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Clocks Going Forward


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Guest Jayfire

I was talking to my mate and he said, "Don't forget the clocks go forward this weekend."

I replied, "They go forward all the time, you clown!"

Edited by Jayfire
Oops, better put it in the jokes thread
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Guest Jayfire
1 hour ago, Roy said:

all it does is messes everybody’s body clocks around

So I need to change that one too?

Dang it I thought I'd done them all already:facepalm:

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Another early 20th century practice that should be ditched in my view, along with bank holidays (no banks any more), the daily commute and the fixed toll season for boats.  As things stand, I leave around half my clocks - the ones "embedded" in phones, and other electrical equipment -  permanently on BST as it is too much trouble to keep changing them. 

I was under the impression that the EU was looking to do away with clock adjustments some time soon. Perhaps we should do the same.


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1 hour ago, SteveO said:

should be ditched in my view, along with bank holidays (no banks any more),

I hope you mean just ditch the name of bank holidays, not the lovely days off work. 
Personally, I couldn’t care less what they are called. It’s the day off I care about.

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2 hours ago, YnysMon said:

I hope you mean just ditch the name of bank holidays, not the lovely days off work. 
Personally, I couldn’t care less what they are called. It’s the day off I care about.

The days should be added to people's holiday allowances to be used at the individual's discretion. I just think it is crazy that people all turn out on the same day for a bank holiday weekend. The weather is often rubbish, the transport system can't cope, there is nowhere to park when you get there and the pubs are heaving. What's the point?

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None really but it does put us all in it together.

Some of the bank holidays on the rivers make for an interesting time, especially the late May one.

Probably the busiest stretch of water way I ever saw was one year along St Benets straight.  We were cruising up river with a mate on the helm, we rounded the slight bend, a mate was on the helm, it looked like chaos with hardly any oggin on view.

He took one look at all the craft in front of us including many rag-n-sticks and declared he needed the heads, handing over to me (Lying swine didn't of course)

Gentle calm easy cruising through to Ranworth dam it certainly wasn't


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I like having the bank holidays too. If there are two of you working (or even four or more if you have adult children living at home) it means you can have a nice family day out without having to negotiate the leave. Unless you work in retail that is. 

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