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5 hours ago, addicted said:

Did I imagine it or did someone  post on the forum a couple of years or so ago that they had recently acquired the Beauchamp Arms and planned to make several improvements including  making the mooring more user friendly?




Hi Carole no, pretty sure Hollocks still owns it. He tried to get planning for holiday lets but was knocked back. He claimed it was unviavble as a pub although John and Tracy did a great job only frustrated by the level of rent demanded (allegedly) 

Access is only by permission and difficult to the extreme. Pie in the sky. So sad that 2 pubs which could do well in the right hands are being run down in the hope of holiday homes. It's not going to happen (hopefully) :default_biggrin:

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8 hours ago, marshman said:

I believe it is the Berney Arms which has the more difficult access - does the Beauchamp Arms not have a public road access??

Yes it does, just the Berney has the permissive rights of way involving several landowners I believe. 

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The Beauchamp is another case where the  BA dont help the caravans would not have been seen from the river and could have made the pub viable with a long stretch of moorings at a wide stretch of remote not particularly  beautiful  area available to boats, a  games room and swings for children away from river bank there use to be all these until Ba stopped it, pub then goes down hill and no use to any one. Very short sited in my opinion. John

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In the right hands that would make a lot of sense. Rural pubs can benefit greatly from diversification and many have done so very successfully. 

I fear the current operator doesn't appear to have the appetite or ability to run such a venture which includes the pub so hence it just decays. I agree, short sighted to the extreme. 

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As with most Planning Applications it is worth taking advantage of the Broads Authority Free advice service & reading the New Broads Local Plan - Some authorities charge for advice now but not BA .

They get processed quicker if submitted with all required information anyway

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