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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Contact Christine or Mark at Tingdene Marina on 01603 717804, they have two sizes, that cost £28.30 & £32.00 you will however have to give them your engine details in order for them to sell you one. Regards Alan
  2. Hi Mark what is your air draft? at 9 foot 8 inches we have managed to get under Somerleyton bridge but it is a faff and not on in wet weather.
  3. Hello Tim welcome to the forum. Regards Alan
  4. Laura (Broads Authority) has just updated me that both Reedham & Somerleyton Bridge are none operational until after 1700 today. I will update you if there are any changes. Regards Alan
  5. Hi Stuart, Thank you for the update. Regards Alan
  6. I do not see anything wrong in providing a reserved mooring policy, but if it was me providing this service then I would take a card payment, redeemable on arrival. Regards Alan
  7. I have never seen any free moorings at Acle, the moorings above the boatyards used to charge £4.00 per night back in 2001. The shop during the day allows stopping for use of the shop as John (HA) says but I think they also charge for overnight mooring. The Green at Stokesby has free 24 hour mooring , outside the pub is charged. The moorings at Stracey Mill are chargeable apart from the time using the shop.
  8. I have just been informed by the Broads Authority that it's now operational again. I don't hold out any luck for the weekend I understand more warm weather is on its way. Regards Alan
  9. The status of the bridges is that Reedham is operational, Somerleyton is not according the the Broads Authority website. Regards Alan
  10. Thanks David, can you please PM me with the procedure. Regards Alan
  11. Can someone in Technical please alter the link to the Horning webcams. It now needs to be:- https://www.horning-sailing.club/webcams.php Since the webcams have been moved into Handy Information I longer have access to these files. Regards Alan
  12. There appears to be a fault on the Horning Sailing Club Webcam, it is almost as if someone has placed one of Peter's postcards in-front of the camera, a boat can be see in-front of the trip boat that has been there for well over a week. Can anyone in the know ask them to reboot the camera. Regards Alan
  13. I have not been notified, but the Broads Authority website is now saying that Reedham Bridge is now operational; but Somerleyton is not operational. If I see any more information I will inform you. Regards Alan
  14. Hello Hem, Please let us know what your Norfolk Broads plans are for 2018, ideally what boat you have in mind, are you planning to venture to the Northern or Southern Broads? Regards Alan
  15. At one time on the swing bridges they used to have summer and winter track that was fitted to prevent the issues we now have these days. Needless to say a cut in maintenance services. Regards Alan
  16. Back in the early 70's someone I knew had bought a Lotus Europa it cost him £2500.00 his problem was the £3000.00 for the third party insurance on the one company that would insure him, I think it spent most of its time in the garage. Best of luck Robin with the lessons and getting your car on the road. Regards Alan
  17. Just had a notification from Laura re Reedham Bridge. It is currently none operational, more details when I know them. Regards Alan
  18. As many of you know only peregrine chick survived at the nesting box on the Norwich Cathedral this year. Here is a short clip of it fledged yesterday. http://upp.hawkandowl.org/norwich-video-update-12th-june-2017/ Regards Alan
  19. Hi Stuart, I have no experience of these, if you have the battery power available and the correct size stranded cable to supply this immersion heater, then it should be fine. It will draw 25 amps at 12 volt so a minimum of 2.5 mm2 cable is required for a short run, longer I would go for 4mm and it will need a 30 amp breaker to control it. Regards Alan
  20. Following Grendels excellent building of the Broad Ambition models, I did a search on Broad Ambition and found the following boat review from July 2015 when Robin did a review on the boat after buying into the syndicate. I had not seen this review before, sorry Robin! nor had I seen inside Broad Ambition other than the occasional shot submitted by Griff. I am sure many of you will be interested in this review. Regards Alan
  21. There is always people with more money than sense, why pay for TV when there is plenty around for free, the bugbear to all is having to pay for the BBC licence. Hardly watched in our house. Regards Alan
  22. There are sections of the broads that are more susceptible to weed than others. Most boats do have alarms for overheating but on upper helms with limited instruments (temperature gauge) and away from the sound of the alarm damage is easily done. In my mind inspection of the raw water filter is a must, many have clear plastic covers so its a quick task. Other engine tests should not be needed on a boat that is checked on turnaround. Regards Alan
  23. Have a look on their Brochure pdf on page 10, they are made inhouse in any colour at £59.99. http://boultermarine.co.uk/media/brochure.pdf Regards Alan
  24. Here is some history of the Bathing Place http://homepages.phonecoop.coop/norgate/Beccles Lido/David_Lindley_History.pdf Regards Alan
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