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September Jaunt


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I will try this time to make the tale a little less boring but I cannot promise!

Having moved to Cornwall in early July although we were not actually in our new home until  mid August but that’s another story, we will now have a much longer journey up to Norfolk with that in mind we have booked a b&b in Horning for the Thursday night before we take the boat over ,thus giving us the opportunity to eat in the Bure seafood restaurant that evening somewhere we enjoy.


Silent Emblem Friday September 6th.

Day 1

After a great evening meal and good night sleep we are ready to start our new adventure , having had a delicious breakfast we left Horning for Potter Heigham to collect some more fishing gear , then headed to Wroxham and Roy’s for the fresh food stuffs and finally back to Horning the butchers and arrived at ferry marine around midday.


They said boat was not ready but it looked like an engineer was working on her we decided to just sit in the car and wait weather had turned chilly and there were several heavy rain showers, just before 1.30 we were told we could load up didn’t take long and the hand over was a little more thorough than in June as Silent is all electric and the guy doing the hand over wanted to make sure we were ok with everything finally we were set free around 2:30 it had stopped raining by now so sat up top and left the marina destination unknown.


It was a real joy travelling along with only the merest of noise and it made us so aware of how noisy all the other boats were not that it seemed that busy.

After a couple of hours we decided to find a mooring for the night and as it looked likely to rain again soon we thought it best, headed down fleet dyke and had a choice of moorings on the first set upon the bend hardly anyone there which surprised us, just got tied up and the heavens opened so no fishing for the time being I quickly unpacked and we sat and watched as a few more boats came past at the end of the day there were at least  3 moorings to be had dinner was a salad of local seafood and some new potatoes washed down with a glass or two of wine no Tv signal so sat and chatted and read until we were both tired and the first night in the nice large double.

At handover we had been told to leave the switch in the cabin for the heating and hot water always on the water not fully off what a mistake the noise of it keep cutting in was awful although at the time in the dark I wasn’t sure what it was so I took the spare duvet and went into the saloon to sleep could still hear it but not so bad, we did not make that mistake again off off off before we went to sleep.


Day 2


After not such a good night we took our time to get going this morning , the weather was not good heavy rain and quite windy , not sure what to do or where to head we had a leisurely cooked breakfast before deciding.


As the rain had eased we left the moorings and headed back up the dyke again we sat up top great views and in the fresh air , once we turned onto the Bure at St Benets the wind was in our faces so not quite so pleasant,took a look down Ranworth and having decided to go to Salhouse came back out again just as the heavens opened quickly changed to inside steering , not such a good view but much warmer and dryer.


As we approached Cockshoot dyke the end mooring was free and I was persuaded that we should moor up to do a little fishing , this we did although the wind was not helping trying to push us off the mooring, fishing gear set up I sat inside out of the rain but it soon passed and I thought I would take a walk down the nature trail.

Very good too enjoyed it once at the broad I took some photos and sat in the hide for a while, when I got back to the dyke I carried on walking the other bank along towards the Ferry inn albeit on the opposite bank , this was quite overgrown so had a bit of a struggle and it soon started raining again so I headed back.


Asking if we were heading off soon it was decided to stay put as wind and rain were both heavy and he was enjoying the fishing , spent the next couple hours watching moorings fill up although again never completely full.


Enjoyed dinner on board again Ham salad and new potatoes again accompanied with some nice wine, TV signal ok so watched Stricky opening show then opted for a couple more hours with my book before turning in and switching that heater off.


Day 3


We had decided last night to head to Stokesby today hoping for a mooring and a meal in the Ferry Inn , so after a quick breakfast we chose to slip the mooring early just after eight and take a slow meandering down stream and as it was not raining we set off up top.

Lovely quite cruise saw lots of kingfishers just past Ranworth Dam no otter though as this was the spot in June we saw one, a couple marsh harriers and several Herons,

Went along nice and slow hardly anyone else on the river what a joy that is it was so lovely, only had the boat running on the electric and it was really peaceful probably only saw half a dozen other boats the whole way there.

When we arrived at Stokesby there was space on the Staithe with the electric post so we turned around and went into moor, as I am very short I sometimes struggle getting on and off the boats but I found Silent to be perfect for me whether side or stern moored I could get off with ease.


