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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. Anybody know any good(ish) beaches for baitcasting?
  2. BaitRunner, My parents and I used to own boats on the canal system. I have had boats on the Grand Union as well as on the river Stort. Although I've not had a boat or holiday on the Fens or either of the Ouses, I suspect that the following point will hold true for them as it did for the bulk of the canal system. The Norfolk Broads is a holiday area. You tie your boat up and irrespective of whether you are an owner or a hirer, you are on holiday. You visit one of the waterside towns or villages, and you are amongst other holidaymakers or people catering for the holiday trade. Yes the locals are there and there in force, but the whole atmosphere is one of people all happily holidaying. Now go on the canal. You stop off at a riverside pub. Most of the customers in there are people who work in the area. They are there on their lunch break, or they've just stopped off for a quick pint on their way home. The atmosphere in the shops and pubs is the same as it is in your shops and pubs back at your home. The holiday feeling just isn't there. This isn't to say that you cannot have a really good holiday there, but what I'm trying to point out is one of the major differences. Hope the above makes sense!
  3. Great! I'm delighted to read that the Corsican is "staying in the family" Wishing you all the best with her, and I look forwards to hearing you perform again. M_M
  4. Perhaps the tackle shop at Ludham bridge could start selling gruntles. I understand they're quite inexpensive and even cheaper if bought in multipacks. The more regruntled fishermen, the better in my opinion. This might, once and for all alleviate the problem of disgruntled fishermen.
  5. Hi Bonzo, Welcome to the looney bin. Does your liking for real ale and a spot of fishing ever take you to the Pleasure Boat Hickling? If so, keep an eye out for a boat called Nyx (moored just behind the pubs beer garden), and if I'm aboard, give me a shout and we can "blow the froth off a few"
  6. To be honest, I prefer curtain wire. Small quick and easy... bit like me really!
  7. Wot! ... You think Peter should have worn a hoodie?
  8. I think you might find that they can tell you to do (or not do!) pretty much as they please, whether they can enforce any of these things is a different matter. If a belligerent skipper moored at one of these quiet moorings and ran his engine, I'm not sure that the land owner could actually do anything about it.
  9. JohnM, Whilst I fully appreciate your point where a sign saying "No Fishing" must mean "no fishing" 'end of' that may not be the case. These days where signage, instructions and even laws are so poorly thought through, it is quite possible that the intention of the sign was purely to stop anglers setting up with their brollies, tackle boxes, keep nets and the ton and a half of other kit we anglers seem to acquire over the years! May I give you a real life example of this "poor phrasing". My boat was broken into some years ago. apart from the vandalism, they nicked quite a bit of stuff including my tackle box and two rods I kept on board. I claimed on my insurance for all the losses apart from the fishing gear. The gear was omitted because the policy stated clearly that "Fishing gear was not included in the policy" I only noticed this when making the claim. Needless to say I included a strongly worded letter describing my displeasure over something so likely to be on a boat being exempt from the cover. The reply was interesting in that I was informed that fishing tackle was included in the cover but fishing gear was not. What was meant was commercial fishing gear, ie trawler nets etc were not covered where angling equipment was. As I say, poorly worded document, not thought through,... and that was from an insurance company! Although that was some years ago, this slap-dash attitude to such things remains today, in fact rather worse. So, does "no fishing" mean no fishing? well it might, but then again... The root cause of this problem is the education system which supports the doctrine "Grammar doesn't matter as long as you get your message across". As these days so many messages are NOT getting across, this doctrine is now being proved to be "not fit for purpose". Sorry for the rant, it's just one I feel strongly about!
  10. "I am sure others will know more about the one sin action still today." There are typos and there are typos, but I have to say thanks to Baitrunner for this one which will have me chuckling for the rest of today and probably beyond.
  11. Clive, Offer Her Majesty a really good deal on one of your larger boats for a family holiday. Either the knighthood will be "in the bag" or she'll never speak to you again.
