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Paying For Everything On The Broads


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Just finished our annual Southern Broads trip. Monday to Saturday in the best weather you can imagine. We’re sailing in an electric boat so have slightly different needs to others. 

Headlines. The Southern Rivers are absolutely marvellous in June if the weathers nice. Moorings are plentiful and of numerous kinds. There are many pubs with moorings - some still free. Plenty of places to charge up. 

What did we pay for? Norwich. Arrived at 7 to be told the facilities all closed at 8. Really disappointed with that. Surely a coded door on one loo could be provided? As a historic boat we put human waste straight into the river so there we would always use public loos when we can. 

At Loddon we paid for the loo and shower (Parish Council I assume) 20p for a p and £2.50 for a shower. Paid happily but noted they also shut at night. (The man who came to clean in the morning said he had cctv of a Bloke peeing outside. Had his car reg and he would be fined. (Hoped it didn’t cover me going in the river at 3am, but as I’ve said that just cuts out the middle man)

Felt a bit sorry for the bloke - needed the loo - found a public one. Shut for night. Used bushes. 

I do think that if you do pay you might expect basic services (a 24 hour loo specifically)

General points.  Broads in fine shape. Endless moaning about every single thing the BA does is mostly just moaning

Paying for things (paid £8 at Ferry Inn Stokesby very happily - moored right outside the pub) will become the norm. 
You pay for car parking don’t you? You’ve paid your Road tax haven’t you but you pay to park near the high street or at the hospital? Paying for things is how things get the money to survive. 
If the economy is screwed and the pubs can’t get enough staff I’d look to how you voted rather than blame the BA

I live on the northern broads and the situation here is pretty much that same - although the lack of pubs is a much greater problem. So if the pub charges you to moor I’d be a bit understanding. Lose two or three more and things would be seriously worse. 

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58 minutes ago, batrabill said:

You pay for car parking don’t you? You’ve paid your Road tax haven’t you but you pay to park near the high street or at the hospital? Paying for things is how things get the money to survive. 
If the economy is screwed and the pubs can’t get enough staff I’d look to how you voted rather than blame the BA

When I paid my road tax it didn't include free parking for years then get changed at short notice so that I felt betrayed, stitched up. With notice, I could decide whether or not the car was worth it before paying for another year.

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1 hour ago, batrabill said:


You pay for car parking don’t you? You’ve paid your Road tax haven’t you but you pay to park near the high street or at the hospital? Paying for things is how things get the money to survive. 
If the economy is screwed and the pubs can’t get enough staff I’d look to how you voted rather than blame the BA


Vehicle tax is just another  tax payable to the government, its nothing to do with parking or whoever provides it.




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You paid before at Yarmouth and Norwich, as the old joke goes, “we’ve established the principle, now we’re just haggling over the price.”

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37 minutes ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

Do they charge for toilets now at Loddon.Not so start of the year.

They’ve been totally refurbed. Very nice, very clean. Access by Apple Pay or card. 

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17 minutes ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

So how much to depend a penny,

Gents toilets at Looe in Cornwall are 20p to access, even if you just want a jimmy riddle!  Stand up, no paper used and cold water at the basins (I suppose I should be grateful for that).  It’s pretty much the same everywhere now.

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Seeing a trend here? Government cut the money going to councils. Everyone sought savings. North Norfolk decided they didn’t have to collect boat waste, and left a vacuum that had to be filled by the hire companies, and through the goodwill of Parish Councils like Ludham who have a boat waste bin. 

I’m afraid that the BA are just joining in the trend, but never forget they were charging before, so the principle was established. It will end up, in my view, with. £10 charge everywhere. It’s not desirable,  it its also not the end of days, which the reaction of a few would suggest it is. 

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All trueLoddon is a small village  with at present BA 24 hour free moorings. In my opinion  attact people to visit.I don't have a problem  paying for showers .I don't agree with loos there changing. Looe other tourists areas which are much larger then Loddon .Which has far more choice. Loddon has a selection of  shops and three / four pubs.If Reedham charges for moorings  it cutsdown choice.Pubs.Many of which now charge for moorings  some with Electric costing £25 per night and not reduced  if you eat there.They lose money I would  often spend £100 for meals and drink.Not any longer. I do think there are worrying signs for the future  of yhe broads.I hope I'm wrong.

