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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. Cable ties work as well, my friend said.
  2. Polly, You are correct. The figure i quoted was for resolved case, ie recovered and dead, The mortality rate is under 3%.
  3. The problem with this virus is how contagious it is, the deaths, (3% in China), are the least of the problem. Because it is more infectious than flu it could cause a rise in hospital admissions for the seriously ill ( 18% ). This has to be dealt with on top of all the other things they deal with every day and it is happening during flu season. Sick people need a lot more care and the health workers are then at a higher risk of infection which reduces the number of staff available. If everyone followed the hygiene advice it would be less of a problem, unfortunately a lot of people don't. How many will self isolate instead of going to the supermarket or into work, that is what will cause the problem to escalate. What the media doesn't report is that over half of the ' infected ' numbers they quote have been discharged and fully recovered. As always, governments need to plan for the worse and hope for the best. The biggest impact will be on the world economy, we are already starting to see that, hopefully that effect will be short lived.
  4. My businesses partners are due to go on a two week cruise calling at Thailand , Cambodia , Vietnam… . There is still no indication that it will be cancelled. can't say I would want to do it.
  5. Ian, apparently the virus dies in high humidity as well as sunlight. You must work in a high humidity environment. The best defence is hand washing and not coughing ecept in a tissue, then hand washing again. Sadly many people want to shake hands still.
  6. When I had a similar problem on the Medway my engineer used a engine oil removal pump to remove diesel starting at the bottom of the tank. He took about 20 litres of crud out before it started to come through clean. Good dose of anti bug and I never had a problem again. Access was via the filler cap
  7. Who wants to descend to the lowest level ? As a friendly family accessible forum I think it is right that it remains something I would be happy for my Mother or grandchildren to browse. A lot of social media platforms are in for a shock when new legislation comes in making the owners liable for content. At least the organisers of this forum are trying to keep ahead of the game.
  8. You are correct, a well known tipping error, should read Grade 1 or Grade ll*
  9. ST, there is no such thing as Grade 3. Last week I was surveying a Grade 1 cathedral. Cathederals and churches have ecclesiastical exemption, the restrictions are worse than Grade 1 but can be ' eased' if it is a pet project. The week before it was a Grade 1 historic house in the precincts Next week I have to assess the structure of a flint faced, rubble filled church built 450 years ago. Most weeks I will visit at least one Grade 2 property. Over the years I have owned 3 listed properties. I also act as an informal consultant to a Bridge Wardens Trust that has been in existence since medieval times. I would guess my knowledge is current and accurate. As much as PH bridge may hinder access there is more chance of me flying to Mars than the bridge being moved or raised. The cost of just the consultations and reports would run into millions. It will never happen no matter how hard you may wish. Now, dredging and the effects of tide and sea levels are above my pay grade and I have absolutely no idea what, if any, effect the have on clearance at PH.
  10. Sorry ST, that is not true. I work on Grade 2 properties a lot, or should I say, try to. I have 40 years of battles with bloody minded conservation officers to rely on. It is virtually impossible to do any meaningful alterations. conservation or like for like replacement is the best you can hope for. Grade 1 or Grade 1* you can forget doing anything unless you have bottomless pockets and your vision is the same as the Listed Buildings Officer.
  11. Every investment in infrastructure improvements have to show a X x factor return before public money is committed. The cost would be enormous. That is before you navigate the minefield of touching a listed structure. Given the bridges type of construction and great age it would need to be demolished and rebuilt, or sold to a gullible American. Nice idea but pigs will fly first.
  12. Left as it is, even though I have only managed to go through once in the last ten years.
  13. I don't normally post personal things on social media but sometimes it can help others who are dealing with similar, so here goes. Mental health problems among young men are growing and despite all the awareness campaigns, very little help is available. Eighteen months ago my eldest son had a complete mental breakdown. We found him in his house curled up in the corner of a room crying uncontrollably. I can't begin to describe how difficult that it is to see a big strapping 37 year old reduced to that state. The backup from the health professionals is zero.You are on your own. The Mental health team registered him as at risk of suicide but said if we were worried he might kill himself we should ring the police. He was allocated 6 weeks of talking therapy and various medications that turned him into a zombie. We moved him back home to his old room to give him stability and support but we had to effectively put him on suicide watch. Gradually, over many months, he has started to emerge, he stopped his meds after 9 months as he felt they were making no difference. He has always been a fitness fanatic and he joined a boxing gym. Six months ago we helped him move out into a diffent property he owned just around the corner from us. He has made steady progress with only a couple of relapses. He has now won five out of his six fights, the fights are staged to raise money for the local hospice, the next fight in April is the raise funds for a six year old local girl with a life limiting illness. I have never wanted to watch a fight but his brother and friends go along to support him. The joy of seeing him occasionally smile again makes the heartache worthwhile. His moving out was worse than when he left home at 20, then we only worried about him coping with money ( he is severely dyslexic ) The worry of, is he going to harm himself remains and probably always will, but once again we have to let him stand on his own two feet but be ready to support him if he stumbles. Probably the moral is, don't expect help and support from the health professionals, it is only there in name.
  14. Can i see quick release connectors each end of the pump ? I always drain the water via a drain off at the lowest point, leave all the taps and ashower open and leave a tube heater on until the end of March. February may be a bit early to leave filled, remember the Beast from the East.
  15. It does show how easily things can go pear shaped, no doubt your experience averted the worst happening. Glad you are both ok.
  16. It has to be my home mooring at Brundall Gardens. Riverside, nothing in front to spoil the view upriver, wifi, power. Peace and quiet. Whats not to like.
  17. English is a Germanic language with influence from Latinate, French, Spanish and Portuguese. "What did the Romans ever do for us"
  18. I can't see a better definition of marketing, that is the only use it has been approved for. The use of it on street signs, in the area, is a different matter altogether.
  19. Any commercial business using the tag line is surely using it for marketing.
  20. Not really adding anything new after 6 weeks and 43 pages, just splitting hairs and covering everything that has previously been posted.
  21. Is it, ? Or is it a 'forum' where debate takes place amongst other activities. Social media moves on and the purpose of platforms change, it is called the Norfolk Broads Network, not Forum.
  22. The cctv system onboard was commissioned today. A good friend wanted to have a go at installing a system on a boat. It would have been rude to refuse at cost and no labour. Seems a clever system with all sort of fancy back up and access options. Best bit for me is it can act as an all round reversing camera as visibility is non existent looking back and to the side. Boys and their toys.
  23. Storm Dennis is on its way, last weeks storm toppled a big old tree in the garden. Dennis is a good reason not to clear it yet, I could end up with anothers down by Monday. Might as well organise one clearing team as two. Roll on spring.
  24. Given proposed changes to social media regulations announced today, I can understand why the ToS would need to be updated. All social media platforms will need to tighten up procedures. It is very easy to complain about changes if you are not ultimately liable for the consequences of any breach.
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