  12. I thought the thread title meant something along the lines of... Sir Clive Richardson ate my boat. Well it would have made a good article!
  13. Now look what you've done! I didn't say you weren't any good at it, I said don't say you were any good at it.
  14. If a person runs a business with 'x' profit and along comes an authority reducing that profit from one aspect, that person will automatically attempt to regain that profit by other means. If rent is controlled by "Market forces" and those market forces are the ones who have all suffered that loss of profit, then ALL those market forces will recoup said profit in the same way, Thus it follows that by increasing the "market force" valuation all profits lost will be regained within the guidelines formed. To be honest, I don't think this new 'amendment' will make a gob of spit's difference!
  15. You have every right Iain, just don't say you were any good at it.
  16. My doctor said I was two pence.... or was that too tense, he does tend to mumble!
  17. What!... £30 to build a dinghy.... You think I'm made of money or something??????
  18. Any pics of the new boat matey? That must be such a relief for you.
  19. Interesting point Robin (and, No Grendel, the tax is on fuel used for propulsion). Letter of the law, you might have a fightable case given a slick solicitor. Spirit of the law, the 40/60 split would be thought generous.
  20. JawsOrca, there's one who leaves menus on boats at Coltishall that has a very good reputation, and they deliver to boats. I'm sure someone will come along with a name.
  21. I wonder what the BA toll rate is for that craft. Disregard that, I know that leccy power doesn't reduce the tolls! I was miles away. I edited this rather than delete it just in case anyone was replying to it!!!
  22. Norfolk Chinese on a boat. Go to takeaway, place order, pay bill and carry food back to boat. That's the way to do it.
  23. BowWave wants to know what people would like to read in a boating magazine! Good for you for trying to find out. I'll come back on this with some suggestions in a moment, after I've covered a couple of other things you've said. You say you have avoided forums on the subject. That's a pity as not only would you have been able to add some high quality input, but in return you would have come across the things I'm going to mention in a moment. I disagree with some of the comments or criticisms made about what is not wanted, the occasional article on what today's "deck floosie" is wearing is quite welcome, as is the odd review of 24 carrot floating bling, however what is really wanted is balance! What about a series of articles called "I had £1000 and wanted to buy a 2nd hand boat. Then £2500 followed by £5000 etc. Show people what sort of boat can be purchased with what sort of money and what problems they are likely to run into. After people have bought a boat they will find the faults and want to know which ones they can deal with and which ones need the professional touch, so a DIY article or two for boat restoration.Just one article per issue mind, you don't want to over do it! Test reports on boat fridges, boat cookers, life jackets,fenders and anchors etc. would be handy as well as articles on what sort/size ropes should be used for what. Yes the odd review on restaurants accessible by boat and reviews of chandlers too. While you're wondering what else you might include in your magazine, perhaps a readers questions page, where a reader might ask how to do something and your journalists find an expert and get the best answers./ Of course a letters page might be handy for both the reader and yourself for ideas. A quick fishing report section isn't entirely irrelevant to the area's boating public, that might lead to charter boats advertising in the mag. Anyway, I must go now, got to cook the dinner, Sorry I couldn't think of anything for you to write about, I went quite blank!
  24. There is a member in the other place, who may be a member here under a different name, I don't know. Anyway, he posted a link there which I found made interesting reading (probably because I agreed with it!) I shall attempt to place the link here, but be gentle with me if it doesn't work, I've never done it before, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/wildlife/11233388/One-big-grouse-has-the-RSPB-lost-its-true-aims.html A friend of mine, a keen rough shooter was a member of the BASC which after a while he got fed up with telling me it stood for the "British Association for Shooting and Conservation" and not the "British Association for Slaughter and Carnage" as I kept calling it. I also rewrote some words of a hymn, just for him! All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small. Give me loads of cartridges, I want to shoot them all. I shoot them when their flying, I shoot them when they sit I shoot them while they run around, There's no fun quite like it. Hey ho!
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