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Everything posted by BroadAmbition

  1. I still have a few bookings on our social / work / 'B.A' diaries (Nearly said 'Dairies' then - Needs milking) 21 – 25th May - I very much doubt this one will happen 01 – 15th Aug - Fair chance of this one happening 25 – 28th Sept - Hopefully, good chance this one will happen 09 – 17th Oct - Lads Week with 3 x Jewels of Lights - If this one doesn't happen, I will have no other choice than to write a strongly worded letter to my MP Griff
  2. I tried to find the film on netflix and prime last night - No go. I have other media on line options available and will have another look this evening. What I have been recommended was 'The Condemned' - Quite good - enjoyed that one Griff
  3. Wonderful. Thanks for sharing xx Griff
  4. But the emotive language of telling people they are not welcome is unfortunate Agreed but it is maybe just what some ignorant people need as asking them politely isn't working. Government instructions? - obviously don't apply to them so a direct in your face approach by the locals just might get the message through, if so imho it is justified as it will save lives, that takes precedence above hurting their feelings Griff
  5. I too am pleased that Tom is here to add balance and stop many of us just assuming. I often hit the 'Thank you' icon after his posts weather I agree with them or not Griff
  6. Red hot news update:- The lady of the house has just gave me a verbal 'Well Done' - Result Griff
  7. A good few years ago now, our local council came along and 'Painted' with hot tar all the paths around in our village, well smart they looked too Then a certain clown (Not quite the same high standard as MM but in the same league) put petrol in his Vivaro van at a filling station in Donny. Said Vivaro van was diesel powered. Got it towed home then cleaned out contaminated fuel before putting fresh diesel in. Disaster averted. However some fuel got spilt onto the path directly in front of said clowns house. This resulted in some of the tar getting lifted, it looked and was a right mess. He dressed the area with floor tile adhesive which arrested any more of the substrate getting lifted but it remained an eyesore. How to deal with it? Getting the council out would be a fortune not to mention a telling off. Getting the 'travellers' (Fish that sounds like as Pike) in might result in getting ripped off and the hovel cased. It would just have to be lived with. This morning - Ta Daaahhhhh, Brainwave (A rare one) Last year the gas board people renewed the gas mains in our village. This has left 'New' patches of tarmac on the paths (There were always going to do that after paths has been refreshed) Mr clown has just been out this morning with the same black weathersheild masonry paint he used for below the DPM around his house and has painted a 'Repair' along the path. Now for all intents and purposes it just looks like a council repair. It should weather in. Perfect it is not but it does look a damn site better. Just what the neighbours thought of said clown this morning remains to be discussed Plus MrsG hasn't seen it yet and it's her reaction that is awaited with much anticipation Griff
  8. So sorry to hear about your Lynn and hope she gets through it soon Griff
  9. Just think of all the boat time you are building up by getting these jobs done. Aren't I just. Not to mention Shooting and mighty Tiger riding. Trouble is to do those three hobbies takes beer chits and I'm slowly going bankrupt day by day Griff
  10. We have a dwarf breeze block wall in our back garden around the bbq area. It used to be dressed with slate. Last year under orders I removed it. We got an estimate for someone to come and render it with coloured render - about £600 - Wow and wow again and there is only about 9 x m2 in total. Stuff that, way to expensive. So now was the time. After cleaning / scraping off I had a go at it mysen but what material to use? - Frost proof flexible floor tile adhesive, the polymer porcelbond stuff would have to sufffice. On it went everywhere, allowed to cure, scraped flat, DA sanded, then dressed again. DA'd and hoovered off which is where I am at now. Next stage is the textured masonry paint 1st coat which I will apply today. Yesterday I also got the gutters cleaned out inside and out, along with the facias and soffits all round the house / conservatory / garage, they are all upvc and now look sparkling Griff
  11. My boy collected his partner and 4 x day old Harry James from hospital yesterday to take them back home. On their way they swung past our place. Due to social distancing etc MrsG was not allowed a cuddle, they couldn't even take him out of the car but at least we got to see him through the car window. It'll be facetime and the like from here on. Happy days Griff
