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Has The Nbn Got A Future? A resounding "Yes"!


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I'm concerned about this forum if a new technology person is not found. Big question is what happens if this doesn't happen. Does that mean the end of this forum and its members. I know there's other sites and Facebook pages on the broads. I mean our biggest competition is nbb. There Facebook page has thousands of members. I've even noticed that one of the members posts more content on there than on here. So can any of the team tell us that NBN is here to stay or is it abandon ship.?

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I , and I suspect many others, have no idea what areas of the forum would need to be covered if/when Jonzo is allowed to get back to boating. I guess many people  know each other and their capabilities but I also suspect there is some untapped talent on the forum that people may be willing to use should they be aware it is needed, especially if  some of Jonzo's work could be divided between more than one member.

Peter, I will second your proposal for Grace, in support of her family finances-anything to keep her away from the wine and shoe buying.

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That's great news to hear. I don't want to leave I agree with JM and Grace. I was just concerned by it and jonzo if I could help I would. My old age and tech don't mix. So who is this nbb can anyone shine any light on them ?.  I see Rascal posts a lot of posts and pictures on there. 

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There is so much more to running this forum than I.T. and techy stuff. 

Aside from the Moderators, there is the organising,  running of and helping out at the forums physical events. The organising of forum flags to sell, calenders to adorn bulkheads with, sponsorship, adverts, fund raising and just about anything else you can think of that enables you, right now, to read this....

The I.T. makes it all happen but the rest makes the I.T. needed.


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Grace for queen, I'm all for that:clap

Maybe I am way off the mark here, but would a contribution of say a tenner a year make any difference? Throwing money at things sometimes seems to help?  Just an idea, Non paying members maybe get limited access, PM,s etc?   Just a thought, if I could help out techy wise I would, but I'm afraid my brains are in my hands and feet, ( if anywhere!):42_confused:

On a personal level , I've not been posting much, this is a combination of it being winter and the broads just ain't on my radar, starting a new job , and us losing Iain  has all had an effect. I do plan to get my nbn head on again once the sun gets higher in the sky.

Nothing lasts forever, but I'd be gutted if this place was to wynd down. It's been good to me in many ways. If I can help , though I can't think what , I hope someone asks me.

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I think the point  is NBN may not be the largest  site but what makes I believe us strong  is we all  have points sometimes we all can throw  the toys out of the pram then someone  will lightern  the  mood .I Am on a number of broad related  sites,but for me NBN is the best,and long  may it continue.Now if you disagree  action man is out of the pram. 

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On a personal note - this site has been a ''god send'' to me for the last 3 years and I will do my utmost to help in keeping it going. I used to give a financial contribution in January, but I have no credit card or bank account at the moment, so not possible for now.

Keep the spirits up peeps - we will all see it through and it will only get bigger and better.

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Me too, you just cant put a price on this forum and how we all help one another. I have said it before and i make no apologies for repeating, long may it live.



:broadscot Have used Iain's legacy, just to remind us what it's all about...........................

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