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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. Holt??? Who goes there??
  2. So, like, what an amazeballs hornets nest I seem to have poked. I really really hope we don't drift off of (another hate for me) it too soon. The upward emphasis at like the end of a sentence is, I believe an antipodean habit innit. "You know" has been ending sentences for many years now, but has now frequently grown to "you know what I mean". Whilst this is grammatically an improvement it is still a rhetorical nonsense. I remember my father once complaining about, as he called it, this verbal diarrhoea. He objected to it so strongly he came up with his own nonsense. If someone stated the obvious, made a totally unnecessary point or in any other way made some meaningless comment, my father would reply "Well there you are, where are you"
  3. I have noticed an annoying trend for starting anything said with the word "So", so I thought I'd just join in. So, here I lie on my bunk listening to the pitter patter of raindrops on the roof, and find myself remembering the Flanders and Swann song of the weather which included the lines "April brings its fresh spring showers, that go on for hours and hours." I had been wondering if it was actually worth getting up out of bed, when blow me down, it stopped raining. Re-enthused with... well... enthusiasm, I decided to arise from the pit. "Things to do, people to see" as they say. With an almighty flurry ... I did nothing (it was a very impressive flurry, though I say it myself). "Why this sudden surge of inactivity ?" You ask. Because its just started raining again. That's why. So (see, I did it again) I have to point out that I dislike eating or drinking in bed. Breakfast in bed is no luxury for me an never has been. Libations under the duvet are overrated ending up with spillage on the pillow and ice wandering towards places I wish it not to. Now, (seemed like an alternative to "So") I have reason to get out of bed sometime today. Libations! Better have some breakfast first though. And it does seem to have stopped raining again.
  4. If you do decide to change the whole bank, what do you plan to do with the old ones. I know a chap who would welcome them with open arms.
  5. No. Only Potter heigham bridge was the northern rivers tricky one, and back in the 60s you didn't have to have a pilot. My first holiday on the Broads was 1965. I still remember it quite well. I was 11 and most of my efforts went into fishing. Many things have changed, some good, some not.
  6. Oh deary me. I seem to have found an inponderable. Back in the universe I used to live in, eggs were either OK to eat, or had "gone off". One could tell the difference quickly and easily by the smell. Now.. I had some eggs that were beyond their sell by date. Something made me crack them open and put them in a jug prior to putting them in a pan. The whites were brown, and the yolks were Mouldy, but there was no smell whatsoever. I decided not to eat them. The "use by date" was last December, yet I was unaware that eggs could go off in this way. The ones I am currently boiling have a use by date of next month, and seem OK. Have I been wrong all these years or has something else changed? I'm sure my mother used to keep eggs for months. Your comments are looked forward to
  7. Well done. Time to treat yourself to a small libation.
  8. I have several CO alarms onboard one right next to the Chinese heater, another by my bunk. The third one is in the wheelhouse and a fourth close to the cooker. Finally I have one protecting the aft area astern of the galley. I'm working on the principle that if just one goes off, I'm on high alert. If two or more go off I take action. What action I take rather depends on which ones are sounding, the weather, and the availability of the gin bottle.
  9. I noticed in Google, when I was searching for something else, that the Canal and River trust is attempting to make a financial move against 'continuous cruisers', and that those cruisers are arranging a protest. This was an article in 'The Standard' newspaper. It was headlined "Boaters to stage protest over 'discriminatory' price rises" It will be interesting to see if their protest is in any way fruitful and how. I wonder if BRAG is aware of the pressure group involved, and if there is any 'cross pollination' to be considered advantageous. I have no idea how to do linky things, nor even how best to bring this article to the attention of BRAG. Perhaps one of you clever people might oblige.
  10. We've all done it, but there's a cream you can get to relieve the pain.
  11. Hmmm, what better excuse? Now, let me think.... hmmm Ahh yes. It's too hot, or perhaps, it's too cold. It's raining, it's been raining or it's going to rain. I'm in a hurry or maybe even .. no time, I need to clean my boat. Yessss, that's the one.
  12. I really must try Meales. At the moment my vote goes to the cafe in the industrial estate in Hoveton near where Bolters is.
  13. Just a word of warning from Paranoid Percy. Wondering if it's wise, for private boaters to give out their "What3words" on open forum. Just a thought, and sorry if I've just made work for the mods. :-)
  14. Putting on my finest Victor Meldrew voice , I find myself shouting at my television set, screaming "I don't believe it". According to Anglia news, we are heading for a water shortage. Why on earth hasn't the BA, done something to stop all that rain water rushing out to sea.
  15. Yep, there used to be a lot at stake !
  16. "Properly" includes security!
  17. Sorry MM, I should have made myself clearer. I meant... Properly controlled captive mink.
  18. Fake fur is made from oil. Greenpeace should be condemning it and supporting mink farms. I suppose it all depends on whether you want to save the world or snub the wealthier people on it.
  19. There's a song I recently came across by someone called "Putters" entitled "put it on a plate". It can be found on YouTube. Perhaps one of you clever sausages could put a linky thing here for me. I think some members here feel the same way. Ps. It's suitable for any age group.
  20. OK, if it's controversy you want, how about this. Mink fur is, I'm told, very warm. It doesn't contain any fossil fuels and is, when making coats, very labour intensive. The only downside is that it tends to be worn by posh women who have access to loads of dosh. Why are such garments frowned upon?
  21. I ask this only out of idle curiosity... if a mink goes into an otters territory, would they fight, and if so, who would win?
  22. Very fair comment SwanR, dogs are not liked by everyone and it does annoy me to see dogs off their leads in pubs, or worse, when the dog IS on a lead, but nobody is on the other end.
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