  12. Another Issue that needed attention was the bottom two course of bricks below the DMP on the house and garage. They are in a poor state, I had jet washed off the growth and loose mortar whilst doing the block paving. Then it was re-pointing, whilst this made them weatherproof and sound they still did not look good. Ok then out with some black flexible weathershield masonry paint, the first coat took me hours as the bricks are far from smooth, it was somewhat of a ball-ache to be honest. Second and final coat much easier. I'm pleased with the results, MrsG even gave it her seal of approval! Griff
  13. The Mer polish turned up at last. Had to bath him yet again as airborne dust and rain residue were in evidence. So, Trevor is now completed in the valeting department inside and out, I must have the cleanest Tiling van around these here parts. Next it was the turn of MrsG Focus, bathed it, polished it including inner door returns and reveals, Did the glass inside and out. I am refusing point blank to valet the inside of it for her. It's a principle thing. I have dropped a few hints like leaving upholstery cleaner / Dash cleaner and the Henry hoover next to her car - We will see Griff
  14. And just for Griff a nice Rose Emblem on the shirt , since the t shirt is white it will have to be a red one Really? Peter as we all know is a stickler for getting everything just right and factual so I doubt it Griff
  15. Erm, there ain't that much grey but it is there, what is there right now is too much of it. Haircut desperately needed. Barbers right now are out of the question so it'll be out with the buzzer, a number four should suffice. 'My' manikin looks to be too wide at the hips I'm thinking but he is also an exceedingly good looking fellow of course Grandad - Happily correct x 3 but sadly not allowed to go and see number three for the foreseeable Griff
  16. Wow, proper interesting and thanks for sharing Griff
  17. Slow cooker Casseroled Rabbit (Field shot, supplied by a mate) and have done the following:- Slow cooker, water, 4 x oxo cubes, 1 x teaspoon salt, quartered up Rabbit, turnip, carrots, onion, potatoes. Turned it on High and will reduce to medium later on today when I will add some gravy granules to thicken it up. (I will separately do some boiled Belgian fart bombs) Now I am no chef, in fact I find cooking a necessary PITA, I can manage some dishes / meals but prefer not to. I only do a rabbit casserole as My MrsG won't touch owt I bring home unless it's 'Normal' and from a butchers / supermarket, I also therefore have to conjure up roast dinners if we are having Pheasant / Partridge Anyroadup, I digress. Ian, seeing as you are here and have kindly offered to assist, with regards to the rabbit casserole - Have I done it correctly? Thanks, Griff
  18. When it comes to the journalists question time, the TV now has to be switched off for its own protection, as shouting at it doesn’t appear to have the desired effect, I can assure you that you do not have the monopoly on that one! Griff
  19. My boy and his partner are now enjoying Harry James Griffin who came into the world yesterday afternoon. 7lb 2oz Mum and Harry doing well, both should be home later today MrsG desperate to go see him but of course under the current CV issues that's not possible so Facetime it is for the foreseeable That's our third grandson. We have our fourth grandchild due from our daughter late September - Whole family now hoping that one can be a girl. Still, one more after September and we have a five a side football team It dawned on us last night that me n MrsG are now directly responsible for there being five more humans in this world with a sixth on the way - Wow 'Were going to need a bigger boat' Griff
  20. In no way am I defending the sky high wages that footballers enjoy but we need some balance here. This is hypothetical but there you go. Imagine a footballer that earns say £50'000 a week or £200'00 a month. Straight off they are paying 40% tax plus however much NI so that £200'00 is down to £120'000. (less NI) Most earners spend or live to their means, big earners - expensive outgoings. Plus a footballers career is how long on average at the top on top money - ten years? So their typical mortgage won't be over a 30 year period like the rest of us, you can bet their big expensive mansion is mortgaged over ten years or so to get it paid off before their earnings drop down They may well be able to afford a pay cut like the majority of the working population right now but down to 80% for them might just be more of a problem for them than it is for us. a 20% cut on not a lot isn't a lot, 20% down on £200'000 is £40'000 - makes you think Griff
  21. Thanks JA - that's helpful. if they are able. Our bezels are indeed a separate item to the dials, so having them turned and chromed may indeed now be a possibility. It's a proper extravagance though. could end up being more expensive than buying new dials - I'll make an enquiry, costs nowt to ask Griff
  22. I hope you can make it in July but from what I see on TV news it is looking unlikely Griff
  23. Yes I was hoping we would miss the April 01st. He's not arrived as of yet Griff
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