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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. My first boat was named after my first granddaughter ,, Ellie P, short for what i always call her, Ellie pickle. By the time Ellie P went and we had a grandson the next boat, a wilds calypso, became Ellieknight .. I acquired the Topliner without any further grandchildren so we chose Whitey after a very dear friend who had just passed away. He was a Royal Navy officer and a true gentleman .. Whitey's signage includes his rank. The Broom Scorpio recently joined the fleet and is named after my latest granddaughter ,, Little Annie. I have told my sons, no more grandchildren please, I am not allowed any more boats.
  2. I think from The Strand to the Riverside Country Park 90% were moaning at 11.05 that the demolition was late The roads were a nightmare trying to get to a survey on Lower Rainham Road.
  3. Just use the word , allegedly ,, a lot
  4. The best comment, You were only supposed to blow the bloody doors off
  5. Sadly half the local muppets were staring closely at Kingsnorth Power Station, whilst they demolished the Isle of Grain power station ,, stupid is as stupid does
  6. I seem to acquire boats with reckless abandon. I looked around these boats last weekend and have to say that on the basis of what I could see they are money pits even before you find hidden problems. They really aren't for the enthusiastic amateur. MM, if this discussion makes people think twice before buying then that is a good thing.
  7. What an amazing video, well done Robin, I loved the shot of Griff drinking his can of beer, you can almost see him glowing with pride and being 'well chuffed'.
  8. Sadly the South can suffer the same problems, dodgem day boats and the frantic dash to Norwich, having a riverside mooring can be challenging, you soon know when Breydon crossing time is because a few hours later every oxygen thief on a boat hurtles past a few feet away sending all the moored boats rocking and rolling. Out of all the miles of the Yare only perhaps half a mile has moored boats, is it really going to make these halfwits late for party Central. The only blessing is that there are considerably less of them south and natural selection gives some time to consider their actions whilst sitting on the mud of Breydon. Tomorrow I will be double moored on the upper Medway for the weekend and I can guarantee 99% of boats will slow down to pass but then there are no pubs or clubs around and only 17 miles of River. Nobody rushes around here,
  9. God help baby chlamydia when she grows up
  10. Saw two Herbert Woods stag boats go past today, nice slow pace and polite waves to the grandchild ,, good and bad everywhere ..
  11. Your members must all listen Alan, never been swayed by a Ranworth Breeze. The speed limit seems a bit odd,
  12. 5mph is the speed limit, not the minimum speed for lift off Part of the problem is the amount of Wash rather than the speed. The new Broom boats have a terrible wash where as some of the old tubs produce very little.
  13. Sadly with a river mooring we see these idiots every weekend, the inability of private owners to slow down when passing moored craft is unforgivable. Hire boats, especially stag boats, will usually ease the throttle if I wave them down. I do feel private owners should have a greater understanding of the effects of wash. I have found that having the day boat moored along side deters those who would normally pass close enough to shake hands, However the idiots who ignore all other river users in the rush to get a spot at Bramerton take no notice of any requests to slow, even when the day boat is bouncing around like a top. I reserve special hand signals and words of encouragement for these ##@#@ although they are wasted because they never look behind.
  14. I saw the teak and Holly flooring the other week, very nice. I have used B And Q wood flooring, Teak with the black line, it has been down nearly three years and is as good as new. Again, not cheap, but it does look the business ..
  15. Good job I was behaving Seen lots of Forum members this weekend, Saw(German) Frank on H..... ... .? Just after on his way to Norwich.
  16. Hi Alan, We are up at BGM, last one on the river. The functional Topcraft and the pretty Broom Scorpio, both with forum burgees on. You looked busy both times.
  17. Hi Alan, saw you pass us on our mooring on the way up to and back from Norwich, I did wave but you were busy training. . I have spent the last couple of days working on the Broom Scorpio, replacing the windscreen. All done now and the roof adjusted to stop the rain hopefully ..
  18. Welcome from another Kent ( Medway ) resident
  19. I can't see diesel,s or mm, s I replaced mine with a new one. I am viewing on a phone if that helps Can't see my new one now
  20. I notice the boss has his where as Jaws hasn't fixed his avatar.
  21. That made you all look Thursday 23rd June I had great pleasure in visiting the RNLI station at Gravesend. These full time guys cover a 26 mile area in what is really no more than a big RIB. Open to the elements they can go to there boundary in 15 minutes with all manner of kit including medical equipment better than most ambulances carry. Very interesting and informative evening. When asked what was the worst headache for them, the answer was, people who buy speedboats from ebay, I kept my head down after that
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