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2 hours ago, batrabill said:

 As a historic boat we put human waste straight into the river...

I'm always willing to learn, so where does the exemption for 'historic boats' from putting human waste into the Broads come from? Nothing in the extant byelaws give such an exemption.

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1 minute ago, Paladin said:

I'm always willing to learn, so where does the exemption for 'historic boats' from putting human waste into the Broads come from? Nothing in the extant byelaws give such an exemption.

No idea. 

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12 minutes ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

All trueLoddon is a small village  with at present BA 24 hour free moorings. In my opinion  attact people to visit.I don't have a problem  paying for showers .I don't agree with loos there changing. Looe other tourists areas which are much larger then Loddon .Which has far more choice. Loddon has a selection of  shops and three / four pubs.If Reedham charges for moorings  it cutsdown choice.Pubs.Many of which now charge for moorings  some with Electric costing £25 per night and not reduced  if you eat there.They lose money I would  often spend £100 for meals and drink.Not any longer. I do think there are worrying signs for the future  of yhe broads.I hope I'm wrong.

Ian, I have to agree to some extent with your post. May I challenge some of it. Over a pint would be good but not possible I'm afraid. Who cleans the toilet? A fairy? No, in some cases a local parishioner. Sadly lost in many of our local villages.

One question, which I really do not know the answer, who owns the pub? A local family anxious to supply a service to the village, to the holiday maker, or perhaps a distant company with far reaching ideals consistent with the  ambitions of young executives with little or no understanding of local concern.  

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46 minutes ago, batrabill said:

No idea. 

Really? So you discharge human waste into the Broads, and suggest you are exempt but can't substantiate that claim. Seem that you don't care, either, that you are causing such pollution (not as much as the water companies, but every little helps).

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Agree but up until early this year the loos and showers were cleaned by a company. Can't say which or Council. I just think in small places  such as Loddon there are few loos available. Many people  just want to spend  time by the river.As batrabill said.One person used the wall and not the loo.Hope that doesn't  become a norm.

Pubs.Now day most pubs are large groups.Some have no idea how to provide a good quality if food and drink.There are a number of very well ran pubs left on yhe River.We always go to the Whitehorse Chegrave.and have for  years.Simon has something  going on nearly every day.Vety much like yhe food drink,Simon  and his team.thats the best way of making pubs a success. Some pubs are slow in attracting customers.

There's no don't Covid  knocked the good drink and entertainment business for six.Many were layed many skilled workers  never returned. A great many pubs now provide  very boring food.

There menus not mine:

Pizza,beefburgers,chicken  burgers ,ribs.If your lucky Steak,scampi,dirty frys oh soup,probably  ready made 

Ice cream,cheesecake,pies,probably  brought in.

Okay I am a Chef.Pre lockdown there was more choice lots of well cooked home made food.I do hope things improve. 


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Not sure I see the funny side sorry. I lasted worked onbthev12 March 2020.we were called to a meeting  three days later and told we be paid £29;x 3 As I left that day There was going to be a decision   regarding  furlough  Our very clever Bosses (not) Didn't  know! Then they wanted to put me on sick pay,because I had COPD That would  have ruined me In the end two of us my friend  with Cancer got furlough. After pointless Zoom meeting  most caterers with furloughed then made redundant. ABOUT 16 Months later they tried to re employ those that left.That has happened  right across the business. I can't help getting  annoyed seeing so many striking. Some should try my business. 

Moan over (for now) 




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2 hours ago, Paladin said:

I'm always willing to learn, so where does the exemption for 'historic boats' from putting human waste into the Broads come from? Nothing in the extant byelaws give such an exemption.

I believe this is the relevant paragraph, but I understand the relevant document is well hidden nowadays


"11.18 Vessels manufactured prior to 16 June 1998 are not required to comply with that
part of paragraph 9.1 which requires that sanitation systems shall comply with the
requirements of BS MA 101."


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3 hours ago, Paladin said:

Really? So you discharge human waste into the Broads, and suggest you are exempt but can't substantiate that claim. Seem that you don't care, either, that you are causing such pollution (not as much as the water companies, but every little helps).

I believe it’s a EA rule nothing to do with the BA and if I remember right it’ only applies to yachts as they have limited space for a tank.  Oh and it’s not a requirement for the BSS. 

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