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Being small I never suffered with back trouble, in fact I had a very strong back until one fateful morning about seven years ago putting my socks on!

You have my sympathy.

My answer is mudweight then shackle, then swivel, then No7 (70mm) block with double length of braided. Picture not of the best quality. 18kg weight now 9kgWP_20150415_002.thumb.jpg.ea9affd7a3539b8669d42a38862d9e13.jpg

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I have tried a purchase solution for Brilliant's mudweight, but the where to site it defeated me, I tried the forestay but thought it was putting strain in the wrong place. As a saily, we can't have the luxury of it not being brought inboard so a bespoke bracket over the toerail isn't an option I'd want to try. 

Hmmm you set me off again Crhis now where did I put my drawing board?

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6 hours ago, Polly said:

I have tried a purchase solution for Brilliant's mudweight, but the where to site it defeated me, I tried the forestay but thought it was putting strain in the wrong place. As a saily, we can't have the luxury of it not being brought inboard so a bespoke bracket over the toerail isn't an option I'd want to try. 

Hmmm you set me off again Crhis now where did I put my drawing board?

Polly, have you watched the TVs program "cannonball ", you could always try the Blob method and get Phill and crew to jump on the stern and the mudweight will pop out of the water and you can stand on the foredeck and catch it on the way back down.



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Polly, a roller on the side of your stem head would solve the problem: https://shop.classicmarine.co.uk/hull-94587/stemhead-fittings/bronze-stemhead-rollers/side-fitting-stemhead-roller-gm-516-chain.html

Such a fitting would mean that your mudweight cable could be lead aft either to a 'handy billy' or to your jibsheet winches or snubbers, if you have them. Alternatively you could have a short bowsprit which would allow you rig a block and tackle to its underside and even to stow the mudweight there. All quite simple really.

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Here is my idea in a simplified form, you have the mudweight rope over a pulley on a bracket, once the mudweight gets to the top, further pulling results in the bracket swinging back over the boat, neatly depositing said mudweight onto the deck. I have not figured the mechanism to re-deploy it yet. (please note I didnt have any string to make the rope so had to use what I had, but it demonstrates the principle). Using the pulley principle to halve the force required can still be done here. the bracket does have to have room for the mudweight to swing through the centre.





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