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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. Yes Ray, but that was business, I'm talking about leasure drinking.
  2. Hi Kris and welcome. I don't know what your plans are for the business and this is only my opinion BUT.. I stopped going into the Wayford when M.P.W. did the makeover, making the bar resemble the gents at King's Cross station and actively seemed to discourage people using the establishment as a pub. Eaters were welcome, residents more so, but those going in just for a pint or two were 'tolerated'. You know the custom you will be targeting and the style of business you intend to run, so I write this post with an atitude of hopefulness and not in any way advising you how to run your business. How ever you decide to proceed, I join with the others wishing you every success.
  3. Why did the hedgehog cross the road?
  4. There are somany 'red herrings' in this thjread, I'm thinking about starting to go fishing again. It is unwise to compare BA tolls with the tolls on the canals etc as you cannot be sure you are comparing like with like. The same applies to road tax. It is also unwise to liken this situation to car ownership, caravan ownership or even garden shed ownership as each similie has stomping great differences that detract from the points being made. We all know that the primary requirement is a breakdown of the BAs income and its expenditure. This will probably be published soon after that metaphorical pig gets airborn. Without wishing to bang Petrers drum for him, I have to speculate that this increase will just about cover any past re-branding exercises, whilst any future "back-branding" will have to come from a future increase!
  5. Banks will always cover you with something, but for locking ones keys in the car, I'd use Bobby 'hotwire' Jones who lives quite close (except when he's away). Well I do live very close to Essex.
  6. What was the question again?
  7. Sorry Robin, I can't agree. There is ample scope for sufficient profit to make that pub a going concern. It's current issue is that there are two groups trying to get their hands on that profit, the landlords (Pubco or whoever) and the tennents. If the tennents owned the place, they wouldn't get rich but they would make a comfortable living. Your say people will go past and just go to where they were going, I think they will stop (and in significant numbers) because that's where they were going! Generally speaking the broads holiday is still a water-born pub crawl just as it ever was. If not too many people have their hands in the till, the pub can and will work. It is that which needs to be proved.
  8. I suspect this article has more to do with "finding something to write about" rather than the offence itself. Stiil it's better than reading about serious tragedies. No news is good news!
  9. The cap is metal Andy, I was going to call it the "Deck filler" but the filler isn't on the deck, it's sitting in Sawbridgeworth typing this!
  10. Just out of interest ( and I just know I'm going to regret asking this ) but what is the closest metric nut head to a 5/8" hex drive?
  11. Good point, thanks, I shall check ALL my deck fittings seals (and just for Ray (Regulo) I'll check the Walruses too)
  12. I tried diversifying a thread once, didn't half get a slap
  13. I collect green stuff that grows on my boat... got lots of it now... Anyone want some?
  14. That looks the jobbie Iain, well if I can find an appropriate nut I'm out of the .... well you know. Thanks all for a fine collection of in depth and helpful replies, They're right up to the standard I aspire to when assisting our longer standing members. (and we all know that a long standing member is happiness itself)
  15. Does anybody knoiw what size the Allen key (Hex key) is to undo the pumpout deck fitting, and better still can anyone tell me where I can getr a metal one? On a couple of occasions noiw, the cap has been somewhat stubborn and the plastic keys just aren't up to the task. Best if I carry a metal one onboard. Thanks all in advance.
  16. Ahh, at that size it's almost certainly a stoat (or a weasle, very similar) too small for a mink. it looked bigger than that in your picture. Great pics by the by, and a most enjoyable read.
  17. That picture of a "Stoat" has me wondering. It looks a tad too big for a stoat, I rather think it might have been a mink. Where was it?
  18. Trust me Mark, when you're in the locks at Geldeston, you really don't care what the tide's doing.. hic.. edited to add... You're right Iain, I must have been in there to long to learn to read.
  19. The sadist in me is screaming "Love it, love it, I just love it"
  20. Hi Peter and welcome. It's true what you say, a boatring holiday will either end a friendship or cement it for life.
  21. Cloth was made to keep us warm, not make us go along, There are those who disagree but I can prove them wrong! We know that boats are well designed, their lines are smoolth and slick But all this work is wasted time when someone adds a stick. A sheet is is found upon a bed on that you'll safely bet, though sailors sheets are bits of rope all cold and thin and wet. Now settle back and worry not, just quote this rhyme twice daily, If he's cold and wet and miserable, he's probably a saily. JanetAnne, you're coming along just fine, your humans serve you well.
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