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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Hello Jeff, A warm welcome to you and your family to the NBN your friendly forum from Tan & myself. Regards Alan
  2. Hi John, The boats we have seen on fire or seen the aftermath seem to have burnt reasonably well, there was one at the marina at St Olaves a couple of seasons ago all of the superstructure had been burnt away. Regards Alan
  3. Thank you Carol for the great pictures. Regards Alan
  4. We have used Ian Jennings for our last two BSS inspections. We are ok until September 2017. It must be a weight off your mind that you have four years of blissful grace. Regards Alan
  5. Hello Monica, There is another Windows 10 topic. Please use the following link:-http://www.thenorfolkbroads.net/forum/topic/7539-windows-10/?page=4 Regards Alan
  6. Hello Lurch, Welcome to the NBN forum from Tan & myself. Please let us know about your past and future visits to the Broads. Regards Alan
  7. Hi Neil, There wouldn't be shares available in Lightning by any chance You are correct of course and I am surprised that more syndicates for boats are not being formed on the Norfolk Broads, we see reports of people hiring two or three times a year. We were thinking of Hiring on the Caledonia Canal a couple of years ago in May and a Birchwood 340 similar to Ranworth Breeze was £1650 per week plus the usual average £400 add on's by Le Boat, Because there were three couples we needed a six berth plus! and at £4000 for a week we ended up hiring a Narrow Boat on the Scottish Canals at less than half that cost. All in all the Broads offers cheaper boating, be it private, syndicate or hired. Regards Alan
  8. Hi Jill, Now that's what I call a sunset Regards Alan
  9. I have been on Vodafone since we had the brick and mag-mount aerial in the mid 80's, all i want in a phone is to make calls so all the upgrades we have had have been over the top for me. I don't text, i only use the internet if desperate. The keyboards on phone are far too small for me even in landscape. For those people that need them for business and emergencies they are a godsend. Regards Alan
  10. Hi Iain, No just standard oven chips Regards Alan
  11. Hi Grace, You and Tan are very much alike with regards to Yachts, Bridges and Spiders, I am some glad she has better sence with regards to her shoes. I caught a spider running across our lounge floor a while ago, I put a pint pot over it, its legs were touching all the sides. Tan swears they grin at her. I just put them outside, hope their not homing spiders. Regards Alan
  12. Welcome to the Taylor Family from Tan & myself. Regards Alan
  13. Hi Carol, Go for it and let us know how you get on, maybe a few pictures if you get a chance. Regards Alan
  14. Very sad news for the family and the the rescue workers, all life is precious and for this to happen to anyone's child/children does not bear thinking about.
  15. Gabions are not an ideal means of construction for use in water environments unless the cages are made from stainless steel. These have also been used on one side of the New Cut and of course there are now posts indicating where these have failed due to collapse. Any stones falling out of these cages are an instant obstacle. The New Cut is littered with them. By the looks of the picture what ever the bank was made of has collapsed and have formed a shelf, some work was done last season on the opposite side of the river around the bend from Bramerton. I am sure that there were no mooring signs on this section. Regards Alan
  16. Hi Q, Great pictures well worth the wait, looks like you had a good time without too many issues. Regards Alan
  17. Try this link. http://www.eveningnews24.co.uk/news/emergency_search_operation_continues_in_thorpe_st_andrew_amid_fears_two_teenagers_have_drowned_1_4191149 Regards Alan
  18. Buried is about the best thing to do with a MacD, they do not go hand in hand with food. IMHO. Regards Alan
  19. Hello Retsub, Welcome to the NBN forum from Tan & myself, We have all done something when we were younger. Years ago not a lot older than you were, four of us hired a Caravan at Dennis's near Scarborough, the chap in the next caravan to us couldn't start his car so we offered to tow him in my mates Land Rover, we attached his tow rope but the chap had not unlocked his steering lock and we ended up pulling it into the caravan he was staying on. Life was a bit frosty that week from the neighbors. Regards Alan
  20. We have used Varta batteries for a number of years on large UPS installations of up to 8KVA, they are also used on a number of scooters, maybe Iain's "Scoot" uses them. Regards Alan
  21. Hello Q, Thank you for your report, looking forward to the pictures. Regards Alan
  22. Hi Iain, Congratulations, I hope you and your good lady enjoy your celebratory lunch. Regards Alan
  23. Hello Myer, Welcome to the NBN your friendly forum. Although I have never been on a yacht I can appreciate the skills and contentment that are involved in yachting. The Broads would be a sad place indeed if only one aspect of Broads usage was dominate. The Broads is for everyone be they boat users, fishermen (and Grace), ramblers etc. Regards Alan
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