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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. Cilit mould and mildew remover, excellent, great on textured walkways as well.
  2. Richard was such a kind and sharing person. I was only thinking about him yesterday as we hadn't heard from him. A very sad loss for his family and friends, also the loss of a popular member. At peace now, we will miss you Richard.
  3. To put things in perspective, of 17 topics showing for today, only two, the swimming one and this one, that emerged from the swimming, are in anyway contentious. Ricardo's excellent post illustrates the wisdom of having our rattles on a bit of elastic, at least when we throw them out of the pram we can still get them back .
  4. Mine are all domestic type and never had a problem. Just avoid the large orange shed and use a plumbers merchant as the quality tends to be better on fittings.
  5. Legal, decent and honest is a good start
  6. I don't see this as an unfriendly forum. Some topics get lively, some get heated, this is because posters have passion. Without passion this place would become bland. I do feel people need to be a little less sensitive, if you don't like the way a discussion is going, don't post further, soon the lone voice will be talking to themselves. Keep repeating the same argument, on both sides will add nothing to the sum total of understanding.
  7. Labrador, sorry to hear about your loss.
  8. A window vac, great for the shower as well., oh and a coffee machine
  9. Who covers the Southern rivers ?
  10. I have read all the for and against on this whole thread and I have tended to agree with the against sentiment. I was completely swayed to the idea that the proposed swim, in that location is a bad idea by my weekend onboard. Three hire craft, over two days , passed my moored boat at between 2 and 4 feet away at the full limit of their engines, this is on a section of the river in excess of 70 feet with no other river traffic. I dread to think of the carnage even one of these idiots could do to a group of swimmers in a far narrower area of river. I fully support the concept of a river swim, just not on the proposed section of the river.
  11. The pipes didn't freeze up on the above ground pontoons in Brundall, my hosepipe that I left out overnight was a different matter.
  12. Perhaps call it The Soap Box We could have egg and tomatoe emojis
  13. Welcome, think I saw you at Brundall this weekend, happy boating.
  14. The water situation in winter is ridiculous, it is hardly great in the summer. In Medway the water is drained on the pontoons at the end of November and reconnected in April, ( this limits the use of my boat on the Medway ), an identical system to the Norfolk marina, except the water is connected all year in Norfolk. With suitable pipework and insulation there is no reason to turn the water off in winter.
  15. And you both looked very pleased to be out on the river when you went passed
  16. Friday, boat cleaning, Saturday, boat cleaning, Sunday if it stops raining I might get to take the little Broom out for a run.
  17. JF, what boat are you on, I am sure you said but I can't find it Really enjoying your write up and photos.
  18. Is there a pub near the Dutch tea garden moorings ?
  19. Keep at it Timbo, you will get there.
  20. Perhaps Brooms are going to expand the hire fleet and offer moorings, enough people have said that more hire boats need to be based in the south. I can't really understand the immediate rush to assume housing will be put on the site, it is far from ideal as a development site.
  21. Or coffee machines, hot water, electric kettle, microwave. I NEED a coffee machine and I wouldn't be able to eat without a microwave
  22. I treat sea cocks very much like stop cocks, use them regularly and if any doubt about them, change them. I have both types but I do prefer the lever type although it is possible for them to get knocked when doing other work in the area. I always double check as I am a bit clumsy
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