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8 Rescued River Bure Last Night


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4 minutes ago, Hylander said:

I for some reason cannot open your link.    As this boat was wild moored I would think, because if at the Church mooring they could have got off the boat,  may be it was a tree root that caused the damage.

It's not a link. It's a saved web page.


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7 minutes ago, Hylander said:

I for some reason cannot open your link.    As this boat was wild moored I would think, because if at the Church mooring they could have got off the boat,  may be it was a tree root that caused the damage.

Here's the link to the article on the EDP website. It says nothing about where, or even if the boat was moored. Probably best to keep referring back to the EDP website and see if any further facts get updated. I sense the mods fingers on the button. I have lots of questions in my own mind, but lets wait until more facts are revealed. At this moment I don't think we even know what type of boat it was. Day, picnic, hire private etc.

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As being reported this morning. (I've not included photos).

Eight people, including a 92-year-old woman, were rescued from a sinking boat on the River Bure last night. Hemsby Broads Rescue were called at 6pm on Sunday, October 3, to attend to a sinking vessel near Belaugh. When on scene, alongside Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service, the rescue crew were faced with a boat already 75pc under water, with passengers huddled together on the part which was not submerged. Two of the people on board were half in the water due to the restricted space. All eight passengers were rescued and transported back to the shore where coastguard teams were on hand for immediate aid.

Those involved were handed over to the ambulance service for further assessment. Daniel Hurd, the Coxswain of Hemsby Lifeboat, said: “This was a professional and well executed joint operation, our thanks to the fire service who were also instrumental along with the coastguard and ambulance service in this joint services rescue. “I have no doubt that if it wasn’t for the joint effort of the emergency services involved this could have ended badly for the casualties.”

What a dreadful experience, I'm so glad that everyone is safe.

(Hope I've kept to the TOS?)


Edited by CeePee1952
added a line
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1 hour ago, Meantime said:

Here's the link to the article on the EDP website. It says nothing about where, or even if the boat was moored. Probably best to keep referring back to the EDP website and see if any further facts get updated. I sense the mods fingers on the button. I have lots of questions in my own mind, but lets wait until more facts are revealed. At this moment I don't think we even know what type of boat it was. Day, picnic, hire private etc.

I am not sure you should suggest that the EDP deals in facts..... :-)


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1 hour ago, TheQ said:

Looking at the hydrographic survey they were unlucky not the have the boat settle with the roof entirely above the water, likely to be down river of Belaugh as the river is deeper..

It says 75% of boat submerged and occupants huddled on part not submerged apart from 2 partially in water so that would suggest it was sitting on the bottom.


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1 hour ago, rightsaidfred said:

It says 75% of boat submerged and occupants huddled on part not submerged apart from 2 partially in water so that would suggest it was sitting on the bottom.


Which is what I was saying .. the depth at Belaugh on the hydrographic survey is 1.5 to 2M that would put the roof of any broads hire boat above the waterline, and the roof of an 8 berth Hire boat is huge.. So they were very unlucky to find a bit deep enough to sink below the roof line on most of the boat.

The river's not that wide there either, so they must have been right in the middle..

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1 minute ago, TheQ said:

broads hire boat above the waterline, and the roof of an 8 berth Hire boat is huge..

That's off course assuming it was a hire boat! Was it a picnic day boat? Was it a private boat. The EDP describes them as passengers and doesn't mention a hire boat.

The main thing is they are safe, I'm sure the facts will come out in the fullness of time.

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18 minutes ago, Meantime said:

That's off course assuming it was a hire boat! Was it a picnic day boat? Was it a private boat. The EDP describes them as passengers and doesn't mention a hire boat.

The main thing is they are safe, I'm sure the facts will come out in the fullness of time.

6PM would of course be very late for a hire boat,  most require would require you to be back at base by then at this time of year if a day boat ..

A picnic boat would still have it's roof above the water line, there's standing headroom inside plus the v of the hull beneath the passengers feet. if the boat tilted then that would lever up one side..

If it was a private boat, for 8 to be comfortable on board it should still be big enough for all to sit on the roof.  you would have thought the owner should have enough experience to head for the bank at the first sign of trouble.. it takes time for a boat to sink that far..

It would have to catastrophic hull failure to have started taking in that amount of water and not be able to head for the bank. The only thing I can think of is impacting the hull  on a stake or Big tree stump. which would mean they were close to the bank anyway..


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A, I wonder why the passing boat couldn't go alongside and take them off, that's what I would have done, though getting the older person off might have been a problem..

B I'm guessing that bit of bank is trees / nettles  / reeds and they couldn't see a way to go ashore..

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I would imagine it's Already been refloated Andrew. Probably sitting on the hard by now. You'd be surprised how quickly the yards repair the boats. Vaughan posted a very interesting piece about one of his yards hire boats that got sunk in france. But the best was Clives post re the damage to one of his challengers and bolero both very badly damaged at Yarmouth. 

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50 minutes ago, andyg said:

I would imagine it's Already been refloated Andrew. Probably sitting on the hard by now. You'd be surprised how quickly the yards repair the boats.

I must have missed it, but I cannot for the life of me see anywhere that has described the boat that sunk. So it still could be a large boat, a day boat, a picnic boat, hire or private, unless someone knows better. There's been no new updates on Faceache or the EDP website, so why assume!

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