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Dayboats, And Not Norfolk.


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We were out on the Avon at Stratford yesterday with Phill's brother and his wife. They preferred an actual cruise, so we passed by the rowing boats and small motor boats for hire and got aboard. Some way upstream we came across a motorboat making a determined attempt to climb the bank, but as we passed the helm found reverse gear with predictable results. Advice about returning to forward gear fell on uncomprehending ears and with increased revs, it hit us just where I was sitting. No great harm done, the 'check your paintwork' type of impact, but the cruise skipper was on the radio at once to the boatyard, presumably to get someone out to escort the errant day boat back before worse occurred.

My sister in law remarked that I had seemed totally unconcerned, and beyond offering the, 'put it in forward gear' advice, hadn't budged an inch, (Phill gave them a push, but I had figured the crew would prefer passengers not to get involved). As I say, she was surprised but then she hasn't been on the Broads. :shocked

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There is an advert running on the 'telly' at the moment, not sure who or what for, featuring a lottery winner who has just bought a mega gin palace. The new owner and his wife attempt to reverse into a mooring, ohhhhhhh dear! Was it inspired by antics on the Broads I ask myself, at Brundall perhaps? 

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A few years before we moved our boat to the Broads we came to spend a day aboard a friend's boat who did moor there. We were moored on Perci's island and watched with a certain mount of fascination,  a couple in a hired day boat trying to moor on the opposite bank. After several aborted attempts, a hire boater moored adjacent to the intended mooring came out to assist. taking the bow line The day boat went at some speed bow on to the bank then at the last minute reversed out again.almost taking his helper with him! By this time I'm afraid We were helpless with laughter as it had all the ingredients of a full blown farce. We could see the trailing stern rope and knew where it was going to end up, but were too far away to do anything about it. Eventually after a considerable amount of time they managed to land the boat.  Then they began the process of tying it up, the bow rope was to hand having been tossed onto the bow by the disgusted helper who had by this time abandoned his efforts to help, however the ensuing  lengthy search for the stern rope was hilarious, even funnier was the triumph when it was located only for the finder to realise it wasn't going to come up out of the  water being firmly round the prop! Not to be thwarted in their intention to go to lunch at the Swan, they tied the life jackets they weren't wearing together and to our utter bemusement used them as a stern line. The thought of there being lots of people like that round the Broads  almost made us re-think our intention to move our boat there.



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I introduced the Broads and boating to im indoors when we met, out first boating holiday together was an absolute farce at times, you lot would have laughed till you cried, his first time at a stern mooring at ranworth took at least ten attempts, lovely summers day, loads of people about.......

"Where the ruddy hell are you? I need you to take the ropes" He shouts

"You have got to be joking, there's no way I'm coming out" I called out from the cabin I was hiding in

A very kind gent took the ropes and helped him moor up, I never left that cabin for at least two hours, we had our first domestic that day, I can tell you

He is brilliant at stern moorings now but I still shiver when we come into moor there :gracie: I think it will stay with me forever lol


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12 hours ago, JennyMorgan said:

There is an advert running on the 'telly' at the moment, not sure who or what for, featuring a lottery winner who has just bought a mega gin palace. The new owner and his wife attempt to reverse into a mooring, ohhhhhhh dear! Was it inspired by antics on the Broads I ask myself, at Brundall perhaps? 

I do believe this is the one - it's for Euromillions and it is very funny. :naughty:


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