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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. Wow, and wow again. If you say £10 an hour labour and incidentals, the clock is £58 plus. The top price for the clock is probably £65ish. The coasters would probably sell for around £15 for six, making them uneconomic to make. These are retail prices so you would have to sell direct. One small suggestion is that I would swap the top left and right outer border section to maintain light and dark alternating. Hope that helps.
  2. We use one of those little wire ball things they sell in Lathams on the boat and at home. We also use a brita water filter onboard, it makes a big difference. At home it goes like a lump of chalk in a few months, onboard it gets exhanged once a year even if it doesn't need to.
  3. Both Hamilton and Max are way ahead of their team mates, it does highlight that they are the two best drivers. I suspect if you swopped them into each others cars, Lewis would still edge it over Max. An interview with Lewis asked why he didn't get aggressive on the first turn, he replied, I haven't achieved all that I have by being aggressive.
  4. I am sure that is where he started after leaving the Navy. I will check with his daughter.
  5. Thank you Motorboater, never thought about hair styling tools. The age is about right as the gentleman was born in 1914 and his wife in 1918. They were in his naval tool chest along with his original apprentice joiners tools, all well preserved and protected. I have another officers travel chest and a wooden trunk with his dress uniforms in. He joined the Navy as an apprentice joiner, qualified and then retrained as an engineer. He Joined the Fleet air arm before the war as a rating before being commissioned and ending up as a Lt. Commander. He then joined Rolls Royce areo engines. A fascinating chap and an absolute gentleman.
  6. ExSurveyor


    There is still a widespread shortage of bottled gas.
  7. Thanks Helen, I am suprised no one has managed to identify them yet.
  8. I can't think of a boat I have been on, including my current one, where my feet don’t hang over the end of the bed by at least 6". It is something taller people get used to, a bit like ducking your head
  9. Being 6'3" and having a son who is 6'6", headroom is the priority.
  10. Here is a quiz, I don't know the answers but I am sure someone will. I inherited these three tools from a Naval joiner who then went on to train as an aeronautical engineer in the Navy and then joined Rolls Royce. What are they used for.
  11. Can I change mine to Ex Lexusman then ?
  12. I was going to change my forum name to ExLexusman, I have just sold my Lexus.
  13. He will say " WHAT, clean it "
  14. Tomorrows job would appear to be cleaning the little Broom scorpio. How can so much mould grow on every surface. I normally strip out the seats and cover up over winter, couldn't last year. Lots of elbow grease will be applied tomorrow.
  15. I could have switched a light on the other day when you went past but didn't realize you had a problem
  16. I had the same problem, switching a cabin light on stopped it. Changed the alternator and it did it less but still did occasionally. I have noticed after lockdown the rev counter is not working, something to look into later.
  17. Snap, officially, sort of semi retired as of Friday, although I do have rentals that take some time up. I now consider myself retired, although I have done very little actual work, other than oversee the closure of my main surveying business, since March last year. I am adapting, painfully, to doing physical tasks that I would normally avoid but can't justify paying others to do. Good luck with the house move.
  18. The water pressure in Norfolk will plummet tomorrow and the power usage will surge. All people will hear is jet washers.
  19. By Wednesday it will be back to clean and shiny.
  20. The cleaning starts tomorrow, but the task is huge. Seven months of neglect soon accumulates. At least the sun has been out.
  21. The Consort but also a husband. I love this photo as it captures both aspects. Rest in peace, an officer and a gentleman.
  22. The south offers a bit more peace and quiet and a lot less hassle.
  23. Always start an electric polisher at low speed on the surface, this spreads the product over the surface and stops it flinging off everywhere. Avoid wool polishing bonnets as they are quite aggressive and create more marks than they remove.
  24. This was taken at high tide this morning at Brundall and is the highest I have seen in 9 years.
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