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Had an arguement with an angle grinder tuesday so off to A&E. Three hours later out with an appointment for the thursday to have the op.

Thursday all stitched up and ready to face the world again, well in a sling but nearly ready.

What can I say about NNUH except thank you so much for an efficient and friendly interaction. When needed the NHS is brilliant pity this

government think otherwise!

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3 hours ago, Smoggy said:

Grinders don't take prisoners.

An angle grinder is the most dangerous power tool I have ever used, and we use a lot of them on boatyards, with a disc sanding pad, to dress up the hole in a damaged hull before glassing it up and repairing it.

I once had one get caught in the corner of a hole, flew out of my hands, hit me in the face and then walked across the back of my hand before landing at my feet, still running and still attacking me.  I was standing inside the bow of the boat at the time, in the chain locker, with no escape from the thing.  They have no kind of safety catch or grip, so when they are turned on, they stay on!

Luckily I was wearing an ex Army gas mask as a dust shield, so my face was protected from mutilation.  As I type this I can see the scars in my hand, which needed nine stitches. Although I was wearing leather welder's gloves.

Be very, very careful, when using DIY angle grinders.

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I use an angle grinder with a diamond blade hundreds of times daily and have done for the past twenty three years. Then also on boats, cars and other stuff with various blades / discs

Mine is a ‘Paddlemaster’ which essentially means as soon as you let go of it or move your trigger hand it stops automatically 

The most dangerous power tool imho is a cross cut or circular bed saw, and I’ve used them plenty too



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My grinder needs hand pressure to operate so as soon as one releases this it slows and stops. My stupid fault to let my other hand wander near it whilst stopping. Lesson learned. The chap who stiched me up said most injuries caused by circular saws and lawnmowers, oh and the lawnmower season is just beginning he said. On that cheery note will say goodnight.

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5 hours ago, Vaughan said:

An angle grinder is the most dangerous power tool I have ever used,

Get yerself a chainsaw and have some proper fun, I tend to wear proper health and safety shorts t-shirt and deck shoes for the job, you can't be too careful... :default_blink:

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12 hours ago, Smoggy said:

Get yerself a chainsaw and have some proper fun, I tend to wear proper health and safety shorts t-shirt and deck shoes for the job, you can't be too careful... :default_blink:

Absolutely sounds like you know what you are doing.:default_dunce:

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Did a bit of a time and motion study with a contractor on an overgrown communal garden and joked that perhaps we should consider an Allen Scythe. He didn’t laugh but carried on saying it would be the best thing for the job but they’d stopped using them years ago because of H&S rules. I see the modern equivalent is still available and I guess with balloon tyres is what’s needed for reed cutting etc.

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all I will say here is, dont cut a 20 foot steel pole that is vertical with a 2.5kW  9" grinder, when you finally cut through the weight of the pole drops onto the grinder disc, at this point the disc stops (the grinder and passenger hanging onto it carried on going, 4 times round the pole). luckily my dad was hanging onto the pole so that didnt land on me too.

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56 minutes ago, grendel said:

all I will say here is, dont cut a 20 foot steel pole that is vertical with a 2.5kW  9" grinder, when you finally cut through the weight of the pole drops onto the grinder disc, at this point the disc stops (the grinder and passenger hanging onto it carried on going, 4 times round the pole). luckily my dad was hanging onto the pole so that didnt land on me too.

I know I shouldn't, but am I allowed to laugh? :default_icon_twisted:

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16 hours ago, grendel said:

all I will say here is, dont cut a 20 foot steel pole that is vertical with a 2.5kW  9" grinder, when you finally cut through the weight of the pole drops onto the grinder disc, at this point the disc stops (the grinder and passenger hanging onto it carried on going, 4 times round the pole). luckily my dad was hanging onto the pole so that didnt land on me too.

Brings a totally different meaning to dancing round the maypole.

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Whilst there is no denying that perhaps in this case, the satisfaction of the treatment was first class, what is much more worrying is that quite clearly in some areas they just do not have a clue whats even going on!!!!

A friend of mine, who has had a serious gynecological problem for over 5 years, and I mean serious as it affected radically her day to day life, has just had a letter saying that there is no possibility of her even getting an appointment as a result of her numerous referrals over the years as there are just no appointments available in the gynecological department whatsoever. Not quite true as she had already seen a consultant some 9 mths ago who explained the wait for an operation could be a least 3 years!

Funny that if it was still not entirely true - some 4 months ago she just rang on the off chance the Dept to question her progress on the list, who when pressed, asked if she would take a cancellation? Of course was the reply - well could you come in for op on Thursday?

Done and dusted that week, and very successful it was  as well - she was on the table for nearly 3 hours putting right some previous botched repairs and is now on her way to full recovery. Funny the Department have no record of it despite it being done by one of the Depts senior consultants!!

Someone else was referred for a straight forward scan on her upper back- oh sorry  we currently have a backlog of over 6000 scans. "We are afraid it could take some time to catch up"

I have always had such faith in the NHS but its not money that is needed, but a complete change of culture - others  I know have always dealt with the NHS in the walk in hearing aid department - that of course is no more as you have to make an appointment. Don't ask to change the type of aid which is malfunctioning and cutting in and out -that decision now has to be discussed by a bl**dy Committee!

So don't get your hopes too high that any "ordinary" problem can be easily fixed!!!!:default_sad:

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I will not disagree with any of the above. I used to work in a hospital in the mid 70s when management were starting to take over. This has lead to the current situation of all chiefs and no indians. Was mentioned in one of the chats I had last week that yes there is a pyramid in the NHS, only problem is it is upside down. The NHS probably does not need more money as such just needs it directing to the right areas. And do not get me going on the subject of GPs and their love now of technology. Oh your leg is falling off, please send us a picture so a non medical person can look at it first whilst I look for my new clipboard. Cynical too damn right!

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yes, they dont understand that everyone (especially the elderly) dont have smart phones that can do video calls for diagnosis, it especially concerns me that they constantly send me texts containing links to this course to help your condition, or that course, when all I see in my sms message is a page full of garbage that is way too long to try and correctly type into a browser (and the main reason I dont do a smart phone is the screen is way to small to read, unless I am wearing my reading glasses (that i dont carry when out and about))

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