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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Hi Iain, Maybe not but Gracie's hubby might be doing all the running about, I can't see Grace rushing about in those high heels Regards Alan
  2. Hi Frank, We are down at the Broads next week. We would buy the Fabsil you wish to sell, as you know we are on the Tingdene Marina at Brundall. Please send me a PM if this is alright. Regards Alan
  3. Hello Peter It is somewhat out of date, It does not show that fuel, pumpouts and gas is available at Brooms. Also missing is the electric posts at Brammerton & Sumerleyton. Regards Alan
  4. Hello Trevor, I have moved your post into the lounge. Regards Alan
  5. Hello John, Thank you for the heads up on this for the forum members. Regards Alan
  6. Hi Jonzo, I have noticed this over the last few days so the laptop have been on & off several times over the period. Regards Alan
  7. Hi Jonzo, I did that it made no difference. Regards Alan
  8. After upgrading to Windows 10, I am getting a few issues with Office 2003, Outlook and timing out on Google Chrome (latest version for Windows 10). The outlook issues are when typing in a few letters of the email address the option to click on suggested names used does not put the name into the box, you can only type it (somewhat a pain) In Excel the spreadsheets you already use where there is a date it has put them into the American format! Clicking on the column and formatting the cells converts most cells but not all of them. Using Chrome to access Ebay to answer questions from potential customers ends up with an error coming up half way through answering a question, it is a Chrome error but as only started since uploading Windows 10!!! Other than that all looks good, far too little Beta testing these days. Regards Alan
  9. Hello Al (yorkshireowl), Welcome to the the NBN forum. at 6 foot 9 inches you can go through the bridges at any time, as already stated just calculate times that will aid your passage under the bridges to reduce your fuel consumption. Please tell us a little about yourself and your boating. Regards Alan
  10. Hi Iain, We had a letter last week at work from BT saying that if we did not contact them to cancel our previous free entry in the local directory would cost £15 per month plus VAT. Needless to say I went straight onto their online cancellation link. People these days rarely use the Yellow Pages let alone the household directory. Regards Alan
  11. Hi Jonzo, I am sure the forum members appreciate your temporary solution. Regards Alan
  12. Looks more like a Mazda to me. Regards Alan
  13. Hi Vaughan, I agree that at one time the 220 volt electric posts were an issue, these days however there have been additional posts installed, well they have been on the Southern Broads. I believe most hire companies do not supply shore power hookups, the main issue now is that most hire company boats are all electric (no gas), microwave ovens are on most boats. Most boats needed to be run for at least 5 hours a day to charge the batteries, the use these days of microwaves (engine needs to be run whilst in use) and all the other electrical items that some people demand these drain the batteries quite quickly supplying the inverter. Most crews journeys on a standard day can be less than what is required to provide this power drain. It is only on journeys going from the Southern Broads to the Northern Broads and vice versa, just pottering around just does not cut it. Ideally crews should try and take showers whilst on the move if they can. It has already been said that crews are doing what they have been told to do by the hire companies with regards to running the engine when required, the companies also recommend the 8 pm to 8 am quiet time. A number of the new hire craft with the engine located at the stern means the crews do not appreciate how much noise is heard by fellow moored boats from their relative quiet lounges. Regards Alan
  14. Hi John, We will be down at the boat on Monday (4th July) at somepoint. Regards Alan
  15. Hi Neil, A little over a week for us. If you are still on the Southern Broads then, if we meet up we can trade our sales pitches Regards Alan
  16. Just a word of warning! Please do not include any registration details of a vehicle that you currently own and more importantly the make, model and colour. Regards Alan
  17. Hi Poppy, It is not welcomed on here because any debate can become very heated so other than an odd reference is usually deleted after contacting any offending forum members. Regards Alan
  18. Hi Polly, Repeated post deleted. Regards Alan
  19. Might I suggest a nice Blue one Regards Alan
  20. I sold one of my cherished plates just before Christmas, now 111A is now on a car in Scotland. I was sad to see it go. Regards Alan
  21. After the accidents and poor practices over the last few years, the warnings were there to be seen, it is a tragedy that this has happened to this couple and their dog, no doubt in the fullness of time a precise reason will be declared after the boat being checked over. This is another warning to all of us be it on a boat or at home, carbon monoxide is a killer. Good ventilation and CO alarms are a must. Regards Alan
  22. Hi Iain, I used to service four golf clubs in the Sheffield/Derbyshire area. What used to get me me was the segregation of the men's and ladies entrances into the clubs and their associated facilities. We only did one municipal golf club, the other were very eyebrow! Plenty of forelock tugging, back in the day when on site. Regards Alan
  23. Hi Iain, I think most golf clubs had similar signs, I know you are spring chicken at heart but you are a bit nearer that age than me, but only just Regards Alan
  24. Sounds like another job for the boys or in this case girls. Regards Alan
  25. Hi Charlie, There is always the route to object to a new member being given the full member status if you are brave enough Where is the "do not try this at home" emotion when you need one? Regards Alan
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