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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. Lovely photos, your boat's larger than I imagined.
  2. Don't forget the £7,500 the BA will want to toll you for 3 days.
  3. Fishermen/fisherwomen are always after a bite
  4. If one is nice all the time, it ceases to be nice and becomes normal. When that happens, nobody knows when one is being nice. Firstly I would like people to realise when I'm being nice, and second, nobody has ever called me "normal".
  5. Nowwwwwwww theeeeeee Whatsits connected to the thingammy, the thingammy's connected to the doobury, the doobury's connected to the gizmo now hear the words of the Lord. Dem bits dem bits dem dry bits...... etc.
  6. Not a problem. By the time it comes we will all have finished being nice to each other and normality will have been restored.
  7. If run well, the pleasure boat is more than a match for the greyhound. Bigger car park and nicer views.
  8. I don't need a tool for condensation, I find Nyx gets plenty without one.
  9. Nyx, both nights, not sure of the prat's name on board, Austin Healey or something.
  10. I phoned the Coop to discuss the hike in the premium. Their reply was to offer the same policy at a lower price but with a lower estimated annual mileage. The increase went from 50% to 12%. Make of that what you will.
  11. I've just had my car insurance quote for the next 12 months. It's gone up from £375 to £665 Has anyone else had such a hike? Does anyone else use Coop? Has Dr Packman gone into the insurance business?
  12. It's getting a reputation for running out of beer, but no, it's not very busy.
  13. I think we can learn a bit from our canal narrow boat friends here. I seem to recollect they use fenders made from rope covered chain. An 18 to 24 inch long version of one of those would sit comfortably between the Hull and the quayside.
  14. Very wet and muddy at the moment and high water levels throughout.
  15. ExSurveyor is a gentleman with a generous convenience.
  16. "Unmolested Patina " I'll remember that one. Thank you.
  17. As far as keeping up with the Jones's goes, try this for a line... "We think we might have to have a holiday abroad next year, Norfolk is becoming so expensive "
  18. Agreed, but what's normal? Anyway cheers To you, I raise my glass back to you.
  19. There seems to be two trends. Firstly, the further away from the UK you go, the more impressive the holiday, and second, .... You have to have the holiday of a lifetime every year. Personally, I live on the Broads so I don't need a holiday. Living the dream ..... still.
  20. Since I joined this forum nearly 20 years ago, my father has died, my mother has died, my sister has died, my friend who, with his mother, took me in, has been taken into care, and his mother has died. Without this forum, I'd probably have thrown in the towel. I was looking at homelessness in the face and prospects for me were bleak. This forum allowed, or at least forgave, me my somewhat weird sense of humour. It allowed me to smile in my darker times. It has provided me with friends and support. Now here I am, a libation or two too many, worried that Gracie or Hylander might take me too seriously, that Vaughan or Meantime might not take me seriously enough or that Griff or Ray- Regulo might think I actually know what I'm talking about. I need this forum, it's a major thing that keeps me going. Enough maudling, time for another drinkypoos... well it is only 01:00. :-)
  21. Right. I have ordered the £150 unit. It comes as the heater alone. I don't know if the fuel pump comes with it or not, but pipes, silencer etc do not. I shall be using the existing fittings. If the heater kills me... well we live and learn, and I'll never buy another one. I have noticed that a new Eberspatcher fuel pump is well over £100. I can't remember how much but it was eye watering. A non Eberspatcher one is about £25. Further, I was told that of the £850 bill quoted, only about £150 was labour. Sooner or later we, the boating fraternity will have to find out for certain if we are prepared to be ripped off by the word "marine" on everything we buy for our boats. When it comes to quality, I take the measure of this to be "unreliable", "short lived" or "aesthetically poor" other shortcomings will certainly be there but not fatal ones. I have not found any evidence of anybody actually being killed injured or having suffered from fire owing to any of these units. (Having been properly installed. ) I have another idea I'd like to put forward, one which if feasible might make a possible business for someone. A bulkhead fitted silencer with cooling fins to be mounted inside the boat/leisure vehicle acting as a heating radiator. I hate the idea of venting something hot outside from a device designed to heat an area inside. Surely we should be harnessing all the heat we can.
  22. First, Thanks all for the replies. They have been most helpful though they have proved the rule, "the more you find out, the less you know." I am looking at a Chinese item where all the fittings will fit the existing pipework. All I shall be buying is the heater unit and pump. More details will be given when I have some idea what I'm talking about. Exhaust system, hot air venting etc will all be the existing Eberspatcher stuff. However, I do have a worry. The replacement unit is 8kw where the replaced unit was 5kw. Question, will the exhaust be hotter? The new unit will be £150. If it turns out that the money is down the pan, well, so be it. I'll be in a better situation next year to go for the more expensive options should it be necessary.
  23. A good friend of mine, has one of this type of unit to warm his shed. His is inside with the exhaust vented out. I would suggest that this is a better option than the heater outside with the hot air vented in. He recommends the unit as bloody good.
  24. I have just had a quote for the repair of my Eberspatcher hot air diesel heater. £850 !! Now, I know many of you have gone for the cheaper units from the Orient. I rather need your advice on whose is best . I have a friend who is looking into this for me, he will be the one to fit it, but your input would be greatly welcomed.
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