Fishing gear set up I went for a walk along the bank the weather was lovely and sunny although the wind was a little chilly, after a lovely afternoon fishing and reading we both got ready to go to the pub for our meal, the food was really lovely we both enjoyed it and will definitely visit again, back to the boat I topped up the electric it had had £0.49 on when we arrived and as the batteries had done all the work bringing us here that was soon depleted

On board for a couple hours TV and reading and so to bed.


Day 4


We woke after a great nights sleep this bed is really comfy and bigger then usual boat beds, had breakfast and deciding where to go we left mooring about 9:30 and here we had a small problem the bow thruster refused to work and so a bit more manoeuvre was required to extract us from our spot without disturbing the boat behind ( 2 things here we think engineer on boat when we arrived was doing something with bow thrusters and I think I read a review here from someone on Silent who also had issues )

Anyway off we head and think we will try to get into Ranworth again a very slow electric glide back up the Bure  so peaceful not much other river traffic and apart from the early noise from the A 47 peaceful.

We didn’t see much wildlife on the way and arrived at Malthouse Broad around Midday having dawdled around we were indicated there was a spot down the side so we headed in made quite a show with the people already moored as she came in totally quiet people gathered around to ask about it and have a look inside all very impressed as we were anyway.

Weather a little chilly overcast but dry so we headed off for a walk up to the nature trail

nice and peaceful walk and when heading back decide to have a pint in the maltsters sat outside although it was quite chilly for me , back on the boat the fishing gear came out,

I must just say apparently the fishing has been quite bad nothing much caught and at Stokesby he fished quite a time and did not have one bite , but on the return journey up the Bure we saw several dead fish Pike Roach and perch.

Decided to order a curry for tonight from Acle spice the delivery to the boat and it is usually delicious, and it was we always over order so we can have another meal the next day saves cooking and we enjoy it.

Early night as we are both tired and surprisingly there are still free moorings here.


Day 5


Up quite early and fishing starts we have our breakfast and fill up with water decide to take another walk before we head off and we follow the walk we saw Dave on Silver Cloud do on one of his videos it was lovely enjoyed it and will do that again only about 40 mins but away from roads and glimpses of south Walsham inner broad.

Heading off around 11 am there were hardly any boats left on the moorings we are going to How Hill today not far we know but we were on shore power all night and batteries showing 100% again Bow thruster failed on leaving slow cruise back down Bure and I take helm so all the top can be lowered ready for the bridge the idea for How Hill is that tomorrow we want a really early start to go up the Ant on the electric so very very quiet to see what wildlife is up and about.


Ludham bridge marker showing 8 foot 6 we need 8 foot 2 take it nice and slow from inner helm and clear with at least 6 inches to spare if not more , when we get to How Hill the corner mooring opposite the windmill is free so that’s where we go.

Time for another walk and some more fishing weather ok showers and some sun a little warmer than yesterday , early dinner left over curry sat up top watching sun set and then to bed theses broad days are so tiring.


Day 6


After an early night we are up and ready to cast off just after 6  obviously everyone else still tucked up in bed but we are so quiet I really do not think we disturbed anyone off we go at about 1.2 miles and hour up top I need my coat as it’s a bit chilly but stunning sadly wildlife we hoped to see are all also having a lie in.

We arrive at Wayford Bridge just before 9 turn around and head back the way we came destination Ranworth again it’s his favourite place I think that and South Walsham I’m lucky that this time I’ve been to Stokesby and How Hill.

Again we get moored straight away but on the right of the dingy dyke a little later someone moves out from the side a we quickly take the spot again bow thruster fails once moored we go for another walk and then a pub lunch not the greatest food for us but ok and better than cooking .

More late afternoon fishing and I sit up top it’s quite warm the sun is out and we are both content , light supper onboard a bit of TV then into bed to read a bit before lights out.


Day 7


Our final full day and it’s raining again we need some food for tonight’s dinner or a mooring with food so trying to decide where to go , we think we will go to Wroxham to shop then back out to Salhouse to moor leaving us a pleasant cruise tomorrow back to the yard.

We set of up top as rain has stopped but it soon stars again and we head inside as it’s quite heavy going along we have a change of plan and decide to shop in Horning than head back to South Walsham surprise surprise!

