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Job, Anyone?

Hockham Admiral

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Great credit to you for the manner in which you deal with some of the negative comments directed at the BA.

Professional and informative as always

Hi all,
We receive a very high number of applications for all of our Ranger roles and this unfortunately means there's often a lot of disappointed people on the other end.
This isn't a 'box-ticking exercise' - the recruitment process is transparent and the same as all of our roles.
Despite the number of applications please don't be put off applying if you feel you meet the job description!

Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app

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I like the NBN but reading other forum posts I'm afraid to be gunned down just for saying something simple, but something in the past has annoyed me with this topic. Many years ago a managers job came up for a firm I was working for and basically it was given to an assistant manager in the firm, but they had to follow protocol and advertise the position.

What angered me was the people who had taken time to answer to the position, possibly with no job at the time and not knowing that the position was already taken.


I hope the Broads Authority don't do this type of thing, as it's an insult to all applicants.

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1 hour ago, Upcycler said:

I like the NBN but reading other forum posts I'm afraid to be gunned down just for saying something simple,

Don't ever be afraid to post something in case someone disagrees with it, your opinion is as valuble as anyone's, just don't take it hard when someone gets on their high horse as it's usually down to the way things come across in text.

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1 hour ago, Upcycler said:

I like the NBN but reading other forum posts I'm afraid to be gunned down just for saying something simple, but something in the past has annoyed me with this topic. Many years ago a managers job came up for a firm I was working for and basically it was given to an assistant manager in the firm, but they had to follow protocol and advertise the position.

What angered me was the people who had taken time to answer to the position, possibly with no job at the time and not knowing that the position was already taken.


I hope the Broads Authority don't do this type of thing, as it's an insult to all applicants.

That reminds me of when i went for a job at Virgin Airlines as a cabin tech. I did the interview, and gave a true and frank view of myself, my attitude to things etc, and went home. I then received a letter saying i was unsuccessful at that interview, but was asked to re-apply in 6 months time. It turned out the position had already been filled internally, but they wanted people to apply so they  had an idea who would be suitable for what positions and could offer them a suitable position in the future.  I never did re-apply, the journey back from Heathrow to North Kent on the M25 was horrendous, so i decided against it.

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I must say that being on several interview panels has changed my perspective, and I should add that I’m not personally good at being interviewed. Afterwards, my normal reaction is to feel sore about not getting the job. 
I used to think interview panels were trying to catch candidates out, but all the panels I’ve been on have wanted people to show the best of themselves, and we have tried our best to give people the opportunity to do so. We have quite strict guidelines on judging all candidates against the same criteria, the ‘person spec’. The last interview panel I chaired we interviewed six people from a field of 38 candidates, so shortlisting wasn’t easy to start with. We ended up with three people we would like to have appointed but, of course, there was only one job to offer. The only thing we could do for the ‘runners up’ was to encourage them to apply for other jobs with the organisation. I phoned up each to give feedback and encouragement.
It’s also very agonising to interview good potential candidates who are so nervous that they completely clam up. I’ve been on both sides of that equation.

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12 hours ago, Upcycler said:

I like the NBN but reading other forum posts I'm afraid to be gunned down just for saying something simple, but something in the past has annoyed me with this topic. Many years ago a managers job came up for a firm I was working for and basically it was given to an assistant manager in the firm, but they had to follow protocol and advertise the position.

What angered me was the people who had taken time to answer to the position, possibly with no job at the time and not knowing that the position was already taken.


I hope the Broads Authority don't do this type of thing, as it's an insult to all applicants.

I think you'll find this happens at most big companies when they are recruiting for an established role.


I do agree it is despicable though :(

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In situations such as described above my company restrict the applications to internal applicants only, where there is an advancement post available and we have staff who are qualified, this restricts the interview pool to the people in the company who want to shift roles around or advance up to the next stage.

we are always seeking to recruit design engineers as there seems to be a general shortage of these everywhere, so we are happy to recruit graduates and then train them up through the ranks, since I joined the company one of the designers who was already here when I started has progressed up through senior designer and is now the design manager, quite a step up in just 6 years

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17 hours ago, Upcycler said:

I like the NBN but reading other forum posts I'm afraid to be gunned down just for saying something simple, but something in the past has annoyed me with this topic. Many years ago a managers job came up for a firm I was working for and basically it was given to an assistant manager in the firm, but they had to follow protocol and advertise the position.

What angered me was the people who had taken time to answer to the position, possibly with no job at the time and not knowing that the position was already taken.


I hope the Broads Authority don't do this type of thing, as it's an insult to all applicants.

It's widely thought to be common practice, especially within the public services so I don't suppose the BA is any more guilty than anyone else. I agree, it's a despicable practice, especially as it gives false hope to good, decent people who are often desperate to find a job. 

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