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Panic In Wroxham


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Still out is me! :default_smiley-taunt014:

Can't believe there has been only one sighting, it's not like I ain't easy to see...

Stracey Arms tonight and back across tomorrow for a few days south ending on Oulton Broad BH Monday.

Beccles next Tuesday to collect Royal Tudor and then off to the salt side with RT alongside. 

It's all go at the top :default_biggrin:

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To be serious for a minute, I am so happy to see Dave out enjoying himself on his own boat.

Enough of that though, it's much more fun applying a little teasing. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Last night tonight. Quick trip from OB to Beccles first thing to put the boat back and then, after a couple of jobs to sort, it's back to the M25 late tomorrow night.

Been a good run though.. aboard since mid June and afloat since launch on July 12th.

Work is going to seem very strange 

Back to the boat Saturday night though.... Yippee! 

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