used to always bring fresh meat vacuum sealed to the boat to use for several days a really good freezer would have been a real bonus.
  2. Those three last words are the answer. To have a proper fridge that uses low battery use is an absolute must on a boat. Nothing worse than listening to something burring away all night and you are thinking I wonder if the batteries will last. Sometimes on hot days our fridge used to go constantly.
  3. Hylander

    Web Cam

    All I am getting is a load of buffering at the moment. It was working perfectly.
  4. My thoughts are with you at this time. I too thank you for sharing this time with us. Will be thinking of you today. Monica
  5. I can sympathise with you Jean. Once on picking up Captain 8 the tide was so low that I really struggled to get on board as it was stern moored. While everyone else was leaping on board I just stood there thinking that drop is far too much for me. In the end I went on to the side , hanging on for grim death , and gradually worked my way towards the stern and really struggled with the drop down on to the boat but further in, but did make it. After doing it once and knowing how far the drop was on to the seat at the back I was ok. You just never think of these things until they present themselves. We are not all as agile as we used to be. I worry about my hips.
  6. I have to agree with the majority of folk on here , if they are available the 'Swans' are ideal. Totally agree about the walk round bed and in this instance with the 'Swans' they do have a walk round bed. Unlike Brooms Captain that purports to have a walk round bed which is anything but. Only the fittest should apply to try the bed out on them. A few days training on The Matterhorn might be a good idea. Longer ropes that is another plus and has been said you can pull them both to the bow or stern , which ever is your preference and get off holding both and Bobs your Uncle and Fanny's your Aunt. (am I allowed to say that) Over the years I have taken over the helm once we had come along side , and then I sat at the helm while hubby always did the ropes. If you are wondering , have you ever seen me tie a rope?
  7. By using his usual magic and I cannot wait.
  8. Good god - our heating has been going for weeks now , yes heated radiator the lot but we do live facing Siberia on the East Coast. Always an overcoat colder up here.
  9. Yes absolutely lovely for the folk in the house looking at the fire but when you live next door and all that smoke is blowing your way I can assure you that it is anything but lovely. Thank goodness that our immediate neighbours now have got rid of their open fires.
  10. Have you got a telescope? I have and never use the darn thing.
  11. Fabulous. Well done, I reckon you have taken some cracking photos.
  12. Just remember if cancelling your holiday for any other reason than that on their "serious ' list they take (as we found to our cost) the full deposit even though we cancelled.nearly 8 months before the holiday. They charged us £250. Never again. Go straight to your boat yard to book. Richardsons were very understanding and refunded all monies.
  13. That is good to hear, cannot beat all nice and toasty with lashings of hot water.
  14. You tell me. I just obey the rules.
  15. I hope you are careful, I thought you were not allowed to touch boilers unless you are registered Gas Safe.
  16. https://www.jacquielawson.com/sendcard/preview?cont=1&hdn=0&fldCard=3450528&path=83563&pmode=init
  17. Thats what I like to hear - the Season of Goodwill coming to the fore. In this house tree up, lights up , wreath out, etc, gift bought and wrapped and the dreaded Christmas cards to do this weekend.
  18. I see the Blakeney web cam has been out since the 1st of November 2018. Doesnt look good as usually they get it back up and running as soon as. Shame.
  19. I was just thinking what an exciting life you lead, nearly as good as mine - off to Morrisons - woweeee....
  20. No Steve did not it was me. I dont suppose said intruder pops in during the day when the Richardsons chaps are there, they sneak in when they think no one else is about. Mind you thinking about that one, you would have to sit there a long time for that opportunity to strike. Makes me think someone has the combination or a key. Things can be obtained and copied. I still cannot get over the audacity of it all.
  21. May be this should be in Members Only.
  22. I am so sorry to read what has happened. My goodness me , what is this world coming to. Who is this creature who has been breaking into your boat. He wants sorting out good and proper. I agree with you the Wet Shed door should be kept shut at all times and anyone leaving it open should be chucked out of the wet shed immediately. Thank goodness Griff is going to have the CCTV camera covering your boat for peace of mind. Of course the 'culprit' will be unaware of this and if he comes back you will soon see who it is. Me thinks it cannot be anyone like a tramp etc because they would make off with your possessions not just sleep in your bed. Is it someone from the boating fraternity , who would know how to take out a window, I certainly wouldnt. Who would turn off the bilge unless a boating person , it all smacks of someone who has a boat or has owned a boat and is now homeless or just had a row with the wife. I do really feel upset for you. Keep your chins up.
  23. So do my hips. Beef stew and dumplings tonight with various veg and home made bread. Oh dear I can hear the scales sighing from here.
  24. Hmm!! I bet the driver in the clip above is a joy to live with. Bit of a pompous p.att. He does love his trafficater (is there such a word). Think the guy in the red car needs breathalysing.
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