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Parks For Kids Riverside Or Close By


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Hi everyone I read many a thread but never speak I’m just after some help please I’m coming back to the broads again in October on commander 7 from Rico’s with 8ft6” air draft is there many parks or good night walks I can take the kids please I know stokesby at the ferry inn acle bridge has got 1 and beccles yacht station has a park just wondering if people can recommend more night walks and parks many thanks for reading Scott 

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9 minutes ago, YnysMon said:

There's a park in the field next to The Lion at Thurne.

+1 for this - great play park in a large field, plenty of room for kids to let off steam.

There's also a good park at Oulton Broad.  

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Hi Scot There's the waverny river centra which also has a indoor pool, you say night time walks you haven't given details along roads, foot paths or river banks how old are the children?? there are several leisure/theam parks depends how far you want to walk. there are many pleasant country road walks from most moorings suggest a ordnance survey 2" to the mile map as a good starting point. John

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26 minutes ago, annv said:

Hi Scot There's the waverny river centra which also has a indoor pool, you say night time walks you haven't given details along roads, foot paths or river banks how old are the children?? there are several leisure/theam parks depends how far you want to walk. there are many pleasant country road walks from most moorings suggest a ordnance survey 2" to the mile map as a good starting point. John

Thanks annv sorry try and keep kids away from roads don’t mind crossing them en route kids are 14yrs 9yrs 6yrs and 4yrs but my youngest has additional needs so possibly bring his harness to strap around me so I can carry him but he loves being outdoors so these type of holidays keep him relaxed thanks scott

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9 hours ago, CambridgeCabby said:

Don’t forget , you can moor up at Acle and get the bus into Great Yarmouth where there is almost too much for the children 

Its a long walk to the Bus Stop in Acle probably 20 minutes each way & the bus from Acle Bridge is very limited.

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19 hours ago, CambridgeCabby said:

Also there is a play area on the village recreation ground at Horning which is 10mins walk from the village staithe 

There are steps opposite the Chinese take away leading up to the Horning playing fields, the fenced off area with swings and slides is very well maintained and the younger ones should enjoy, plenty of space for a kick around with a ball too.

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I faced the same challenge two years ago when my toddler had just discovered to joys of play parks. Here is everyone that I have learned of with a brief note if we have actually been there:



Dilham - estimated 7 minute walk from the staithe (not visited yet) 

Ludham Bridge - 40 minutes walk into Ludham along main road (not my idea of fun - easier to Moor at Womack Water) 


Wroxham - estimated 15 mins walk at Hoveton Village Hall (not visited yet) 

Salhouse Broad - by moorings (not visited yet) 

Horning - by Village Hall (we moored by Horning TFI and walked the 15 minutes in - lovely park and playing field) 

Acle - for patrons of the pub

Stokesby - by moorings (not visited yet) 


Hickling dyke (you won't get here but for completeness...) _ estimated 5 mins walk (not yet visited) 

Potter Heigham - estimated 10 min walk South to Church Road, Repps (has a playing field but park is a bit basic) 

Womack Water/ Ludham Village - estimated 10 min walk to Catfield Road (not yet visited) 

Thurne dyke - by pub (not yet visited) 


London staithe - choice of two: estimated 10 min walk to Pits Lane (away from village) / estimated 10 min walk to Kitten Lane (through London, not been but I think it has a skate park and playing field)

Pyes Mill - estimated up to 20 min walk to London staithe (see above) 


Beccles - North side of yacht station, excellent

Waveney River Centre - lots in this complex, park was okay

Oulton Broad - Nicholas Everitt Park has one (not been yet) plus a field and crazy golf


Whitlingham Country Park - play area at Eastern end (not visited yet) 


Those are all the ones I know of. If you need any help finding any if them, let me know. I don't know about the one at Rockland - can't see it on satellite map. 

Hope that helps. If anyone knows of any others, please do let me know! 

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