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Beast From The East 3


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Carol on the radio and TV said a short time ago that there is a chance the low coming from the south west will position itself, so that we get Northerlies and there is a chance of snow in some areas.

A true Northerly  equals===

Chilly, but not as bad as Beasts from the east,

 High tides on the rivers

Bad news for Hemsby,

Luckily it's not far off neeps...



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Let me say that April 13th - April 20th 1976 we had in Brentwood (yes TOWIE TOWN well long before it became that) over 6ins of snow temperatures well below freezing. Then on 1st June went onto be the hotest dryest summer on record through to October.  How do I remember it so well Hiede was born on 13th April and it was difficult to get to the hospital.

nah cast a clout a could till May is out as my old gran used to say.

Just my tuppence worth

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2 hours ago, Jayfire said:

It's not looking too bad according to the Beeb just yet


That's ruddy freezing still for this Southern Softie, it would have to be a balmy 70 or 80 to get me in my shorts and vest top.

That's the kind of weather that sees me wrapped up in a duvet I can tell you

Grace :default_icon_kiss:



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4 minutes ago, Gracie said:

That's ruddy freezing still for this Southern Softie, it would have to be a balmy 70 or 80 to get me in my shorts and vest top.

That's the kind of weather that sees me wrapped up in a duvet I can tell you

Grace :default_icon_kiss:



Shorts and topless weather for us northern boys :default_biggrin:

Well unless there is room under that duvet... :default_smiley-angelic002:

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2 hours ago, Bound2Please said:

Let me say that April 13th - April 20th 1976 we had in Brentwood (yes TOWIE TOWN well long before it became that) over 6ins of snow temperatures well below freezing. Then on 1st June went onto be the hotest dryest summer on record through to October.  How do I remember it so well Hiede was born on 13th April and it was difficult to get to the hospital.

nah cast a clout a could till May is out as my old gran used to say.

Just my tuppence worth

But in Jun 75 there was Snow and in May 78, which  I remember particularly, as the RAF at Coltishall wouldn't put the heating on...

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There is indeed a lot of chat on the various weather Forums of having another  very chilly spell over the Easter weekend but unlikely to be more than 50/50 at this stage. With Easter being early, its possible I guess but no more so than the reverse!

Statistically, it is more likely to snow at Easter than Christmas, although it would go away more quickly with the former!!


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But then a different story here!!!


TWO are often pretty close but its anyone's guess at the moment although this page adds more meat to the bones - the French site is highly regarded for what its worth!!


Perhaps the weather somehow understands Easter Sunday is April Fools Day!!!!  Appropriate IMHO if it snows!!!!


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It all makes depressing reading. Do I really want to spend another long weekend with the boat heating on 24/7? With chidminding duties the following week and an overseas holiday booked for late April, it doesn't look as though we will be spending time afloat any time soon. Grrrrrrrr

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I was on our boat last weekend, Lulu stayed at home with the hounds, I didn't get a wink of sleep Saturday night due to the wind and driving snow and spent 5 hours stripping  the starboard engine in the cold on Sunday, anything has got to be better than that for Easter.

BTW yes I got the engine back together and running sweet. so its all systems go for the season (I hope)


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