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7 minutes ago, psychicsurveyor said:

Another selfie, two in a week. :default_rofl:

My thoughts are, if I keep posting pictures of these hunks nobody has to witness the true horror of the real ugly mug of JF

30 minutes ago, YnysMon said:

Well most people would be sick of them by Christmas, you obviously have a digestion system that’s just perfectly tuned to Christmas. Lucky you!

Sick of them??? :default_eusa_naughty: 

If my digestive system can handle the 30 kegs of mighty fine Stella (and other fine lagers) I chuck at it every day, a box or two of mince pies is the least of its worries :default_biggrin:

Anyway it's Christmas, best open another keg.... :default_norty:

:default_xmas2: :default_beerchug: :default_xmas2:

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I reckon there are loads of people who have Christmas early for one reason or another. Maybe visitors from abroad or family who have to get together in advance or miss out. At least they can enjoy Christmas food and that’s the reason for the early sell-by dates. Simples! Whilst I can never get right in the Christmas spirit too early myself, I can’t say the commercialism bothers me too much, I just ignore it all until I feel the time is right. (I do like M&S luxury hot cross buns all year round and mince pies too though.) It’s a tricky world out there now in the business world, dog eat dog and all that (horrible expression!) so it’s a free for all. I can understand why Christmas comes early in the shops now but nobody is forced to participate after all. 
One thing that does annoy me is that birthday and other greetings cards all seem to take a back seat when Christmas cards appear. If you need a birthday card for November or December, better buy it in September or there’s hardly any choice available. I get caught out every year! 

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I was only planning on getting a couple of presents last weekend but it was one of those days where I just saw things and thought perfect and before I knew it, I’d got through the list. I was therefore in the zone and got it all wrapped too. Never been this organised before in my life! 

I agree with the cards Vanessa. I needed a load of birthday cards and a leaving card and had to go right to the back of the shop with not a lot to choose from. 


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I was more talking about buying food in the weekend before christmas, only to find the use by date on the turkeys was the 24th, when I dont have time to shop during the week (not that I could eat a whole turkey anyway so I usually get a turkey breast joint and a beef joint )

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My husband's birthday is December 27th and it's always been difficult to get a decent card for him because of  Christmas cards taking priority in shops. What I do find though is that if you use smaller card shops rather than the big chains  such as Clinton ,  you often can get  a better choice. We have an excellent card shop in the small fenland town where we live and  I usually manage to get just the right  thing there and at a better price too.

 Christmas preparations  start the first week in October here as our little town is quite famous in East Anglia for it's spectacular street decorations  and they start putting them up the first weekend in October. They are truly amazing and all done by volunteers and paid for by donations. The switching - on ceremony is a big day of celebration The high street is closed to traffic from early on the first Saturday in December and a huge funfair is erected which goes on till late. A  minor celebrity is drafted in to do the honours at dusk and a great day of fun is enjoyed by all.






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16 minutes ago, Smoggy said:

Roll on 27th december......

Ever the happy optimist that I am, I'll attempt to raise your Christmas spirit Ebenezer..... Yay, 27th December.

National Fruitcake Day (No not me silly)

Mr Addicted's Birthday with a card from (go in I'll say it for Carole) Card Warehouse :default_wink:

And just 364 more days until Christmas Day 2020.

You're all so very welcome people 


:default_xmas2: :default_xmas3: :default_xmas2:

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Just One More Day Until The Unofficial Official Start Of Christmas.

Yes tomorrow night the John Lewis Christmas ad will be aired which means Christmas has arrived and nobody can say otherwise :default_xmas2:


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8 minutes ago, Jayfire said:

Grrr Malcolm :default_eusa_naughty:

I will have each and every one of you celebrating the November Christmas festivities before I'm done



Oh, no you won’t!!!! 😉😉

What with Christmas (oh no, I’ve written it!)😖😖, Brexit and the bl00dy election, I personally can’t wait for next year.  Roll on 29th March, when the clocks ‘spring’ forward and the dreariness of winter ends.  

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42 minutes ago, grendel said:


easter bunny.jpg

I can live with Easter.  Although commercialised, it’s nothing like as bad as Christmas.  And don’t start me on Black Friday.  How many weeks does a Black Friday sale need to last??  Another American idea that we Brits seem to have jumped on and another con! 
Let’s get Brexit out of the way and we can celebrate Thanksgiving and 4th July with our American partners!!😉😁

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3 hours ago, Mouldy said:

Oh, no you won’t!!!! 😉😉

What with Christmas (oh no, I’ve written it!)😖😖

Oh come on now Malcolm don't be that grumpy Grinch :default_biggrin: 

You're just focusing on the wrong things like so many. What about that Christmas spirit, eating till you burst, drinking one too many shandy's, being surrounded by loved ones laughing and joking, the lights and decorations in houses and streets, and a certain fat man dressed in red :default_xmas2:

It's not commercialised if you don't allow it to be, it's everything that you make it to be.


Right, where's me mince pie :default_xmas3:

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