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Night Owls Nook


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9 hours ago, BroadScot said:

Sorry not staying up these nights to enjoy your amazing radio station Timbo, but Psoriatic Arthritis, is playing hell with me. Keep up the good work, next time spear that gorilla with your infamous trowel !:naughty:



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It is with deep regret that I must announce that this week's news is...Oh c'mon! I couldn't make this up! Here's a link to the BBC Norfolk News showing that no matter how daft you think I am...there's always some bugger dafter in Norfolk!



Ranger Hump Littleton from the Broads Authority farting Camel and Lowlands Gorilla Task Force confirms The Broads are to be renamed yet again following the discovery of a multitude of new wildlife species.

Blimey! Bad evening. Yes The Broads wiv be renamed The Broads Not a Nashunal fartin' Camel, Big Monkey an' Pokemon Light an' Dark. 
My nephew Ickle Herbert Ickleton'll be 'eadin' up a new task force ter track, capture an' rehome a varie'y ov Pokemon onto da Broads. The Broads Not a Nashunal fartin' Camel, Big Monkey an' Pokemon Light an' Dark new status as a PokemonFat Boy Slim means da Authori'y Rangers'll be wanderin' da Broads, Rivers, Villages an' Towns ov Broadland wiv pockets full ov candy an' stardust on da look aaaht fer Pokemon. Nuff said, yeah?

Gawdon Bennet! Finally somethin' ter attract da twen'y five ter fr'y year olds! OK?


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So tonights not looking good for sleep, I arrived home to catch the neighbours raiding the skip across the way for wood. so now right under my bedroom they are burning it, and the smell of burning paint is strong. to add insult they are sitting round talking not quietly, and now someone starts playing a recorder, all of this not 15 foot from my bedroom window. gah, loud rock music to sleep to tonight..

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hickling Broad Boater Defies Tolls Increase....

Millionaire Arnold Funtcrottock has vowed to purchase a refurbished 1960's classic boat but refuses to pay tolls. Neither is he worried about Potter Heigham Bridge.

"Its like this geezer init...they is gonna as to catch me first init!"




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48 minutes ago, Timbo said:

Hickling Broad Boater Defies Tolls Increase....

Millionaire Arnold Funtcrottock has vowed to purchase a refurbished 1960's classic boat but refuses to pay tolls. Neither is he worried about Potter Heigham Bridge.

"Its like this geezer init...they is gonna as to catch me first init!"




I thought that was MMs chip vehicle! :naughty:

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Now I know we have a dedicated thread for illnesses but I'm putting this in here because...

A) it's been one hell of a week and
B ) You just have to laugh!

I took a trip to see the GP this morning regarding a severe pain in my left elbow, general pain and discomfort in my right shoulder, both knees, the balls of my feet, a general malaise or feeling unwell, achy, irritable...odd lump on my hand, spot more depression than usual, all for some time now...guess who's showing all the classic symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis?

It was a busy morning for my GP and a day full of medical news he had to impart. It turns out I'm not showing signs of the hernia they thought I had...but rather an umbilical hernia. I'm due some brain scans to check for further stroke damage and now I a raft of blood tests to check for the rheumatoid arthritis.

In the meantime I've been prescribed ibuprofen plasters to be affixed to elbow and knees, an emollient to be applied to said areas and an oil I have to 'pour into my bath' which I must take daily...if I bloody had one.

To add to all this I've had Uncle Albert in hospital for over a week, I had to buy a new TV today as mine packed in, a new fridge the other day as that gave up the ghost...now I'm not one to complain, but hang on a minute, enough is enough!

Just when I thought things could not be any worse I read up on the symptoms for rheumatoid arthritis on the Arthritis Research site via my phone. It read...

"Page 1
Rheumatoid arthritis varies from one person to another but it usually starts quite slowly. A few joints – often your fingers, wrists or the balls"

What's all that about? Fingers and wrists, I can see where they are going with fingers and wrists...but in the b...nadgers? Now at this point I was more than ready to call foul. Eighteen strokes and two heart attacks aren't enough now it's the nadgers? What did I do to deserve that? Then I noticed there was a second page which read...

"Page 2
of your feet – become uncomfortable and may swell, often intermittently. You may also feel stiff when you wake up in the morning."

Thank God for Page 2, thats what I say, otherwise I would have taken umbrage! So we shall see what tomorrow brings. blood tests for one!

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Hi Tim,

I have two friends with RA, one has been on "Gold Injections" for many years, the other refused to take the injections, and has suffered a lot worse in doing so. My father had it in his hands when relief was not much of an option then, poor bugger.

I hope all goes well with your tests.:12_slight_smile:


4 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

"You may also feel stiff when you wake up in the morning." 

A consolation I suppose!

P.s. Trust you ! JM :norty::naughty:

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8 hours ago, JennyMorgan said:

My dear wife has it in her hands and has now had several joints replaced with grommets. Pain has gone from 10+ to near zero. Okay, she's lost some of her grip but she's also lost the often intense pain.

P.S. Iain, just thought I'd beat Poppy to the obvious!


So who here hasn't lost their grip from time to time?

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I will have you know Polly that this forum is renowned for members 'not losing their grip'. Barmen have known to bring out a crowbar to separate MM from his pint at last orders, Broadscot has been known to hang onto things like a, like a Pesky Moderator onto a five pound note. Mike Chameleon hangs onto quiz facts, I won't throw anything away unless forced. I was saying just the other day to Marie Curie, Albert Einstein and Amy Adams the only thing we don't keep a grip on is reality. Of course Albert went off on one going on and on about how the world accepted he was the expert on such matters until Marie shouted in his ear 'Reality not Relativity'.

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