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Its Burns Night


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He was so special, a really lovely man who had such a gentle way about him. I think everyone that met Iain or got to know him on the forum were touched by his humour and gentleness. I never had the good fortune of meeting him in person but we had plenty of banter and a few private messages when we were both up late and couldn't sleep. I would challenge anyone if they suggested you couldn't love someone you haven't met yet because I very much did, he was my on line Grandad, I will miss him forever and will never forget him

Grace :6973434b8b31cd5effed88c7cbb2f1149d4af7_t:

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I will be dressing up in my penguin suit, complete with tartan bow-tie and taking MrsO to a Burns Night event at a local hotel this evening. There will be haggis, speeches, poems and dancing til Midnight. I will  most certainly be raising a glass to Iain's memory . I spent a very happy year living and working in his part of the world  back in the 1970's  and Iain and I often discussed people and places we knew in common.

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1 hour ago, Londonlad1985 said:

I wasn't a member during Iain's time however I have gone back and looked through some of his posts after discovering the origin of the lounge name. It's clear to see what an asset he has been and that his legacy is continuing.

Iain loved his sport,cricket rugby football.His knowledge was great I think but not sure that he played  cricket.We shared our love of sport. Like Grace I am sad I never got to meet him.




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I could easily be persuaded to have a " wee gold felly " tonight is our much missed friends memory.  . He passed on a lot of common sense to me when I was feeling a bit down , and while he is no longer available for a chat , whether it be sport, the broads , our profession ( sparkies) our just a bit banter , I still read back the messages we sent to each other if ever I need reassurance about things we discussed. So , in a way , he does live on .

Without wanting to blow my trumpet , I do get satisfaction that it was my request we should change the name to " broadscot lounge"  I also wrote a poem about him , which I think is still kicking about on here somewhere . I'm not saying it was any good!!!! , but it was my Rabbie Burns attempt at a bit acknowledgement for the fine man . 

Oh , and he did play cricket in his younger years , he had the battle scars on his knees and back to prove it!!!

All the best big yin, forever in our thoughts.

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Iain was a real special guy, a true GentleMan in every sense of the word.

we would often exchange pm’s on the state of the roadworks on the A1 when he was due to pass my neck of the woods on his way to Norfolk.

He touched a lot of lives on here

Here’s to you my friend.

And a Happy Birthday to you Peter :default_beerchug:


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well I raised my Glass to Iain last night, then refrained from posting after, thanks for all the Birthday wishes, I sometimes wish at these times that we could still be raising a glass with Iain rather than to him.

I know as a new Moderator that I have some big shoes to fill, and even my size 14 feet will feel small.

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