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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. Strangely, similar type and hull colour of a boat reported to be ripping up the Yare last weekend.
  2. The rules seem pretty clear to me, Shop staff don't have to wear a mask, but if it was me I would. customers have to wear a mask if they are reasonably able to, there are some exceptions. The police are the only ones allowed to challenge someone not wearing a mask, they will not be chasing the elderly around the shop. If they see a group of youngsters all without a mask they will have a word. Shops have always had the right to refuse entry to anyone, if they say no mask, no entry then that is it. They would be foolish not to apply some logic and common sense though if they don't want to alienate a section of their customer base. The reaction to not wearing a face covering will be from the public and I doubt it will be anymore confrontational than social distancing has been, if I am near someone without a covering I will give them a bit more distance, for their sake as much as mine. Having read Aurthur's post above, that is sad to hear, I do hope things improve for you soon and any public reaction is moderated soon.
  3. Common sense will mean the majority will comply, the few who refuse will be the same ones who ignored lockdown. Sadly you can't train stupid. As with all the previous restrictions, the projections will be based on a small percentage of people ignoring them and as long as X % comply they will be effective. If everyone complied with every law we wouldn’t need the police or courts.
  4. I have one onboard, complete with a human dipstick to use it.
  5. I would never cut the engine until the boat was secure and I would pretend i couldn't see or hear the fella, that would wind him up more
  6. Boats do seem to be selling surprisingly well at the moment.
  7. I have the same issue in a couple of areas, the only question is which white as there are three shades available.
  8. My furloughed staff were told they would not be required for work for most of July, they are free to go where ever they want. If they choose to go away they are not taking holiday time but are still on furlough.
  9. Absolutely no reason why anyone who is still on furlough can not go away, as long as the employer does not require them to work during the time. It is furlough, not a prison sentence.
  10. Hopefully quite a lot otherwise everyone will return to work and want to take holidays.
  11. Overnight until 6am, although it was open at 5am on Friday.
  12. Well done for getting a discount for 5 years. It is worth remembering that only a few landlords are uncaring and greedy. As a compassionate professional landlord I have been in regular contact with all my tenants during lockdown and have given discounts to any that are struggling with being furloughed. My tenants contact my maintenance guy direct for any work needed, if it needs doing it gets done promptly and properly. I inspect the properties annually for general maintenance and upgrades, we are not all Rackmans but I accept your experience with a bad one has coloured your view. I hope your new one is better.
  13. On that basis I would also become poorer each year, but multiplied by the number of units I have.
  14. People may think they are being charged too much, it doesn't mean they are. My tenants probably moan when I put up their rents but my costs rise each year as well. If they want a safe and sound property to live in they will pay or they can move out. The fact all my tenants stay for years tells me I am doing it the right way. I am a business not a charity, therefore I will endeavor to make a profit, that is the way of the world we live in. If I don't make a profit I would sell the properties and they would have to find somewhere else to live, it is the same with moorings.
  15. Only in some places though, clearly not a widespread problem as Sky and a couple of other outlets all show the same location and photo as the BBC. I don't doubt that they were overcrowding in Soho but the media would like to portray it as everwhere. I would rather go back to journalists reporting actual news instead of trying to generate hype.
  16. Apart from places like Soho and a couple of other areas, the media has struggled to find a problem, hence all using the same photo. A reporter went to a train station to photograph the masses leaving Leicester and found an empty station. Manchester reported as quiet. Oh I forgot, that isn't news. Typical bloody media, nothing to report so we will, invent and exaggerate.
  17. It has been good to see hire boats out this afternoon. Lots if smiley faces.
  18. Had a HW boat go past at Brundall at 4pm
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