All Staithe moorings busy but the mooring in front of river trip boat is free it is now pouring with rain so we quickly moor up and I head off to the butchers get some chops for dinner and some bits for lunch soon back to the boat still heavy rain as we leave from the inside helm just past the Ferry Inn Mick spots an otter but I miss it dam !


Once past Horning the rain stops so we head back up to and enjoy a slow cruise to fleet dyke we arrive around 1 pm and it’s completely empty on the first corner moorings so we pick our spot and head in ,weather nice now sun out and reasonably warm fishing gear out and I head off for a walk I go down to the other moorings and there are space there too have a chat to a couple of boaters then head back past our mooring on up to the main river lovely walk and back on the boat I sit up top first time I have taken hoodie off all week.

Sad as it is I need to start packing up which really does not take long we have toned down how much we bring these days so we are all sorted and have a final meal onboard and then a bit of TV before we turn in.


Day 8


Up early and a quick tea and coffee and we set off we arrive at Boatyard around 7:30 there is 1 space left which we squeeze into get the car and start loading up whilst coming along I took the helm while the fishing gear was cleared away and the decks cleaned

Once car is loaded we finish cleaning the boat and are ready to leave around 8:30

Into the office to return life vests and keys report issue with bow thruster and leak in bedroom window then we set off pop into Wroxham to buy Micks dad some Cromer crabs then head back to Essex to see him and finally set of from there around 12:30 to drive back to Padstow nightmare journey took over 7 hours did not arrive home until after 8 pm.


Having said that we have already booked same boat for 2 more weeks next year June and September we really liked her almost almost perfect for us planning to go south in June a first for us to cross Brendon together.

I have photos but no idea how they get from camera to blog !








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Hi Susan,

I load my photos onto my laptop first and then use the 'choose files' link below to select them. I have had problems loading them once or twice, so nowadays I usually edit the photos I want to post to re-size them. 

Lovely tale by the way. 


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Yes Jean it is quite a drive , we always knew it would be but we love the broads so will continue to come back for the foreseeable future.

Padstow is beautiful we really love it here


I don’t have a laptop only my I pad

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On 17/10/2019 at 10:51, snunn said:

I will try this time to make the tale a little less boring but I cannot promise!

I have photos but no idea how they get from camera to blog !


Sorry Susan but for me, photos make up 75% of someone's holiday blog!







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1 hour ago, snunn said:

If you can just tell me how I get them from my camera to my I pad I would be happy to share not that I suspect they are very good


Are we talking stand alone camera with a sd card? If so then the simply way would be something as in the link below, if however it is your phone camera then email them to yourself first then use the pictures from there.


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4 hours ago, snunn said:

Couldn’t agree more love seeing the photos

if you can just tell me how I get them from my camera to my I pad I would be happy to share not that I suspect they are very good


If your camera has an SD card, you can get a simple device that transfers data from the card direct into an iPad, iPhone or iPod. I will try and find a link. I use one and it is very straightforward. 

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2 hours ago, vanessan said:

Hopefully this is it


The item posted earlier by OBB is a heck of a lot cheaper as long as it is ‘kosher’. Maybe someone uses one and can recommend it?

At that price it has to be worth trying, being a simple card reader and a length of cable with a plug on the end it can`t damage anything. All `kosher` Apple gear comes with a high price.

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Problem with Ipad's is, you have to have the correct model to be able to download from anything lightning connected.

I have one supplied in my role as a director of a local housing ALMO. Darned thing is a pain in the proverbial, easiest way to get anything photo or document on it, is to Email it to myself and then download it.



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1 hour ago, FairTmiddlin said:

Problem with Ipad's is, you have to have the correct model to be able to download from anything lightning connected.

I have one supplied in my role as a director of a local housing ALMO. Darned thing is a pain in the proverbial, easiest way to get anything photo or document on it, is to Email it to myself and then download it.



How do you tell what is the ‘correct’ model? Or are you referring to the pre-lightning iPads?

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9 hours ago, vanessan said:

easiest way to get anything photo or document on it, is to Email it to myself and then download it.

I owned one for a couple of days before getting rid. The only socket was the power one, no USB socket so uploading or downloading very difficult. But some people love them. Bit like Marmite I suppose. 

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