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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. Bit too small for a diesel, I'd have to look round for a nice little Stuart Turner, but yes Peter, it has all the potential to be a nice little boat.
  2. You get 'gators on southern waters???... Where are they???... Breydon water??? I just knew the place was dangerous!
  3. So to sum up then... all sorts of things come streaming out of Cowes at differing speeds and of varying colours. This is still too much information... but then again, I don't know s***! (another old joke)
  4. That's certainly true Senator, As a maker of BioDiesel I know that only too well.
  5. Fear ye not Graham, the Elysian 27 was originally designed as a sea going craft and so is capable of handling anything that Breydon can throw at it. The attached pic is of an Elysian Mk1 (same as yours I believe)
  6. Gracie, I'm interested in the concept of chaining a child in a cabin and making him (or her) wear a life jacket. This delightful stroke of gratuitous cruelty apeals to me no end.
  7. Thanks Peter. Just out of interest, what have JP & co actually done? IU would assume the action was legal, but was it a legal action?... if you know what I mean
  8. Is there any chance that if there is something of any consequence to be said here that it won't be said in code? I have absolutely no idea what (if anything) is going on here!
  9. Ahh, now I know why the chicken crossed the B Road.
  10. Why are there more people going aground these days? SIMPLES! Society has moved from... "What do you advise" to "Who are you to tell me what to do". John, If you pull the propulsion chain, does your engine have a hot flush?
  11. The problem isn't with the politically correct, it is with those who write the rules without thinking things through. Few "rulewriters" consider the problems for those enforcing and upholding those rules. The concept of trying not to offend people is sound and reasonable. Writing rules to acheive this is next to impossible, not least of all because few people know what things offend and what things do not. There is an army of people out there who take offence on behalf of others. It is possible that a member of the students union could have said that he felt the Mexicans would have been offended by the presence of those hats, it is equally possible that he might said that someone "not Mexican" could be offended on behalf of Mexico. What he almost certainly did not do was ask a Mexican what he felt! TheQ raises an interesting point when he mentions kilts. If a Mexican were present, and wearing a sombrero, can anybody 'not Mexican' wear a sombrero? To say "no" would be racist ! Could the Mexican be allowed to sell sombreros? Would someone not mexican be allowed to buy a sombrero and then wear it? It's a minefield out there, and such it will ever remain but leaving things to the public's common sense is an even more treacherous one. This poor chap, hoodie or not, had an impossible task. I for one hope he has learned valuable lessons from it and has travelled further down the road to civilisation by his quest to minimise offense from himself and others.
  12. Please please, let us not go through all the tired old routines yet again. Marshman, there those who agree with you and those who do not. Poppy, same as! End of!
  13. their are many things that can annoy me on computer forums lack of punctuation is but one poor spelling and terrible grammer are two more However I fully accept that some people are better than others in these skills. Some have genuine reasons (dyslexia for example) for such failings whilst others might just have typed their posts in a hurry, or perhaps even in anger. The standard of the posts on this forum are as good and frequently better than any other I'm a member of, and certainly often display a better understanding of English than my own. Batrabill, might I ask that a little more tollerance is shown, because that really would improve the world.
  14. There's a simple choice in life, you can either have a boat or sufficient funds to enjoy it.
  15. Right boat? Wrong boat? This is just crying over spilt milk, They've got it, job done. Now what should be being discussed is how to put it to it's best use. Hockham Admiral has requested that we put the old discussion to bed, I tend to agree. However, putting positive points forwards regarding its best use is positive thinking and the way forwards.(I'm never humble, but I do have opinions )
  16. Realwindmill, Road diesel has a percentage of BioDiesel (FAME) in it. Some, perhaps many, of older engines have seals that can rot when in constant ccontact with FAME. This can, and I emphasise "can" lead to a frightening experience called "Runaway engine" where the sump oil finds it's way into the cylinder allowing the engine to use it asw fuel. Tjhis effectively puts your engine on full throttle with the throttle control being ineffective. Have your engine checked out by a reputable engineer to find out more. Best wishes and welcome. MM
  17. 1 x pressure cooker 1 x Non stick Wok. 2 x non stick frying pans (1 largish, 1 small) 2 x non stick saucepans. (1 largish, 1 small) Selection of sharp knives and wooden implements. 2 x Cafetiere (one for loose leaf tea, the other for coffee) Those are my essentials for the galley, and pretty much in order of importance. (that is if you can have an "order of importance" for items that are essential!)
  18. Hi TheQ, You mentioned a few posts back that you run youir landy on chip oil. I run both my landy and Nyx (my Elysian Bounty) on home made Bio. Maybe you got a whiff of it when I passed you when you were marshalling the Horning sailie races.
  19. Sorry John, but when John was talking to John, I (John) think it likely that you (John) were not the John that John was talking to, Am I right John? Edited to ask Joihn if his computer is a desktop or a laptop and to ask John if that makes any difference as my (this John's) computer is a desktop.
  20. How do you bake an android ?, The same way as you do oven chips of course!
  21. Viking, The problem is that if one were to use a more traditional anchor in say, Hickling Broad, it would do considerable damage to the bottom of the broad. perhaps even allowing ingress of sea water. Mudweights do little or no damage, making them the anchor of choice for the vast majority of the broadland system. I carry a small folding grapnal anchor, just enough to catch onto things in tidal rivers (private boats, sailing crafts rigging, that sort of thing) It is probable thgat inappropriate usage may well cause more danger and/or damage than they would be worth, so perhaps not best to equip novices with such items..
  22. Sorry Monica, I didn't really make clear what I meant, I was talking about several different things. Firstly, Spam mail.... Sometimes when you receivew a spam mail, if you read it, you might find an option asking if you wish to be removed from their mailing list. They use this trick to see if you have read the mail. If you have, it is worth their while sending you more. Your asking to be removed proves to them that you have! Second point (entirely unrelated to the first) was the "Not responding" message that occurs when you are trying to do things. I too have had this problem, though it didn't seem to be related to Windows-10. I am interested to hear views on this as I had put it down to my computer being elderly and no longer "fit for purpose". the other symptom was the very long time it took to start up in the morning. I wondered if you had the same symptoms. Luckily I had a back-up machine which I've now gone onto. The elderly machine was Windows 7, this is 10.
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