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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. And given the staff shortage you'd probably have to arrest yourself (assuming you were in the same vacinity as yourself) and even maybe interview yourself at the station. Now! Are you going to come quietly?
  2. Not bad. 8 posts from your broad getting laid to cricket.
  3. No such thing as a "Seagull" ....,. Wrong. Seagull is the accepted word for any predominately white sea bird. It has been in the language for many years, perhaps centuries. It's almost like saying "There's no such thing as a duck".
  4. Mine drips about 4 to 5 times a minute. Is that too much? What should I do?
  5. Wasn't there a link between Bradbeers and Brink Craft?
  6. I wonder what the "Best before" date is on them
  7. I was there Mark, complete with dodgy tee shirt. Guiness was nothing special and I had a sausage roll from the Guiness stand. That really was dire!!! I thought the price, £4.90 a pint pretty reasonable for a London Exhibition, far more so than the £3.50 for a lump of flavourless unidentifiable meat in an oil soaked tube of mushy pastery. Next year I'm going to try to be wearing an NBN tee shirt!
  8. The place at South Walsham would be my first port of call. Don't know what it's called but it sells boats and Yamaha outboards
  9. I do not see this as a Broads Authority problem, it's a council problem be it local or county. The BA could however earn itself a few much needed brownie points by putting pressure on the councils concerned. It is after all a government department and would know exactly who's backsides to kick. If Dr Packman were to solve this mess I for one would start thinking far more sympathetically towards that gong we all know he's after. Looking after what he's got rather than trying to change it would be far more gongworthy.
  10. Is it completely beyond the realms of possibility that someone in some form of authority, will eventually realise that it IS possible for a commercial enterprise to generate domestic waste? The hire craft is a commercial enterprise. The hirers are domestic. the waste comes from the hirers. it is domestic waste. The waste from Southern Comfort (or the Lulu Belle as my parents used to call it) for example is commercial. It's not rocket science honest!
  11. One oif trhe highlights for me was the Earls Court Guiness stand. can anyone advise me if the stand at wherever it is now is as good??? Whatever! I am attempting to go Thursday. If my luck is in (and his is out) I'd love to meet up with Mark (baitrunner). The only way I can dress in a manner where you might recognise me is that I shall wear my old NBF tshirt. When the NBN assists, I shall make some NBN ones and discard my NBF ones.
  12. Are we arguing (sorry, debating) the right thing here? I do wonder! Is it trade weaste or is it domestic waste? no.. No NO! That isn't the point! The problem isn't what the waste is, the problem is that the designation/definition (call it what you will) has been changed by person or persons unknown. the simple solution is to change it back. If this is an EU deirective, then throw it back at the EU as unworkable. The bins should be re-instated and emptied as before, and continued to be emptried until a workable solution is found. The right bins were in the right places. the bins were not the problem. Who empties them and who pays is the problem, but it isn't OUR problem. So how do we proceed? Civil disobedience? Perhaps a month of fly tipping might be the answer I don't know, but certainly writing to relevent councils and MPs might be a start.
  13. God chefs know that they need slow cooking, perhaps even all deity.
  14. Bloody ridiculous! Isn't Lamb the appropriuate MP to complain to?
  15. Mark (Baitrunner) Thursday?
  16. Not quite accurate Barry, electric bicycles are making a bit of a showing these days and they have no tax, insurance or mot requirements, so no number plates either. Also I understand that the rider has no alcohol limit either as long as he can't be proven to be drunk. This is rather the loophole that was being highlighted by this thread.
  17. Thanks Griff, I'm being a bit slow this morning....Oh gawd! fick as two short ones!
  18. Gracie hates Chocolate! Tee hee, let's see if I get away with that
  19. I thought "Grey water" was "washing up/shower" water! if so, does grey water need a holding tank?
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