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What Would You Pay Extra Tolls For?


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3 minutes ago, Philosophical said:

Best not to add it all up so you can can continue to consider yourself as sane 

I keep track of all my boat expenses on a spreadsheet, but have moved the column totals many rows below the visible table. If I want to view the total (which I avoid if at all possible) I have to scroll down. 

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1 hour ago, Regulo said:

Two sugars, please, Martin.

Very well said. I've spent more money in the Broads in the last 20 years of ownership, than my whole family did in 40 years of hiring. If I added it all up, I'd realise what a fool I've been in buying a boat. But that's madness for you. 

If it drives, flies, *****, or floats.................rent it.

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Thanks Guys

I'm not totally bonkers as the lady from Coventry is leased, and the new Lexus is also leased. Having said that did I mention we need new cabin tops and electrics for the top of Malanka at the end of the season. No sun kissed beaches in the Maldives this spring.

I daren't tot up using invoices, spreadsheets or anything else. We have a simple criterion, if we can currently afford it we do it.

Our family motto through premature deaths and near death experiences is simple.



Live it to the fullest.


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He he John, is that fence post comfortable ?...LOL

I like large moorings because the atmosphere at barbeque time can be very good. I like small bijou moorings becuase they can be quiet and intimate. I don't like inconsiderately moored very large or even not that large boats with fishing tackle off either end of the boat deliberately taking up the space other boats could moor in if they just moved up a bit.

Apart from that little gripe everything is peachy.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I WOULD'NT pay ANY extra tolls as we pay more than enough already. What I WOULD do though, would be to ensure EVERY penny payed in tolls is actually spent on navigation, moorings, maintsinance, and the general upkeep and well being of the broads for continued boating use. Sod all the back door ecopolitical rubish the BA are so hell bent on.

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Sounds simple doesn't it SpeedTriple, but you know as well as I do that what you suggest tongue in cheek doesn't work like that.EVERY penny paid has to cover the administration, the equipment,  the storage of that equipment, the rates for the office where the administrators work, and so on and so forth.

Now, Don't get me wrong! The BA like any other quango can't see a pile of dosh without wasting it on ridiculous projects. Re-branding being one of the worst in the list of 'money down the drain' exercises. but we must remember that the BA is obliged to work for more than just the boaters, it's just that the boaters is the main group that actually contributes a significant sum of money to the quango's coffers.

Twitchers, Anglers, ramblers and 'other tourists' all utilise the facilities on the broads  to some degree, and many of those facilities are paid for by the BA. Each of those groups puts 'something' back in the pot if only by supporting the businesses in the area, but the BA's brief is to accommodate all those groups.



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The BA do not make the rules as to many of their "admin" costs - its not their idea to have to talk to the Forestry Commision to cut down some riverside trees, its not their idea to have long and meaningful discussions with the EA as to which 25% of said trees they must leave to provide spawning habitat for the fishes, neither is it their idea to have to wait at Hickling to allow the water temperature to drop below 8C before dredging can begin - to name but a few!! And there lots of others sticking their nose in the trough too.

I bet the old Port and Haven Commissioners  just cut the whole ruddy lot down and dredged when and where they liked!!

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The BA do not make the rules as to many of their "admin" costs - its not their idea to have to talk to the Forestry Commision to cut down some riverside trees, its not their idea to have long and meaningful discussions with the EA as to which 25% of said trees they must leave to provide spawning habitat for the fishes, neither is it their idea to have to wait at Hickling to allow the water temperature to drop below 8C before dredging can begin - to name but a few!! And there lots of others sticking their nose in the trough too.

I bet the old Port and Haven Commissioners  just cut the whole ruddy lot down and dredged when and where they liked!!

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7 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

Twitchers, Anglers, ramblers and 'other tourists' all utilise the facilities on the broads  to some degree, and many of those facilities are paid for by the BA. Each of those groups puts 'something' back in the pot if only by supporting the businesses in the area, but the BA's brief is to accommodate all those groups.

I have always wondered what bankside anglers give back to the BA given that they can use the 24 hour moorings. They roll up in their cars, cart a tremendous amount of tackle etc to the bank side and set up in the middle of the moorings very often. It’s always seemed a bit unfair to me. I know they give way to boats (sometimes!) and I don’t think it is nearly as bad as it was 7/8 years ago. So what do these fisherfolk give back to the BA:default_gbxhmm:

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10 minutes ago, marshman said:

Nobody charges those members of the public who bring their chairs and sit on the moorings either - disgraceful!!!

Not the same methinks, they normally help a boat in and smile - very different. :default_biggrin:

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49 minutes ago, vanessan said:

I have always wondered what bankside anglers give back to the BA given that they can use the 24 hour moorings. They roll up in their cars, cart a tremendous amount of tackle etc to the bank side and set up in the middle of the moorings very often. It’s always seemed a bit unfair to me. I know they give way to boats (sometimes!) and I don’t think it is nearly as bad as it was 7/8 years ago. So what do these fisherfolk give back to the BA:default_gbxhmm:

The angler you describe tends to be a regular one, and t5here are few people on the broads who care more, or are more reactive to changes in water quality, so their "contribution" is practical rather than financial.

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29 minutes ago, JohnK said:

BA gets about half its funding from tax payers doesn’t it?
Aren’t anglers etc tax payers generally?

Most boat owners who pay the BA toll are also tax payers, so they pay twice to use the river?

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27 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

The angler you describe tends to be a regular one, and t5here are few people on the broads who care more, or are more reactive to changes in water quality, so their "contribution" is practical rather than financial.

Fair point but that ‘contribution’ is for their benefit mostly surely?

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Maybe the "Branding" of BA moorings should be changed to something like:

"These are private moorings reserved for the exclusive use of BA members for 24 hours only, BA members can be identified by a BA Toll plate displayed on their boat. Non members have no rights to use this mooring and must always give preference to members."

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11 minutes ago, Philosophical said:

Maybe the "Branding" of BA moorings should be changed to something like:

"These are private moorings reserved for the exclusive use of BA members for 24 hours only, BA members can be identified by a BA Toll plate displayed on their boat. Non members have no rights to use this mooring and must always give preference to members."

Now I can’t make up my mind if you are being flippant, sarcastic, serious or just plain argumentative! :default_norty:

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30 minutes ago, vanessan said:

Now I can’t make up my mind if you are being flippant, sarcastic, serious or just plain argumentative! :default_norty:

Actually the idea came from an Angling Club that had built some platforms into the river and then put "No Mooring Members Only" signs on them 

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1 minute ago, JohnK said:


We (toll payers) can use the navigation AND get all the benefits non toll payers get can’t we?



1 minute ago, JohnK said:


We (toll payers) can use the navigation AND get all the benefits non toll payers get can’t we?


My point is exclusive use, non toll payers still get to use the facilities paid for by toll payers. 

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58 minutes ago, vanessan said:

Now I can’t make up my mind if you are being flippant, sarcastic, serious or just plain argumentative! :default_norty:

Or even realistic :15_yum:

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